Signs of Menopause and Treatment with Dr. Zach Bush

March 11, 2018by Reena8


Read the Transcript Below the Questions and Highlights

Dr. Zach Bush gives awareness into reasons why we are experiencing from Signs of Menopause and how to treat them.

Dr. Zach Bush shares deep insights into why we are suffering from Hot Flashes, Weight Gain and other Signs of Menopause and how to to get rid of them. He also goes into the cause of Perimenopause almost a decade earlier in the US. Dr. Zach Bush is one of the few triple board-certified physicians in the country, with expertise in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice/Palliative care. The breakthrough science that Dr. Bush and his colleagues have delivered offers profound new insights into human health and longevity.

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Signs of Menopause and Treatment with Dr. Zach Bush


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Signs of Menopause and Treatment with Dr. Zach Bush


Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:


1. What is going on with the female body during menopause? (01:36)

– Estrogen and Progesterone are only 2 of the 2000 hormones we know that are affecting your day to day life

– If you’re having sleep problems, hot flashes, decreased muscle mass, all of these are related to a estrogen and progesterone shift

– There are a vast number of hormones involved

– It’s not necessary to have signs of menopause

– The environment we live in is full of chemicals and toxins that are making us prone to an inflammatory baseline

– If you have a low inflammation in the body, you are less likely to have signs of menopause through the transition

2. What’s causing this inflammation that’s forcing us to these signs of menopause? (03:47)

– It all comes down to what you do in your day

– We now have chemicals integrated into the food chain

– We’re putting 4.5 Billion pounds of Glyphosate, a water-soluble content, into our environment

– Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Round Up used for farming

– A large percentage of our wheat crop is sprayed with Glyphosate

– The food we’re consuming have toxins

– In the case of a chronic inflammatory, we are exposing our immune system every day to an overwhelming amount of the outside world.

– The immune system is designed to keep us out of the outside world

– The gut lining starts from the nasal sinuses where you breathe in and out

– If you start consuming chemicals like Glyphosate, you overwhelm your immune system to the outside world which causes inflammation

– If there are many constant injuries or much to attack, the immune system will start to run out of its coping mechanism and so every injury will produce this inflammatory cascade

3. Is that why we’re starting to see something called perimenopause? (07:55)

Effects of Menopause:

– Anxiety

– Hot Flashes

– Fractured Sleep

– Major Depressive Episodes

– Loss of Muscle Mass

– Difficulty in Weight Loss

– Brain Fog

– All of these are signs of menopause which is a hormonal shift in the body

4. Over 70% of women in menopause or perimenopause will experience hot flashes. Do you believe we should address it symptom by symptom? or Do you believe it’s all about getting the body back into balance? (08:35)

– Estrogen and progesterone tie into the Hot Flash phenomenon

– Estrogen is a pro-inflammatory, pro-growth anabolic compound

– Progesterone is the opposite, which is an amino suppressant that modulates the immune system so that you don’t get it out of control

– Progesterone deficiency is one of the leading cause of infertility

– When progesterone decreases, too much estrogen will result to hot flashes and rest of menopause symptoms

– The last thing you would want on an inflamed cell is a growth factor

– It would take 4 pounds of greens to create 48 ounces of juice

– Juicing, when overdone, can be a vulnerable point where you can get an enormous amount of toxin

– The only reason why you need progesterone is that you have a chronic inflammation

– You need to look at a major lifestyle prevention to reduce an inflammatory state

5. What exactly is a hot flash physiologically? (17:56)

– A hot flash is an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.

– The autonomic nervous system is the massive energy output that’s regulated and carefully measured that’s been carried out without you thinking about it such as the heartbeat or breathing.

– The autonomic nervous system controls the gut

– A single nerve called the Vegas nerve, a part of the autonomic nervous system, goes through the gut space which is an area equal to two tennis courts

– A hot flash is the disregulation of the autonomic nervous system which gives an inappropriate blood dialation of the blood vessels in your skin

– Instead of sending blood to the gut and brain, suddenly you dialate everything and blood is shuned to the skin which leads to sudden warmth, sweating, etc.

– This is a red flag that the autonomic nervous system is off

Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunctions:

– Brain fog

– Short term memory loss

– Core gut function

– Irritable bowel disease

– constipation

– chronic diarrhea

– hot flash

6. How do we calm down the Vegas nerve? (22:17)

– Meditation is a powerful tool to calm down the vegas nerve. It lowers heart rate and blood pressure

– Change the diet

7. What are things you would add to inflammation management? (23:29)

– Highly fermented dairy products down to turmeric, cumin, etc. which balances the inflammatory state

– The food can not only be a source of toxin, it can also be a source of medicine

– Returning to traditional foods is a huge key to success

8. Are there herbs that can help a woman deal with these symptoms, specifically hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia? (25:35)

– Emu oil from

– Restore

Buy Restore Gut Health here>>

– There’s no such thing as a bad bacteria or fungi. They all play a critical role in the ecosystem

– Pseudomonas is an infection you can get in a hospital. It turns out that Pseudomonas in the environment is one of the most potent bacterial detoxifiers when it comes to radioactive material.

– Restore has a profound effect on your DNA’s production of the critical proteins that make up the barrier system between you and the outside world.

