Why Dr. Gundry’s Diet Delivers Weight Loss for folks like Kelly Clarkson

March 11, 2018by Reena3


Read the Transcript Below the Questions and Highlights

Eating healthy, but still gaining weight and getting sick? Then this podcast is for you! Our speaker, renowned Dr. Gundry, is a cardiologist, heart surgeon, and a medical researcher. In his new book, The Plant Paradox, he reveals the results of his program over 10 years across thousands of patients and how it has helped patients with auto-immune, heart, cholesterol, cancer and other diseases. His experiments and research revealed that not all plants are good for us and in fact, some are downright toxic to our gut!


Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:



1. What inspired you to change your career and focus on diet as your instrument of choice? (01:52)

2. How many successes have you had? How many patients have succeeded with your protocols? (09:26)

3. What is the Plant Paradox and How are plants causing cholesterol, disease, and weight gain? (12:35)

– Plants are alive. “They do not want to be eaten”. The initial animals were insects, and the plants had a problem. Since they couldn’t run and hide, they use chemical warfare to make consumers sick or they would think twice to eat them
– The microbiome in your body educates your immune system
– The longer we’re eating a plant, the longer microbiomes have evolved. This microbiome educates your immune system whether the plant compounds are a threat or not.
– Before the average human height was 6 feet tall and the brain size was 15% bigger. 8000 years ago, 2000 years into agriculture, we have shrunk to 4’10”. Plants have diminished our size.

4. Which are the plants that we can eat without severely attacking us? (20:01)

5. What is the foundation of your program? (31:40)

– You’re not designed to eat certain food that you have not been exposed to such as grains, beans, potato, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, peanuts, cashews (part of poison ivy group).

6. What are your thoughts on rice and mung beans?(34:56)

– When cooking rice, the pressure cooker destroys the lectins in rice and beans.

7. What are the other aspects of your program? (42:48)

– Get Olive oil
– You are what you eat, but you are also what the thing you’re eating ate

8. Case Study: How have you healed Tony? (48:23)

9. What are some tips on how we can stick to the Plant Paradox diet program? (53:06)

– We were designed to eat like leaves, asparagus, broccoli, flowers. We are not designed to eat grass and especially corn.
– Psyllium husk is good for you.

Learn all the details in the book The Plant Paradox The Plant Paradox


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Why Dr. Gundry’s Diet Delivers Weight Loss for folks like Kelly Clarkson

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Why Dr. Gundry’s Diet Delivers Weight Loss for folks like Kelly Clarkson



This is auto-generated and may have mistakes. Please listen to the interview for accuracy.

[00:24] REENA JADHAV: Hi everyone welcome. Today’s episode is for those who eat healthy and yet can’t lose weight. They are still sick with high cholesterol or diabetes or skin issues and if you are one of those, if you have tried everything and nothing has worked then today’s guest doctor Gundry offers you hope and a plan but first get ready to be shocked and re-learn everything you know about healthy salads and healthy plans because apparently because they are not that healthy and neither is brown rice; and to tell us why is our special Doctor Gundry. He is a Yale educated, renowned cardiologist, a surgeon, a medical researcher and the best-selling author of two books including his latest ‘the plant paradox’. He is currently the director and founder of ‘The International Heart and Lung Institute’ as well as The Centre of Reparative Medicine’ in Palms Spring in Santa Barbara. What I admire most about him though is his passion and dedication to educating patients on how nutrition can heal them so the like what we do here at ‘Healer PDN Heal Circle’ and ‘The Live Longer’ podcast. To quote him, “My mission is to improve your health, happiness and longevity by making simple changes to your diet. So let’s start with you are a record holding surgeon and you are writing about how plants are attacking us and how healthy eating is at the root of help. What inspired you to change your career and focus on diet as your instrument of choice?

[1:58] DR GUNDRY: Well actually, it all goes back that I write in my first book, which was called, ‘Dr. Gundry’s Diet Revolution’. When I was chairman of heart surgery at Loma Linda University, a gentleman whom I call Big Ed who was from Miami, Florida sent to me for treatment of in-operatible coronary heart disease and there are surgeons around the country that people go to and they are told nothing can be done and I am one of those and so Big Ed was 48 years old. He was morbidly obese; he had such extensive coronary artery disease literally he couldn’t do stem cells and there wasn’t any by passes because there wasn’t any place to put those by passes and he was going around the country some of the major centers and this was about 6 months process and he eventually wound up on my door and I looked at the angiogram- the movement of his heart. And I said you know Big Ed I got to agree with everybody else and I don’t think I am going to do you any good and he said, “Well yeah that is what everybody says but here is the deal this has been going on for 6 months. I have gone on a diet and lost 45 pounds”. Now this is a big guy when he was talking he weighed 265 pounds and he said I went to a health store and I bought all of these supplements and maybe I did something in my heart. So I am going well you know good for you for losing weight but it does not much what happened to your blood vessels and I know what you did with all those supplements you made expensive urine. I used to love to say that and he said, “Come on I have come all this way would it hurt to get another angiogram?” and I said, “Ok let’s get one.” And well it turned out that in 6 months time, he had cleaned out half the blockages in his coronary arteries. I was pretty excited because as a surgeon there were now places that I could put by passes and I actually operated on him. I did a fiber by pass but if I knew what I know now, I wouldn’t have done that but after we were done I said, “Tell me about this diet”, and he starts describing what he was doing and in about two sentences into with this I raised my hand and said, “Oh my gosh time out”. It turns out that you mentioned I went to Yale undergraduate and back in those dark ages we could design our own majors for 4 years and my major was I had a thesis that ‘You could take a great ape and manipulate its food supply and manipulate it’s environment and prove that you would arrive at human being’. And I actually successfully defended my thesis. When he begun to say that about his diet I said wait a minute that’s my thesis from Yale so I actually called my parents from Santiago and said, “Do you still have my thesis?” and they said, “Oh yes it’s here in a shrine”, and well I said, “Send it up to me”. Because I was a big fat guy, I was obese, I was running 30 miles a week, I was going to the gym 1 hour every day and I was eating healthy low fat vegetarian diet in Malinda and I had high cholesterol, I had pre-diabetes. I had hypertension; I did baby heart transplants with migraine headaches, I had such bad arthritis on my knees that I was wearing bracelets on my knees when I was running.

[06:17] REENA JADHAV: And that was you.

[06:23] DR GUNDRY: That was me and I was told that it was genetic because my father was exactly the same way and there wasn’t anything I could do about it certainly with time and so the other thing I wanted I said let me see a bag of supplements and I started looking around to this bag of supplements. You mentioned that I hold a world record for the pig to baboon heart transplant but I am very famous for resuscitating a dead heart and transplanting then a couple of days later and having them work and I was putting an interesting concoction of things down the arteries and veins of the heart to resuscitate them and when I started looking through his list, the number of supplements that he was taking I was actually injecting them into the veins and arteries of this heart and it never occurred to me the swallow the damn things so I immediately put myself on this thesis and I started taking a large number of supplements and I lost 50 pounds on my first year, and subsequently another 20 pounds and I kept it off for around 15 years. I started sending my blood work initially to New York California Berkley and started noticing some rather dramatic things very quickly so I put my staff on this program and I put my patients that I operated on this program. Along the road their blood pressure normalized, their diabetes went away their arthritis went away. So after about a year of doing this at Malinda, I looked at myself in the mirror one Friday and said I shouldn’t really be operating very much anymore because I could teach people how to reverse disease by teaching them what to eat and so I actually resigned my position  and I set up an institution in Palm Springs where I basically said anybody wants to play and all I ask is every 3 months I get to send off a lot of blood work around the country and track what happens to you and other people when we change things in your diet and change supplements that we tell you to get it Cusco or Trader Joe or Amazon. So that is what started all this so it actually had its genesis in my research at Yale university many…many years ago.

[09:26] REENA JADHAV: And how many successes have you had or how many patients have you had success with using your protocols?

[09:33] DR GUNDRY: Well it depends on the area for instance last year I presented a paper at the European heart society of a 12 year follow up of over a 1000 patients with known coronary heart disease who have been on a program and just from coronary heart disease stand point if you have a stunt storage or if you have a heart attack or if you have by-pass surgery and have conventional therapy with satins and with lifestyle modification. You have about 30-50% chance of having a anemogram within the next 3-5 years so in our group we had less than 3% new event in 12 years which is very remarkable and we have presented a 5 year study and a 10 year study at the American Heart Association of this and that time and 500 patients and 800 patients and so the data is long lasting and we can actually see all blood work whose misbehaving and make some course correction as we go. When my first book was published, I had a lot of patients with autoimmune disease start showing up on my door step and they’d come in and say, “What do you know about autoimmune disease?” and I said, “Well I don’t know anything about autoimmune disease but I know a lot about the immune system because I am a transplant immunologist and when you are trying to get a monkey to accept a pig as its heart you have to do some pretty interesting manipulation of the immune system to make that happen. So I said well I think I am pretty good at figuring out what the immune system so if you want to play let’s play and that actually was one of the big importance’s to look at a plant and how they impact our immune system so that’s the Say way into that so how is that?