9. How do you take Restore? (32:25)

– There’s a nasal spray that can be taken 2x a day to every hour of the day to support a healthy immune system

Buy Restore Nasal Spray here>>

– Oral liquid, 1-3x a day

– Works anytime, before or after food ; but recommended that you take it before eating

– If you ate food with glyphosate, there will be damage

10. Where is the weight gain coming from during menopause and what are the menopause treatment for this? (35:41)

– The hormonal shift affects the bacteria population in your gut

– The gut changes the firmicute bacteria in the gut which slow down metabolism, increase acidity and fermentation

– Your bacterial biome is shifted largely because of a shift in the immune system

– Instead of cutting calories, shift the microbiome in your gut, expect to see weight loss

– Refocus your lifestyle to different environments

1. Sleep

– respect the day and night cycles to lose weight

– you’re suppressing nutrient intake

– Wake up early, get to work early

– The average wake time in the early 80’s is 4:30 am

– It’s hard to sleep early if you don’t respect the evening in regard to light levels

– Your brain is not ready to sleep if you’re on your laptop, phone or light on

– Download to reduce eye strain

– Get blue blocker glasses

2. Go Outside

– Changes the microbiome you’re breathing

– If you’re always in a dry wall space, you can’t tolerate diversity, change, etc.

– What makes us joyful is finding purpose and pursuing that purpose

– What makes us miserable is going in conflict with the direction according to our purpose

11. What are you thoughts on bioidenticals? (56:09)

– It should be a short term use
– It’s a ‘bandaid’
– It’s never a solution
– Bioidenticals are not safe

– If you take something orally, your liver is going to see the highest amount of that hormone.

– The natural effect of inflammation and stress on the system is the drop in progesterone and testosterone then estrogen.

– If you keep throwing ‘band-aids’ you’re adding a growth factor to the system

12. Is there a specific composition you recommend between fat, carbs, proteins for someone in menopause? (1:03:06)

– Protein is acidic and inflammatory

– Salmon and Tuna have the same protein structure as beef

– Salmon is high in Omega 3s. It’s a highly inflammatory compound.

– If you’re having a chronic inflammation, fat is an important antidote

– You need a monosaturated fat like olive oil or Saturated fat in coconut oil or Emu Oil to help reduce inflammation

– It can be that fat in the fish is what’s causing hot flashes not the protein

13. How are we going to correct the misinformation out there? (1:05:59)

– The silver lining of the internet is the access of information

– Real truth can be met out through the people


This is auto-generated and may have mistakes. Please listen to the interview for accuracy.

[00:27] Reena Jadhav: Don’t exciting episode where we are uncovering secrets. Do a symptom free menopause, and our expert today is Dr Zach Bush. He is the one of the very few triple board certified physicians in the country with expertise in internal medicine, endocrinology, metabolism, hospice and palliative care is breakthrough science. The doctor Zach and his colleagues have delivered offers profound new insights into human health and longevity. In fact, back in 2012, he discovered a family of carbon based redox molecules made by bacteria, which as it turns out, services an antidote to Cli phosphate and many other toxins that are disrupting our body’s natural defensive systems. Dr Zack points kids as the driving force behind his passion and is really focused on bringing radical change in the mega industries, have big farming, big Pharma and Western medicine at large, and today he’s going to share his deep insights into how to have a symptom free menopause. Dr Zach Bush. Welcome.

[01:33] Dr Zach Bush: Thank you so much for having me back.

[01:35] Reena Jadhav: So let’s start with what had the heck is going on with the female body during menopause?

[01:42] Dr Zach Bush: Great. My background in endocrinology was really focused on a lot of the. A common dialogue that happens around menopause and that is often coming down to two hormones which are estrogen and progesterone, but before I go into a little bit of description on those two hormones in what they’re doing and how they play an important balancing act in your life. I want to point out that estrogen and progesterone are only to have over 200 hormones that we know of that are affecting your day to day life before, during and after menopause. And so it’s very important to realize that if you’re having symptoms that are untoward, if you’re having sleep problems, hot flashes, decreased sexual function, decreased muscle mass, all these myriad of symptoms that get attributed to estrogen progesterone shift. I want you to realize that there are a vast number of hormones involved in that huge symptomatology.

[02:39] Dr Zach Bush: Also want to reflect on later, or we can go into greater detail on this, said it’s not necessary to have symptoms of menopause. In fact, many nations around the world in the developing world particularly haven’t experienced the hot flashes and all of the very typical symptoms that we see in the American menopause syndrome, and that is largely the environment that we’re surrounded by, is very full of chemicals and toxins that are making us prone to a very intense inflammatory baseline. And so if you go into menopause and inflamed state, you’re going to have symptoms as estrogen and progesterone and your other hormones shift. If you’re not inflamed and you have a very low level of inflammation in the body and you go into a shift in your estrogen, progesterone, you’re far less likely to have any symptoms, uh, through that transition, and certainly we’ve seen many, many women come into our clinics with a vast array of these symptoms and then make some radical lifestyle change is change the chemical content and their food that they’re consuming and everything else and see dramatic improvement without adding any bioidentical hormones or anything else that would typically be recommended by your allopathic doctor and what’s causing this inflammation, this inflammation that’s forcing us into these symptoms that there’s a number of different factors here and they all come down to what you do in your day.

[04:04] Dr Zach Bush: Number one thing that’s really changed over the last 30 to 50 years in the United States is it’s very unlikely that you’re growing of your own food. Thirty to 50 years ago, the vast majority of homes in America had at least some small garden. We’re growing a percentage of their food in their gardens. We have broadly and deeply outsource that food production to large farming industry, which is a chemical farming, a technique that means that you now have chemicals that have been integrated into your food chain and mentioned in the introduction there was glyphosate, which is really the primary chemical that we have worldwide. We’re currently putting about four point 5 billion pounds of that chemical into our environment and that is a water soluble toxin. And unfortunately in the late 19 nineties, we engineered our food to be able to handle that chemical in roundup ready crops, glyphosate as the active ingredient in roundup weed killer.