[12:05] REENA JADHAV: That’s a great say way because let’s talk about the ‘Plant Paradox’ which is your latest book. You said forget about everything you know is truth and then you drop the bomb. To quote you, “The more I removed vegetables with seeds like cucumbers and tomatoes, the better patients felt and had lower cholesterol”, wait what! Cholesterol? “Plants are causing weight gain and disease.” So tell us what is the plant paradox and how are plants causing us cholesterol and disease and weight gain.

[12:44] DR GUNDRY: Well it’s simplistically plants don’t like us. They were actually here first and from an evolutionary perspective, plants are subjects to the same evolutionary pressures as animals and that is plants have a life, they actually do not want to be eaten because you eat them then they can’t have babies and they want to have babies just like us and they want their babies, their seeds to survive. So they actually had it really good before animals arrived. Nobody wanted to eat them now when animals arrived, initial animals were insects, and plants had a real problem because they couldn’t run, they couldn’t hide, they couldn’t fight but their chemists are of incredible ability. They could turn sunlight into matter and wind (We haven’t figured out how to do that yet), so they use chemicals called chlorophyll to make their predators think twice about eating them or to make their predators ill or not feel good or not thrive and a smart predator would say every time I eat this plant I am not thriving or in the case of an insect I can’t move. The predator rapidly says I think I am going to eat something else. The plant wins hopefully, the predator wins because it runs and everything is pretty good, the balance of power and then humans arrive and as most of us know humans are pretty stupid. So when we eat things that make us feel lousy or make us gain weight or give us migraine headaches, or joint pain or brain fog, we keep eating these things and assume it’s quite normal and then we take gadolinium, Neodymium, priontex so we can have a Condon. We just never learn and plants basically say what do I have to do to get your attention. The plant paradox is that quite frankly I am a confirmed plant predator but you have to know who your plants friends are and who your plant enemies are and a lot of that is based on my other peoples research in evolution in that there were actually designed to the longer we have been eating a particular plant and its lectins, the longer our adapter bugs that is microbiome has evolved to handle a lot of these lectins but also the microbiome educates your immune system as to whether these particular  plant compounds are a real threat or just a pain in the neck and the immune system doesn’t have to pay a lot of attention because we have known these plants for around 30 million years and it is okay. So the longer we have been eating particular plants in general, the more tolerant we are of them so we actually treat dwelling animals and we were used to eating leaves for actually about 30-40 million years. We came from tree shrewd and one of the things we never ate were grasses or beans like grazing animals are designed to eat and so we never interacted with those lectins in those plants. Now fast forward to 10,000 years ago when agriculture started so we begin interacting with the brand new lectins that not only our immune system didn’t recognize, but the bugs that live in our guts didn’t recognize and weren’t equipped to handle. And the amazing thing from human evolution, we were actually very tall creatures. We stood over 6 ft. tall and our brains were 15% bigger than they are today and people go on wait a minute we were a little bitty creatures then we got big and actually that’s not true from the evidence. 8,000 years ago 2,000 years in the agriculture we stool only 4ft.10 inches tall which means we had actually shrunk over a foot since the development of agriculture. It is actually in our brain, it is actually we have never reached the previous size that it was and the other evidence is actually pretty clear if you look at up until the last generation of Asians, Asians have eaten a very heavily grain and lyceum based diet and they were actually very short and it wasn’t until the western diet in the last generation has penetrated the Asian that you see really or rather impressive growth sprout and that’s because these plant compounds diminish growth. Now if you think about it from a plants stand point and I’m very impressed with plants. Plants stand point having a small predator is a whole lot better because you will eat less.

[18:52] REENA JADHAV: Very clever. They are very rarely changing their enemies they are literally influencing and changing the DNA in some sense of their enemy. Who knew?

[19:04] DR GUNDRY: Again, you know they have had over 400 million years to work this out and they are pretty good about all this. We think they kind of stand by and accept their fate but the evidence that I presented on plant paradox is that this is actually not true. For instance just to side of an insect starts to nibbling on some leaves of a tree within a couple of minutes on the other side of the tree the plant will begin producing far more lectin in the leaves because the warming actually gets transmitted to the rest of the plant that were under attack and prepare for war.