[05:03] Dr Zach Bush: And so now we have 95 percent of the soybeans grown in the United States. 80 five percent of the corn grown here and a very large percentage of our wheat crops being sprayed directly with glyphosate roundup. That means that the food that you’re consuming is now got this toxin in there. And a recent studies, uh, actually just this week published in the Journal of American medicine, which is Jama, that one of our most respected peer review journals demonstrated urine concentrations of this roundup chemical in American consumers. Between 1990 and today and what we see is the sixfold for folding crease it depending on which area of the country have just a single chemical over just the last six years level on last 20, so you see this huge accumulation of this chemical in our food which is then ending up in our bloodstream from our gut and then ultimately in our urine as we try to clear that toxin out of our body and so that single toxin has really set us up for a cascade of inflammation.

[06:09] Dr Zach Bush: As you had asked, the inflammation that we’re referring to here is specific to chronic inflammation and not just acute inflammation, which is you responding to an injury in getting better and stronger, not weaker, and the case of a chronic inflammatory injury like we have with these chemicals that are damaging our gut lining. We are exposing the immune system everyday to an overwhelming amount of the outside world. The immune system is very much designed to keep, keep you separated from the outside world. This is my space, Zach. This is the outside world. My immune system is programmed to know what Zach looks like, if it seems anything other than Zach at attacks, that a barrier system that keeps Zach differentiated from the world is primarily my gut lining. Starting at my nasal sinuses where I breathe every breath I breathe in chemicals, pollution, car exhaust in front of me, pollen, mold spores.

[07:06] Dr Zach Bush: I’m breathing in all kinds of stuff all the time. If that barrier system is intact, my immune system never has to react, but if I start to leak by breathing and drinking and eating chemicals like glyphosate, I start to leak across all those membranes and suddenly I’m overwhelming my immune system with the outside world and I’m reacting to everything in my environment. This desk cause inflammation and that’s what leads to that shift from, Oh boy, I just got an injury and I’m responding to. There is so much constant injuries constantly attack going on that the immune system starts to run out of it’s coping mechanisms, antioxidants, enzyme reserves, all kinds of things start to get depleted and so every injury is now fueling this inflammatory cascade or snowball. It gets out of control and is really the underpinnings of all of the chronic conditions that we see in the United States now.

[07:56] Reena Jadhav: And is that also why we’re starting to see something called perimenopause because you met, as you mentioned, there’s countries out there that don’t even have menopause symptoms and now we’ve got Perry menopause and the numbers are, it can start as early as 35.

[08:12] Dr Zach Bush: Yes. And so here we are, 17 years ahead of schedule, starting to see women, uh, developing these symptoms of menopause, which are the hot flashes, poor sleep quality, fractured sleep, anxiety, major depressive episodes, certainly lost some muscle mass, difficult time losing weight, brain fog. All of these things are, are symptomatic of this hormonal shift in this setting of inflammation. And so you’re exactly right. This widespread damage to our immune system from our food environment is now leading to this propensity to develop early signs of those hormonal shifts that should’ve been completely tolerated and have been through all human history. But now we have such a burden of inflammation that even the subtle changes in progesterone that you would see in your thirties are starting to unmask this inflammatory state and lead to those symptoms of perimenopause.

[09:07] Reena Jadhav: So the question is, as someone listening to this podcast going, Yep, I’ve got these symptoms, as in a lot of women have different symptoms and not every woman goes through the exact same experience, but it looks like hot flashes is the number one. So we can start there. 70. Over 70 percent of women in menopause will experience or perimenopausal experience hot flashes. So let’s start there. Very good. First question, do you believe that we should address symptom by symptom? So let’s do hot flashes or do believe they’re really. It’s all about getting the body back into balance and then suddenly all the symptoms will disappear.

[09:45] Dr Zach Bush: I believe the latter is true, but the hot flashes a classic symptom to describe the entire syndrome. So great. That’s a great place to start. First off, I’ll give you a little bit of overview of the two dominant hormones that we always talk about, which is estrogen and progesterone, and they tie into this hot flash phenomenon, and so estrogen is a proinflammatory pro growth pro, kind of anabolic, compound it old build muscle will do lots of things that are beneficial, but it really is a foot on the accelerator of immune reactivity. Progesterone is the opposite. Progesterone is actually an immunosuppressant and modulating the immune system so that you don’t get an out of control inflammatory reaction. Every time estrogen goes up to high levels in the body. We should see a Masher progesterone within days or weeks of that increasings to help modulate the downstream effects of that inflammatory estrogen stimulus.

[10:46] Dr Zach Bush: The perimenopause, which as you mentioned, can start as early as the thirties now and frankly, we see even women in their teens and twenties already showing up with progesterone deficiency. This is one of the leading causes of infertility already in our twenties is a progesterone deficiency. Progesterone as an immunomodulator, when it starts to be a deficient, we start to get too much estrogen, single see signal, and so with that overwhelming unopposed estrogen, you start to get the hot flash and all of the rest of the symptoms. Brain fog, last muscle, I’m poor functioning, sleep, and the rest. What’s happening there is you got a pro growth pro inflammatory hormone starting to put pressure on an already inflamed system. The last thing that you want on a damaged or inflamed cell is it growth factor, growth factors pushing down the accelerator pedal of demand on the body.

[11:43] Dr Zach Bush: This is very much what I think is happening to women in this country on a macro level here. We have all these women that are now supposed to be competing in a workplace for these very competitive, you know, upper echelon jobs where it’s no longer, you know, a nine to five. We see women now competing very successfully and kind of the c suite type jobs where they’re not only checking email 24 hours a day, they’re taking phone calls from a global marketing place. They’re traveling extensively. They are just under the gun with just demand and they’re kind of matching their male counterparts in that over extension, but then they further, oh, extending themselves with all of the maternal natural state which is childbearing now you know, everything down to breastfeeding, you know, taking care of the details at the school and the PTA and all of the typical nurturing kind of roles that the woman has played in cultures, uh, back in time.