[19:56] REENA JADHAV: Let’s talk about the 7 daily disruptors and then I would love to you to tell us which are the plants that we can comfortably eat without them feebly attacking us.

[20:06] DR GUNDRY: One of the problems that has happened as we have actually had a pretty good balance of power between plants and animals and we have kind of had datum, we have kind of had a set of microbiome that are pretty good at eating plants and plant lectins and we have had microbiome that educates our immune system that everything is pretty good that we know these plants, we associated with them for millions of years and we don’t have to go out of shape but things have really changed in the last 40-50 years. Some of our personal care products and some of the things that we swallow that has really disrupted this communication and one of them I guess if I was going to choose one it’s the Atlanta broad spectrum antibiotics not only do we swallow these things willingly but we give them to our animals to actually increase their rate of growth and we know that broad spectrum antibiotics basically is like pouring napalm on our lash crop of rain forest that is our microbiome. And there is evidence that one round of broad spectrum antibiotics can deplete your tropical rain forest for up to two years before it actually grows back and people go oh wait a minute I take broad biotics- friendly bacteria. Well unfortunately, if the rain forest burns down to the ground, we could put a bunch of new tree seeds in it but it is rather naïve to think that those trees in the ecosystem of the tropical rain forest is going to establish itself in a few weeks in fact you can take years and so we have been really unfortunately very naïve about this part. The other part that is so sad is we know that the antibiotic residues are present in the meat that we eat and the chicken that we eat and so we are constantly kind of killing of first lines of defenses against the plant lectins by killing bio farm microbiome. The second thing that’s happened is the use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs the INSETS and these things were actually introduced about 40 years ago. Motrin and naproxen and now we think of them as Excedrin and olive. Exactly we have acetylated in Advil. What people don’t know is that these are so dangerous that they are only available as prescription because we knew, drug companies knew that these are actually like swallowing hand grenades and they denude and blow giant gaping holes in the walls of our small intestines. Now why didn’t we know that and why didn’t our gastro neurologist know that? Well our gastro scopes are tasked, as being couldn’t look down into the small bowl so we didn’t know what was happening until actually the pill cameras that we swallow are well embedded and then we can actually see the damage but if you actually look back at the pharmaceutical literature, they knew this was happening and they actually called these drugs gateway drugs because the more you took of these, the more you could actually damage the wall of your intestine, produce leaking gut and the more not only electrons but little particles that I talk about called LPs to bacterial particles getting in your system and actually increasing in inflammation and actually increase pain. And so the more pain you have the more drops you are going to need and isn’t it amazing that you all advance to pantoprazole and prevacid and they love it as they sell this stuff. The third thing that happened is the advent of the stomach acid reducers what I call the proton pumping inhibitors (PPIs); meloxicam, celecoxib, probiotic. It turns out that none of us were born with a meloxicam deficiency and we actually have to house stomach acid for really two reasons. Lectins are proteins and you need acid to digest proteins and so stomach acid was actually a pretty good first line of defense in sleptines but since stomach acid has another purpose and its actually called acid gradient and it’s a fancy way of saying that bacteria for the most part don’t like acid and the bacteria that live in our colon are helped down there by what’s called the acid gradient. Our stomach acid is neutralized by our bile and pancreatic juices but it is still present. It isn’t until you get down to the colon that the acid is pretty much gone. Now if you take an acid reducer, you don’t make any acid and so bacteria that should live in the colon actually climb up into our small intestines and that’s where you get small intestinal bacterial overgrowth that were spooked and the third thing is the wall of our small bowl isn’t really very good in keeping bacteria from passing into our liver and our blood stream and so we have this whole generation that has just been colonized by bacteria all because they want to have a concoct tomorrow at the July 4th celebrations. These are some of the most biggest things that are probably the worst one is the advent of round up glyphosates and this stuff has now been sprayed not only on GMO crops which it was originally designed to do but Industrial farming has to actually harvest a field on a particular day and to do that you want to feel, to be mature and basically dried out for the easy harvesting; so we now take conventional crops and we spray them with round up to defecate them to kill them and a nice dry field is easy to harvest. Naively you would think we wash that round up off on the grains that we harvest or on the beans that we harvest, or the corn that we harvest but of course, we don’t and we not only feed these to animals but it also ends up in our breads, crackers and all of our consumer products like corn chips and we really don’t think about that. Now we have been assured by the chemical that’s it’s okay because humans don’t have this enzyme pathway called the shipper-mate pathway that plants use to make round up to kill them but it is true we don’t but the bacteria in our gut have the shipper-mate pathway so we know that glyphosates really change our bacteria and we know that glyphosates actually change how we metabolize vitamin D. We know that some of the most important bacteria that manufacture serotonin for us the feel good hormone and the triiodothyronine for thyroid hormone are decimated by glyphosates and so it’s no wonder that we are all sitting around depressed in hypothyroid because we are eating glyphosates without knowing it. There is new study out that shows women’s breast milk has it, the study out of California wines have glyphosates even a couple of organic wine because unfortunately it has been sprayed on the field next to it. And Europeans are band us they are smart.

[30:12] REENA JADHAV: So in America the power is the bee and frankly if you look at big far and doctors people in the know, people that have again power and knowledge are slowly poisoning the ignorant consumer. Is that a fair statement?

[30:27] DR. GUNDRY: Yeah, you know I mean all this is good for business, unfortunately most medical schools get their grants from the farmer, from the big agriculture and if there is any kind of uprising like there is a problem the plant paradox then big farmer, big chemistry is more than happy to contribute to the real action campaigns of congress or even state legislators and we go on about our business.

[31:04] REENA JADHAV: That’s right! So thank you for writing the plant paradox and introducing the blood paradox program to us and doing the podcast that we can really not be ignorant anymore because no excuse I would say, for anyone to be ignorant anymore because there is so much information from amazing people like yourself that are coming out and telling the truth. So let’s talk about the program, let’s say I’m very interested in getting on a program that makes me joyful and healthy and back to a great way, it reverses my deceases. Tell us about the foundation of your program?

[31:44] DR. GUNDRY: Well the number one rule is what I tell you to not eat is far more important to what I tell you to eat. And the principle is you are not designed to eat certain foods that you have not been exposed to and sadly that’s the grains, beans, it’s the night shade family which are American plants like: potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers and goat cheep berries, the American squash family like: zucchinis, like cucumbers, like peanuts and cashews which are American beans, believe it or not the cashews is part of the poison IV family and I don’t think a lot of people are realizing that when they have their cashew milk or their cashew butter that they are consuming poison IV and it actually works exact same way in the inside of your intestines.

[32:53] REENA JADHAV: Its heart breaking, cashew is one of my favorite nuts. I cried a little when I read that but continue.

[33:01] DR. GUNDRY: We did a podcast with a vegan author who is very well known and she professor Hurtt said that she was going to test my theory out cause she had wonderful health as a vegan but she put herself on my program for months before we get the podcast and she said you know I actually thought I had really good health but I’m here to say that I was wrong and I was doing so much better taking away some of this healthy plants that you told me to remove and she said I’m shocked, I really am and I didn’t know how much better I could feel, how much lighter I feel and she said, how did you know. Like I talk about it on my dedication I’ve learned this by tens of thousands of patients volunteering to let me look at their blood work and let me look at very simple sophisticated markers of inflammations and when I took certain foods away from then, these markers went away. And when people did it on purpose or in accordingly put these things back in their diet and we talk about this a lot in the program and this inflammation markers suddenly appear. So that’s kind of rule number one.

[34:40] REENA JADHAV: Yeah taking things out; I have a question on the taking things out, I have a question on white rice as an Indian everyone north and south everyone had white rice and in fact part of our cleansers like detox kitchari you know rice and mung bean, what are your thoughts on that? We do cook everything in pressure cooker and I know no one talks about that, yeah so talk a little bit about just the rice and the mung bean.