[12:41] Dr Zach Bush: They are still playing out. And so we see this double demand on women. And so I really see the hormonal situation kinda mimicking this macro system of burnout. Now a woman who’s pedal to the metal starting to get damaged in her lifestyle from her lifestyle, overwork. And then she has kids and now she, now you’re just throwing another growth factor if you will, onto a very busy lifestyle. And it can be the breaking point. And she has now as post partum depression or other states have total overwhelm, starts to develop anxiety attacks or panic disorder. I have many women in my clinic who have had to drop out of the workforce because their anxiety attacks got so severe and then they had a metabolic claps and they started gaining weight and develop prediabetes and just went down this whole negative pathway of cascade because they overdid it.

[13:30] Dr Zach Bush: Well, that same thing is happening down at the microscopic level when you have unopposed estrogen on top of inflammation, so imagine your day to day life before you have any imbalance and estrogen and progesterone. You’re eating an American diet and that might be a really healthy American diet. I eat going to the juice shop, you know, trying to eat it. You’re kind of healthier, higher end restaurants instead of fast food and you’re trying to make a lot of smart decisions and yet you’re consuming an enormous amount of roundup indirectly through your food chain. You’re also seeing a lot of antibiotic exposure from your doctors and each time you get exposed to roundup, which actually functions as an antibiotic to kill a lot of the helpful bacteria, your immune system weekends, and then you get an antibiotic from doctrine of fuels that fire, so you’re being hit from all angles.

[14:16] Dr Zach Bush: With this antibiotic kind of environment, you’re losing the microbiome that would help support the human life eating so healthy and keep in mind that juice is something interesting. Like if you could do a kale juice or a green juice or spinach juice, they can take as much as like four pounds of Greens to create, you know, four to eight ounces of juice. So if you’re doing some big juice a day, you might be getting an enormous amount of toxin load in there because they didn’t just put it in one head of lettuce. They put in four pounds of into that one little juice shot. And not only did you get all the super nutrients in there, you also got a bunch of chemical residues from four pounds of produce that we’re grown. So certainly if you’re going to be juicing, you absolutely want to do organic, but unfortunately of course we’re now in an environment where 75 percent of the rainfall, 75 percent of the air that we breathe is it with roundup and so even your organic crops or you’re gonna have residues of these things. So juicing went over, done can actually be a vulnerable point. Doesn’t mean you necessarily need to stop using. You just need to be aware, wow, I could be getting a lot of chemical into my diet through these different avenues

[15:26] Reena Jadhav: or at a minimum, maybe juice only those vegetables and fruits that are not on the dirty dozen list. So even if you are juicing something, maybe you’re getting, you’re going to get a lot less of that.

[15:39] Dr Zach Bush: Yeah, that’s a great point. And so kol happens to be, depending on the season, especially often shows up on that dirty dozen list. And so, um, whereas, you know, some of your other ones, like a is not in there. So if you needed to throw into grain you could find something on the clean 15 to get in there. And so, yeah, absolutely. So you were kind of always getting inundated. Now you’re living this healthy lifestyle, you’re spending a lot of money and time trying to eat healthy, but you’ve got this low grade chronic inflammation and inflammation in and of itself suppresses progesterone, which is interesting. It’s got this interplay like once you start to get a little out of control with inflammation, progesterone goes down and estrogen will also go down, but not as severely as progesterone. And so that’s ironic because that means that once you tip into chronic inflammation and estrogen becomes part of the problem, the lack of progesterone becomes a bigger issue.

[16:28] Dr Zach Bush: And so this is the functional medicine. Doctors are trying to work this out by just throwing progesterone on 35, 40, long before menopause. You’re getting progesterone added it in because you are progesterone deficient because you’ve got chronic inflammation. Well, the only reason you’re really needing the progesterone in the first place is because you have the chronic inflammation. And so I think in general, as functional medicine doctors, we’re doing a disservice if we just say, oh, you’re just progesterone deficient. Here’s your progesterone. We need to see that as a major red flag and say, Whoa, we should not be having to add progesterone to a 35 or 40 or 45 year old woman actually be looking at really widespread lifestyle intervention to reduce that chronic inflammatory state. If we ignore that symptom and we’ve just covered up with a bandaid and say, well now you’ve got progesterone. I just put it in a cream or a tablet and you’re good to go. Well we just put it through a bandit on us on an underlying that will lead to breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, major depression, all of the typical patterns of chronic inflammation. If we don’t address the underlying cause,

[17:35] Reena Jadhav: that is just such great insight to share that we shouldn’t just be applying creams and potions and lotions because they are helping us very briefly with our symptoms, but really we have to get back down to the, to the core cause. In which case in you’re mentioning is inflammation. Before we dive into, so what are your top recommendations for managing inflammation? I’d love to know, so what exactly is a hot flash physiologically?

[18:01] Dr Zach Bush: So how flash is an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system? The autonomic nervous system is your subconscious nervous system. You’re a a nervous system. That’s your volitionally doing somebody. Have you reached for a glass of water that’s your active nervous system intentionally reaching for the assets. Your brain triggering. I’m thirsty. I could treat that with water. There’s a glass over there. I’m going to move my hand from here towards that glass and move it to. There’s a whole bunch of information and decision making being made by the brain to make that simple process of taking a drink of water happened. The reverse of that, or the back scenes of that is the autonomic nervous system. Every day you breathe some eight to 20 times a minute, your heartbeats that anywhere from 70 to 120 times a minute. All this massive energy output that’s very regulated and very carefully measured out is being done obviously without you thinking about it.

[19:02] Dr Zach Bush: So that’s been done by your autonomic nervous system and one of the big pieces that that nervous system controls is your gut. Your gut is innervated by really a single nerve called the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve innovates or puts nervous functioning nervous system function into the back of your throat all the way down the Esophagus, the entire stomach, all the way down into the small intestines in their entirety through to the ’em or the first part of the large intestine up the up, the ascending colon across the transverse colon, and so that huge amount of space covers way more than two tennis courts and service area is all innervated by a single nerve and that nerve is part of the autonomic nervous system and so you never have to think, oh, I need to move my food from this part of my small intestine over to my colon where you never have to think about that.

[19:51] Dr Zach Bush: It’s happening behind the scenes. You have a computer running in your brain as managing all of that. That’s the autonomic nervous system. The second big piece of the autonomic nervous system after the gut or your blood vessels and interesting that starts with your heart with the heart rate and how often that’s competing per minute, but also the tone of the blood vessels are they dilated or they constricted and that regulates that. Obviously your blood pressure and so your autonomic nervous system is presetting. How much pressure is going to be in a single blood vessel at any given moment? Your autonomic nervous system has to work extremely fast, like nearly light speed rates to get you up out of bed without passing out because when you’re laying flat, your blood pumping, the blood pressure going to your brain is totally passive. You don’t need to maintain anything because gravity is pulling blood from the heart right up to the brain.

[20:46] Dr Zach Bush: In contrast, as as you sit up on a pillow or sit upright or stand up, you have to immediately develop very quick response and the blood vessels where they clamped down in your feet and legs and your inner abdomen so that your brain doesn’t lose blood pressure. You suddenly pass out, so if you’re able to stand up without passing out, your autonomic nervous system is working very well. A hot flash is simply dysregulation of that, that autonomic nervous system where you get an inappropriate dilation of all of the blood vessels in your skin and so suddenly instead of constricted and sending blood to your heart and got an brain, suddenly you dilate everything and blood is being shunted to the skin. This leads to a sudden warmth and sweating and everything else because there there’s all this hot temperature suddenly distributed to the skin that should not have been there.

[21:36] Dr Zach Bush: I mean, that’s before. That’s a huge red flag that the autonomic nervous system is off the biggest nerve in that a neuroma nervous system is the vegas nerve innervating your gut. So we talked earlier about glyphosate or roundup being as huge chemicals in our food chain and have you now take into consideration that all of our American consumers have this low grade got inflammation going on. The one nerve that is most effective is the vegas nerve nerve gets involved in this chronic inflammatory state of our diet. We’re very prone to these autonomic nervous system dysfunctions of brain fog, short term memory loss, poor sleep quality, poor gut function, irritable bowel, chronic constipation, and chronic diarrhea, fluctuating between diarrhea and constipation, and then of course the hot flash. Every one of those symptoms is all autonomic nervous system and it’s all tying back into those chronic stress state of the vegas nerve, which is the big granddaddy of all of that out and nervous system.

[22:36] Dr Zach Bush: How do we calm down the vegas nerve? So many methods to that, which is the good news, right? So since it hits our lungs, that hits our blood vessels to innovates the heart rate, integrate this, the whole gut. There’s many ways to help support that nervous system and so almost everything that you’ve ever heard of it as good from you, everything from yoga to you know, a healthy organic plant based diet to, you know, whatever it is to meditation. For example, meditation is a powerful tool to settle down that vegas nerve lowers heart rate, lowers blood pressure, helps bring into a relaxed state. That whole autonomic nervous system, so prayer, spiritual song, meditation, all those worksheet Gung, Tai Chi, Yoga, all work, and then of course changing the Diet, get the chemicals out of your diet and you can shift that dramatically and that almost sounds similar to what you’d probably recommend for inflammation management.

[23:31] Dr Zach Bush: Right? Or are there other things you would add for inflammation management? Really the same thing and you know, there’s so many things out there and when you start to think about chronic inflammation from a diet standpoint, the herbs are amazing. I don’t think any people group on the planet has done a good as good of a job as the Indian people. Indian food that we see in modern day is just an echo of thousands and thousands of years of food traditions around modulating inflammation and so everything from the highly fermented dairy products down to the herbs like the Tumeric, curcumin, curcumin, and all these. These are all herbs that balance that inflammatory state that have a progesterone effect. They kind of reduce that inflammatory pro estrogen effect and so that’s. That’s an interesting thing that our food, not only it can be a source of our toxins, it’s also for thousands of years has been our source of medicine and so I think returning to these traditional foods will be a huge secret to success for our American population that if we can, can extract ourselves from this western medicine chemical factory farming back to a traditional food production and food preparation where we’re actually slow cooking our food for, you know, 24 hours off and overnight in these slow cookers there.

[24:47] Dr Zach Bush: The lentils and chickpeas and everything else and they’re cooking that in tumor and coconut oil and all these incredible anti inflammatory oils and herbs, all of that. I think if we reintegrated that into their daily diet and a more aggressive fashion, we would see benefit

[25:04] Reena Jadhav: you mentioned are so I have to ask for some of the women that are listening going. That all sounds wonderful. Dr Zach, but I don’t have the time to get into this mode of sort of going to the farmer’s market and cooking and I’m. Please give me some shortcuts. So let’s talk. Are there any shortcuts? For example, herbs, I personally have used something from Banyan botanicals that honestly kept me sane. It’s called women’s national transitions and knowing we don’t get anything back from them for mentioning, but that was the one that worked for me. Have you noticed in your practice, are there herbs that can help a woman deal with some of these symptoms? Specifically hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia?

[25:45] Dr Zach Bush: Absolutely. I think it was many dietary supplements on the market that have an impact on the inflammatory cascade. Some of the big ones that we use are the oils, so I’m a big fan of oil, for example, from the bird. That’s pretty hard to get in the United States and especially a good quality stuff is really almost untouchable right now. I think that’s going to change in the next few years. The a better and better products on the market. One brand that’s currently available that has some reputable quality to it is a. it’s called walkabout. I think their website is. I’m walkabout health, so long url there, but walk about w a w a l, k, a, b o, u t walkabout health That oil can be really nice. Stabilizer for vascular inflammation for example. And how would you take the oil? You can see most of it comes in capsules, but they also have a form that you can take by the teaspoon or tablespoon.