[35:03] DR. GUNDRY: Yeah, so you know, four billion people use rice as their staple and it is fascinating to me that four billion people in general take the whole of the brown rice and eat the rice white and surely four billion people can’t be that stupid because everybody knows how good brown rice is for you. The lectins are in the whole, and so Asians have been really smart about it, so you are right, a pressure cooker is…white rice has less lectin than brown rice. And a pressure cooker absolutely destroys the lectins in rice and beans. And the modern pressure cooker is so useful you know just one punch of a button and you are done. And there is a wonderful story, if you got the time that I was sent a 40 year old woman who has moved from Los Angeles from Lima Peru and she decided to continue her Peruvian diet which included a lot of quinoa and she actually developed a really severe IBS and a couple of her colleagues sent her to me and I started to tell her about the incurs process of detoxifying the rectums and quinoa and her eyes got really wide and she said, ‘oh my God, my mother always told me that you had to pressure cook quinoa because it was so dangerous and I thought she said that was wise tale and I’ve been just having regular quinoa here and she said, ‘my mother flew up here three weeks ago and she said, ‘ you stupid girl and she’s a 40 year old woman, I told you, you have to use a pressure cooker, she took me to you know, a store and I bought, she bought me a pressure cooker. My mother was right and I said yeah your mother is absolutely right, I said I tell you what, go home use a pressure cooker and call me back in a month. And she calls me back and says, ‘yeah, mom and you were right. That was it the pressure cooker, I can have quinoa now’. Yeah, so you know we look at traditional cultures and we don’t learn from what traditional cultures have done, I mean look at the French’s and the Italians, they eat white bread and they eat white quasonts and they eat white pasta. The idea of an Italian eating all wheat pasta is just so crazy and now we see it on menus and we’ve been for thousands of years we’ve been trying to get the whole off of grains you know we have been trying to make bread white for ten thousand years only the poor people got the brown bread and we forget what tradition culture teach us.

[38:34] REENA JADHAV: Its definitely living in a world of facts and you know some people make money out of this facts and those people are powerful and whole, whole grain movement has started with fiber right? Get some fiber in us and it’s so unfortunate that they lost the science behind why to your point we spend hundreds of years figuring how to get the fiber out of the whole and here we are selling oat bran as a highly expensive product which to your point should really never be ingested. So you mentioned… yeah!

[39:11] DR. GUNDRY: One of the best ways to produce coronary heart disease and experiment animal model, is to feed them wheat germ because it have a lectin called wheat germ gluten which produces coronary heart disease. The best way in a recess monkey to produce coronary heart disease is to give them peanuts oil because it has a peanut lectin and if you take the peanut lectin out of the peanut oil and repeat the experiment, they don’t get coronary heart disease, proving that it’s the peanut lectin that did it and you know, we just have forgotten all of this you know it’s interesting William Cohort actually speaking of fiber Henry Burkett who was the father of fiber and he was an English surgeon who went down to Africa on a missionary work and he was a colon surgeon, and he went down there to do colon surgery and when he got down there this was around the current century, he couldn’t find anybody with colon cancer  and he was a bit disappointed but as a researcher he said, ‘what the heck are they doing?’ They were eating huge amounts of tubers, sweet potatoes and they were actually also eating a lot of millet which doesn’t have lectins by the way and he become obsessed with their poops, he would go around and take pictures of the giant bowel movements that this Africans were having and so he decided that it was the fiber that was preventing colon cancer. So he came back to England and unfortunately not a lot of millet up there and not a lot of sweet potatoes but they had a lot of grains and he didn’t know that there was a difference between soluble fiber or resistance structures and insoluble fiber that are in the wholes of grains. And so he single handedly made a mistake of equating all fibers fiber and the really unfortunately hilarious outcome is that he actually died of colon cancer the brother of fiber because he proofed that it was actually soluble fiber that he was observing the benefits and he didn’t know so. He’s one of the big causes of why we think fiber from whole grains is good for us and in fact you can actually show the fiber and whole grains promotes colon cancer in an experimental model.

[41:57] REENA JADHAV: And what about cilium husks?

[41:59] DR. GUNDRY: Cilium husks are actually really good for you. It turns out that plants want a lot of their babies actually be eaten so they incase their babies in a shell that we can’t digest, black seeds are another example and they actually want you to eat this and it will be passed out of you somewhere away from the momma plant with generous fertilizer. So there aren’t any lectins in cilium and there aren’t any lectins in flux. And by the way since we can’t digest and flux seed get a really kick off flux seed crackers that are whole very useless.

[42:47] REENA JADHAV: So doctor Gundry tell us about the other aspects of your program.

[42:53] DR. GUNDRY: Well, so the other thing that I really ask people to do, my personal feeling is the only purpose of food is to get olive oil into your mouth and the more olive oil I could get to people the better, there are some beautiful studies about Spain and Greece that probably the litter of olive oil per week will actually improve your memory and in women actually protects against breast cancer, that’s a lot of olive oil its about 12-14 table spoons a day and I don’t recommend people start with that because they may be running into the bathroom with diarrhea. But olive oil has some amazing peripherals that are spectacular for you. The second rule is you are what you eat but you are the thing you are eating and soils number one even for  vegans and vegetarians and I have all vegetarian vegan options in the book but our soils are so depleted essential minerals that its actually pretty scary. The third thing is I ask people to use fruit as candy because modern fruit has been breed for sugar content and since I was down in the south of Italy a few weeks ago studying the oldest living people in the world, who live in a little town called Etchioroli and I was actually at their farmers market and they had blueberries that were very… very… very tiny like wild blueberries and I was so delighted to see that because even at the farmers market in Santa Barbara the organic blueberries are the size of grapes and that’s not normal.

[45:04] REENA JADHAV: And sugary sweet and we know that’s not normal either.

[45:06] DR. GUNDRY: Yeah, the apples have now been you know, the size of grape fruit and they have been breed for sugar content even the names you know, honey crisp is like this is unfortunately everything is all a trick. And long ago we used fruits in the summer to fatten up for the winter because winter was a time of less food, when it was a dry season or a rainy season, cold season and interestingly my research in evolution which I talk about in the first book actually shows the great apes only gain weight during fruit season. And we forget that, that there were no seven forty seven bringing blueberry to Cusco in February from Chile and your computer program, if you are eating blueberries in February, I got news for you, your computer thinks its August and you should be fattening up for the winter.

[46:16] REENA JADHAV: Interesting, there your weight gain challenge right there.

[46:19] DR. GUNDRY: Yeah, exactly. And it’s interesting I have a number of people who don’t realize that if the thing they are eating has seeds on it it’s actually a fruit and earlier on I found a number of women who were eating cucumbers and had high cholesterol and I took their cucumbers away from them and their cholesterol plummeted.  Actually we use cholesterol to carry the first product of sugar called triglyceride around our body, and it’s amazing if you drop fruit out of your diet and your cholesterol plummets.

[47:00] REENA JADHAV: And that’s everything with seeds right, it’s not just fruits with sugars it tomatoes and its cucumbers and your book does a brilliant job of listing all of those in fact doctor Gundry I personally I’m using the blood paradox as a bible, it’s a huge book, it’s a big book, it’s got insane amount of information that cannot be processed the first time or the second time you read it, I have got highlighters of various colors and notes and margins and you do again a great job of explaining what’s wrong with the pail diet, the low diet, you talk about the periodic colon paradox, you program talks about feeding cleanse which by the way is what I’m going to start tomorrow so I’m absolutely voting on following on your diet. This has been an amazing but your book is so important I feel everyone listening to this podcast should buy your book, keep it in the library not the online version, the physical version because I think this is the kind of book that you really do need to flip through and highlight and list of the recipes are amazing. And we are out of time so I will ask you one question and one case study, but the case study that truly moves me the most you have shared a lot of case studies about Tony Robins by the way, anyone who is questioning anything in the book should look at the amazing celebrities you have worked with and how you healed them, I think the proof is right there. Share the story of Tony and vitiligo and how you healed him and I would love to ask you one more question before we wrap up.

[48:49] DR. GUNDRY: Yeah so this is a different Tony than Tony Robins just to be clear. Tony was really one of the earlier on adapters of my first book and he had really bad vitiligo on his hands, vitiligo for your listeners is what Michael Jackson suffered from- it’s the loss of pigmentation. And a few months after he started the program, he came up to visit me he lives in San Diego and he said, ‘you got to see this my vitiligo is going away’, and in fact it eventually all went away.  And he said, ‘what do you think is doing all of that’? And I could say anti-inflammatory diet and that’s why but because I’m a researcher and I said well, let me think about this melanocytes are modified nerve cell that actually migrate to our skin in embryo form and plants reach on predators or insects and we know that plant lectins actually interact, the nerve communication in insects and basically paralyze the insect. And so I said you know, I have a feeling that you are attacking your melanocytes because they are nerve cell to a bunch of plants and you are just a giant insect. And so that actually really stimulated me to look at lectins more thoroughly, and I really owe it to him. It’s funny a couple of years later I saw him at a conference and his vitiligo was back and I said what’s going on and he said, ‘you know, I got lazy and I stopped doing this,’ and I said this is a great experiment go back on this. So he did and it went away, in fact we are up at Harvard a month and a half ago at a big brain health symposium and he was actually charring the session and sitting there next to me and he actually said, ‘ I want everybody to look at my hands because if you had seen me a few years ago, I had all this vitiligo and I don’t have it anymore and just removing certain plants that doctor Gundry told me were out to get me and my skin, my vitiligo went away. And he said so take it from me that these theories are more than theories and they are backed up by research and they are backed up by me’. So it’s really amazing, I have a number of people with vitiligo and it goes away.