[26:43] Dr Zach Bush: Okay, got it. Empty stomach with food. Any food. It’s nice. Not a picky one. Um, so an oil like that. It can be a nice soothing content, but you know, the disclaimer here is now we’re to talk about my company in our laboratories and what we’ve been working on the last five years because I think it’s pertinent to the story, but take the disclaimer that I now have a conflict of interest in telling you this, but my company has been working on this very specific issue of the roundup and the life state and its impact on the immune system for the last five years and what we’ve developed over the time. It was a product that is from bacteria and fungi. It turns out that you really can’t pick up an article from any journal anymore without some mention of the microbiome or the microbial life around us, which are the bacteria and the fungi and all these incredible invisible microscopic life that populate the environment around us as well as our own bodies, and certainly the probiotic industry has done a good job of convincing us that maybe there’s such a thing as good bacteria, but we’ve moved past that to realize that there’s no such thing as a bad bacteria or fungi.

[27:52] Dr Zach Bush: They all play a critical role in the ecosystem around us. Some of the things that we think of as being kind of really toxic bacteria that are very pathogenic or disease causing are pseudomonas. For example. PSEUDOMONAS is tearing a terrifying infection that you can get in a hospital. Well, it turns out that the pseudomonas and the environment is one of the most potent a bacterial detoxifiers when it comes to radioactive material, so the most feared toxin on the planet is radioactive material from our nuclear plants. Fukushima, for example, right now is dumping still to this day. You don’t hear about this in the news anymore, but it’s still over. A million gallons of water are contaminated with radioactive material a day are being pumped back into the oceans, out of Fukushima, as they’re trying to get in, just because I can’t take her online. If you go to Fukushima, uh, water contamination, uh, via Google, there you can actually see the ticker running, um, and they’re still pumping million gallons of ocean water through that plant every day to try to keep that nuclear core from melting down further and all that radioactive materials getting pumped back into our oceans to contaminate our fish and beyond.

[28:56] Dr Zach Bush: Well, it turns out that pseudomonas is a really potent digester of uranium compounds like the radioactive material from Fukushima or turnover or the like. And so we’re going to find out, I think over the next 20, 30 years that absolutely every bacteria and fungi have a really important role to play in. The larger ecosystem is just that if they get a out overgrown or out of balance with the rest of the ecosystem, they’ve become a problem for human health. And so in that context, we uncovered in the soils in the soil science, in 2012, we found a whole family of these carbon snowflakes, each species of bacteria and fungi making a different subset of these snowflakes, each one looking a little different than the rest in this perfect snow storm of information, these carbon molecules coming out of the microbiome, we get an incredible biologic effect on the human immune system and importantly the DNA.

[29:49] Dr Zach Bush: And so what we’ve been showing is that this supplement that we now use, which is called restore, this dietary supplement has a profound effect on increasing your dnas production of some of the critical proteins that make up the barrier system between you and that outside world barrier system is called tight junctions. It’s like the velcro between yourselves and your guy, which has mentioned covers two tennis courts and surface area is a tiny membrane in regard to its steps. It’s half the thickness of a human hair. So pluck one of your hairs, cut that in half width wise and that almost invisible, which is what separates you from the outside world to create a membrane that covers two tennis courts. It takes billions and billions of cells and the billions of cells have to be tied together by the Velcro to create one coherent barrier system. What we’ve demonstrated is that the roundup that we’re eating and drinking and breathing is actually a direct talks into these velcro proteins and the whole thing falls apart and so the major reason that we’re seeing this epidemic of inflammation and chronic inflammation in the setting of our diet is because the chemicals in our food, water, et Cetera, is actually breaking down this frontline barrier system and our immune system is now being overwhelmed by every bite of food.

[31:09] Dr Zach Bush: Every breath we take, etc. And so this a family of carbon molecules. We found thAt if we put this into play alongside roundup, we have an antidote of fact where we’re no longer seeing that damaging drop in the quality of that gut barrier. And so it’s a really exciting thing to see that mother nature has a solution to even our most idiotic mistakes that we make. Mother nature has buried the secret in her soil some 50 million years ago, and that’s what we’re pulling out of these fossil soil level layers. We’re pulling out these ancient databases of information from the bacteria and fungi that thrived on the planet long before the humans showed up. When we put that into play into the gut, we have a really profound effect on the dna and the human cells producing the proteins that will become those tight junctions. And suddenly we were able to expose that same gut lining to up to 20,000 times the amount that you would see in your diet and still do a fantastic protective effect, uh, at the tight junction.

[32:11] Dr Zach Bush: So the backdrop really do seem to have the big secret to the human health. So We use that supplement pretty aggressively in our clinic for a kind of a front line of just supporting the healthy immune system of the body. So how should someone take restore? There’s times a day with food without food. Sure, number ways that it can be applied. uh, there’s a nasal sinus preparation that we have and that’s just a spray that she’d take nasally anywhere from twice a day to every hour on the day. You can’t overdose on this stuff. It’s one of the safest compounds ever studied under a microscope. And so you have no minimum does, but you’re running it up to kind of match your environment. So if you find yourself, I’m very frequently was that kind of that overwhelmed immune system at the nose and sinuses where you’re always reacting to your outside world.

[33:03] Dr Zach Bush: You’re always dripping it. Otherwise that’s a perfect support to your natural immune system to leverage that. With this liquid that is going to be in that nasal spray. You can also be more aggressive than the nasal cavities by putting just a teaspoon of the liquid into a neti pot. And so the neti pot is an age old technology that I love to use in my clinic. And so that’s usually somewhere around a cup of warm water with about a quarter to half a teaspoon of salt. And you mix that up and then you throw, throw in your little teaspoon or tablespoon of restore, and then you can take, do that normal a nasal sinus language with that cup of warm water. So that’s the nasal preparation of options. The oral is, is really the mainstay and then the largest surface area in our body for our immune system stimulation.