[51:50] REENA JADHAV: And I have a friend who was going to be getting your book as a gift as well as the podcast because she has it and we are definitely going to help her as well. You know your story of Tony and his healing really underscores hypocrites that says the study will heal itself  if you just remove the force of the destruction and I think you have done an incredible favor to us humans by sharing with us what those force of destructions are. Because we live in this world full of overwhelming amount of information and it’s hard to know from one day to the next what’s good and what’s bad I feel like every few years there is a bad and kale is great and everyone is juicing kale and again kale is bad, weed grass is great and everyone is juicing weed grass and now weed grass is bad. And it’s hard to keep your head straight and I think most of us do it we just ignore everything and just eat whatever is being marketed to us on television which is what, cheesy pizzas, chili and ice-cream and for the example you gave it’s easier just to give up. So my question to you is, what do you recommend to someone who says I want to do this, this is a lifestyle I want but it’s been so hard, what have you seen work, what are some tips one or two even in how can we those without a great will power but with the intention of the right motivation to stick to the plant paradox diet, what can you help us with in terms of speaking to the program.

[53:33] DR. GUNDRY: Well in general I just ask people hate me for a couple of weeks and then you’ll actually find that you feel so much better that you don’t hate me so much. There is a large number of people who can do 80/20, 90/10 but sadly about half of my practices, and I can tell you that with auto immunity disease you can’t really get cheat and there is so many examples in my book either of plant cheating or either we have the auto immune disease that came back with a vengeance, the good news is when you kind of get back on the program it goes away again. So the more you view food, as foods that you are designed to eat and there is clearly weird beliefs that we were actually designed to eat shoots like asparagus, we are designed to eat flowers broccoli and cauliflower and we absolutely weren’t design to  eat grasses, and we weren’t designed to eat unfortunately American plants and one of the sad things is corn is so dangerous that the French banned corn as unfit for human consumption in 1900, and that why you just won’t see corn on the menu in France.  And it’s interesting they declared the corn is only fit for fattening pigs for slaughter and I would certainly agree with that. And if you look at the carbon atom from corn it actually has a distinctive structure it’s called C4 carbon and Americans are about 70% carbon molecules from corn and Europeans are only 5% molecules from corn and we are just a giant err of corn. And since corn is actually foreign to us, until you know around 500 years ago, I don’t want to be  70% a completely foreign substance in me but that’s were we are. So stay away from corn and I grew up in Nebraska actually where corn huskers stay but stay away from corn.

[56:26] REENA JADHAV: And all the delicious corn tortillas and all those yummy Mexican unitary like enchiladas.

[56:33] DR. GUNDRY: Yeah and now there has been a real movement I will give a shout out to a company called siete tortillas that are made of either almond flour, cassava flour and they are doing a great job of making foods that we like that are not going to kill us and I talk about this options in the book, there is usually a way around this and we can still have the things we want in terms of texture and flavor that are not going to kill us.

[57:06] REENA JADHAV: Thank you so much doctor Gundry, you are single handedly helping us all live a longer healthier happier life.




Dr. Steven Gundry
Address: 9465 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (800) 852-0477
Email: support@gundrymd.com



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  • JF

    November 9, 2018 at 10:26 am

    Reena, thank you! I just discovered you, when I was looking up Psyllium Husk according to Dr. Gundry. Reading the transcript of your podcast is my first contact with you. Thank you for your great interview, and also taking the time to offer a transcript.

    I read the whole thing. I just wanted to let you know that the transcript is very terrible. The only reason I understood it is because I am familiar with Dr. Gundry’s work, and about health and wellness, and so have corrected it for myself while reading. I mean, even basic things like “separate the HULL (“whole”) from the fibre,” “WHEAT (“weed”) grass,” and I still can’t decipher this: “incurs process of detoxifying the rectums,” etc.

    If you need help with turning your interviews into transcripts, I am happy to step up. I am well-versed and steeped in the health and wellness world. I would love to see a world where real health is normal and mainstream, available for all.

    Thank you for all you do, Reena!



    • Reena

      November 13, 2018 at 5:10 am

      Thank you so much for your comment, we are working fast and furious on fixing the transcripts. The automated system did a terrible job and clearly not the quality we want to offer! Please check again in a few days and the transcripts will be updated!! xoxo


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