[33:52] Dr Zach Bush: It’s definitely the gut. And so we use this oral liquid as the delivery system for that. Uh, we recommend a three times a day, but you can certainly do it more often than that if you want more protection. Um, but certainly going after a three times, we’ll get, gets you 95 percent of the way there. Uh, if you even got it once a day, you’re getting some 60 to 80 percent of the benefit that you would see out of three times a day dosing. So you can get a bang for the buck out of once a day usage. We usually kind of do a tablespoon or so in the morning if you’re going to do once a day. But what you’ll notice is an improvement. And a lot of those autonomic nervous system things within a couple of hours of that and then it starts to wane, so maybe six to eight hours after you take it, you’ll start to see those symptoms come back. And so the more frequent you take at memorial support that minute to minute immune system function.

[34:42] Reena Jadhav: Oh, interesting. And do you take it with food or it doesn’t matter.

[34:46] Dr Zach Bush: It doesn’t matter so much from a functional standpoint, it works anytime a, if you’ve taken it after food where you just ate a meal that has some lifesaving in it and bring some water, then you’re going to do some damage. The food is always going to do a little damage. We’ve demonstrated that this bacterial communication network does support the recovery of that membrane, but from an energy standpoint, you’re always. It’s always cheaper to prevent the injury then treatment. And so we do like, you know, best case scenario, taking it with or a few minutes before food is brilliant, but if you forget is certainly beneficial to take it as soon as you do remember, even if that’s after the meal.

[35:23] Reena Jadhav: That makes a lot of sense. Let’s talk weight, gain the hot flashes as the one thing, and we chatted about that. The second thing that I hear over and over again is why am I putting on weight? I am eating less. I’m working out more and yet my Belize dabbling in my pants don’t fit. Where is the weight gain coming from during menopause and what are the remedies for it?

[35:47] Dr Zach Bush: This is a super interesting story that’s continuing to unfold, but we are starting to find out that the changes hormonally and that happened during perry and menopause, the estrogen, progesterone shifts as well as a lot of the other kind of less talked about hormones. Things like ghrelin, leptin, insulin, all these more minor hormones as they start to shift in a chronic inflammatory state or your perrier or menopausal states, they actually affect the bacteria populations in your gut. And so, uh, as the hormonal environment changes, that gut changes to these firmicutes bacteria in your gut. And the firmicutes are the guys that tend to slow metabolism down, increased acidity and fermentation and the god and a lead to that metabolic collapse where you start to lose lean muscle, start to gain fat, weight, and have a very hard time no matter how much you diet or exercise to reverse that syndrome and amazing study was done in 2014 to show that we could actually make my start gaining weight just by taking the bacteria out of the gut of obese humans and put them into the mice.

[36:53] Dr Zach Bush: And suddenly those mice were getting obese within a month. No change in diet, no change in exercise. They would start gaining weight just because we changed their bacteria. Wow. And then did the other study which was take gut flora from skinny people and put them in the same mice. And what we found is no matter what we fed them where no matter how he restricted their diet, we couldn’t get them to gain weight. They were always skinny. And so a profound demonstration. This was 2014 a couple of years ago already, and it’s been repeated by a number of different labs around the world now to show that we have a huge reliance. Our metabolism is actually being programmed by that ecosystem in and around us rather than by perhaps wants directly on our plate. And so to get at this, you know, it becomes pretty complicated and in some ways it’s reassuring.

[37:39] Dr Zach Bush: Just because you’re gaining weight, it doesn’t mean that your body’s broken doesn’t mean that you can never lose weight again. Doesn’t mean that you’re, you’re, you’re failing in the gym. So there’s no character flaw here. It’s your bacterial biome has shifted largely probably because of shifting your immune system shifts in that inflammatory state. So the good news is is if instead of working on your on cutting calories and exercising more, if we instead get that coke here at membrane of your gut, put back together and shift the bacterial biome in your god, we will expect to see that weight loss happen even if you don’t restrict calories and exercise more. And so if we start to really refocus your lifestyle around a different environment, you’ll get there. The two major pieces of this, of course we could go on for hours and hours on live healthy lifestyle form.

[38:27] Dr Zach Bush: But let me give you just two nuggets. Number one is your sleep. You’ve got to respect the day night cycle. If you want to lose weight, it seems to play again into the bacterial biome and its adjustments. But if you start to ignore the day night cycle and you start staying up late and you’re one of those people, like many of us checking our email at midnight still are, you know, when you’re on your laptop in your lap in bed until 1:00 in the morning, how’d you know exactly? You know. So I’d say anybody kind of living that high tech high lifestyle, the California dream is going to be prone to that, that lifestyle. And what’s happening is you’re suppressing leptin, you’re suppressing rel and you’re screwing up all of this relationship between satiety and um, and um, nutrient intake. And so you’re screwing those up through that lifestyle.

[39:17] Dr Zach Bush: So number one, if you really feel like you’re perimenopausal and menopausal, you’re just at your wit’s end with the hot flashes and screwed up sleep. Take a look at that moment. I think you’re going to realize, oh my gosh, I am absolutely one of those people. And so the technique that you need to do is wake up early and do your work then and then get to bed early and we’re just going to go to bed, get up, get up early. I’m talking about getting up early and if we look back in time before, not just before the internet, not just before television, but before the electric light, we get a very interesting piece of information. The average wait time in the late 18 hundreds, around 1880, we developed a light bulb. Edison in 18, 86 was kind of when that went mainstream. So late, early 18, eighties, the average wait time was around 4:30 AM in today.

[40:06] Dr Zach Bush: And farmers, uh, you see that their average wait time is still around 4:30 AM. So anybody who’s living in connection with the natural life cycles of nature are going to be up early. Predawn your body is activated. You have over 40 hormones that we know of. It’s probably going to end up being a couple hundred hormones that are turning on around 4:00 AM in the morning to regulate everything from metabolism to your appetite for the day, to your immune system, regulation to the growth of muscle. All these things are being regulated, regulated at 4:00 AM and they’re activating. You’re trying to get you up out of bed, but if you didn’t go to sleep until 1:00 AM, then you’re just starting your second cycle of sleep. When all those hormones turned on and you’re going to have fractured sleep and so you’ll suddenly wake up and it’d be hard to get back to sleep because your mind is racing.

[40:51] Dr Zach Bush: You’re like, my god, it’s 3:30 this morning. Why can’t I sleep? Well, you can’t sleep because your body thinks it’s time to get up and it’s very frustrated that you only got three hours of sleep, but it’s got 40 hormones that are telling you to wake up right now and you’re forcing yourself back to sleep for another couple of sleep cycles. And many people will find that, you know, if they are able to fall back asleep at five or 6:00 AM, suddenly they get their best sleep, six to 9:00 AM and then they’re late and they’re behind the eight ball and everything else. The reason you got better sleep from six to 9:00 AM instead of four to 6:00 AM is because your hormones at 4:00 AM. We’re trying to get you up by 6:00 AM. They had given up and they think that you are in some sort of famine or or pestilence on and so it’s shifted you into a fight or flight state where it’s like, okay, we’re going to get a little bit of this deep sleep so that we can get up and fight the war.

[41:41] Dr Zach Bush: And as soon as you do wake up at 9:00 AM, you’re in a fight or flight state, no matter what you eat is going to be stored as fat in the liver and you’re going to have a real struggle. So get up early. Predawn would be ideal, but at least be getting up by 6:00 AM, 6:37 now you start pushing past 7:00 AM. You’re now definitely tickling into those kind of fight or flight hours. So you’re trying to get up before 7:00 AM and you’re trying to start to feed the system. And so again, in the 18 days we would jump out of bed and 4:30 and we would grab a little bite to eat. It would suppress grelin, which is a potent appetite hormone. And then we would set out. And so once you’ve suppressed ghrelin, you can go and get your morning chores done on the farm and then you come back in and you have your big breakfast at eight.

[42:23] Dr Zach Bush: That would have been a typical pattern. And the 18 eighties. And if we go back to that pattern where we get up, really suppress our appetite hormones with some food intake, go out, do some physical exercise, do our yoga classes, do our workouts, and then eat a larger food intake. Now her body is programmed setting. We woke up at the right time, we’re taking in fuel, there’s no shortage of fuel. We’re going to channel that fuel in a Muscle, not fat, and we’re getting a great detox from sweating and some heart breath aNd everything else from the physical exertion. Now it’s 9:00 AM and you’ve got a completely different day already afoot than if you had just dragged through poor quality of sleep from 4:00 AM to nine. So her respect the day night cycle. If you’re getting up at 4:30 or five, you’re not going to be up at 1:00 in the morning here, buys down by 9:00 PM and that’s the normal sleep time.

[43:10] Dr Zach Bush: So somewhere between 8:30 and nine would typically be when the body’s getting ready for sleep. Historically it was very interesting that it might be the best type of sleep. Go to sleep around 8:30 PM and wake up at midnight, have a bite to eat, process some, integrate maybe your dream state, integrate some of your short term to long term memory and then go back to sleep at 1:00 AM and sleep soundly until 4:30, so there was something called first and second sleep that was in the medical literature back in the 18 hundreds, but we lost that whole phenomenon, but that that may end up being true and you might find that self for you. Find that for yourself. if you really listen to your body and let yourself go to sleep at 8:30 or 9:00 PM, you might naturally wake up three to four hours later, have a short period of lucidness and then be ready to go back to sleep again and get really sound sleep again.

[44:01] Dr Zach Bush: That might be your ideal to jobs and so I can be a really potent thing. There’s there’s a little surge of appetite hormone grelin that happens at midnight and today when you ask an endocrinologist, why is that? We’re like, nah, we don’t really know, but it turns itself off around 2:00 AM, well probably served in because there’s actually some advantage to getting up at midnight, you know, have that small healthy snack while you do some meditation. That’d be a perfect time to do your 20 minutes of self affirmation and gets centered to lead your anxiety levels, drop again, process the day, and then moved back into sleep again and now your body is really ready to go into deep, deep sleep between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM. Now you’ve got these two great chunks of time, you know, 8:30 to 1230 and then one five, something like that. Suddenly you got this really deep sleep happening in those two sectors and when you wake up, your metabolism read up, revved up and you’re ready to go. That one on sleep

[45:01] Reena Jadhav: you mentioned. Yeah. You mentioned two things with sleepless one and what a great detail explanation on that. I’m going to definitely have to try this sleeping at night and waking up at midnight and then trying the second second sleep cycle and see how that impacts, um, my, my wellness. What’s the second idea? Yeah.

[45:18] Dr Zach Bush: Second idea of courses in the other 12 hours of the clock. Um. Oh. Actually I should mention one thing in regard to going to sleep early. It’s very difficult to go to sleep early if you don’t respect the evening in regard to light levels. If you are on your laptop or staring at a tv screen or under led lights in your home until the moment you go to sleep, your brain is not ready for sleep. Your brain is getting stimulated by that bright light, especially the blue tones within the light of an led or your computer screen in our tv. Um, if you are checking email late, you have to download. This app is called iris is the website I r I s And iris tech has a simple one that they’ve got a iris many Which is for your cell phone and they’ve got the full blown irs for your laptop or desktop.

[46:13] Dr Zach Bush: I use iris all the time is just so po. I now use it all the time, anytime of day. I never looked at my computer. If irs isn’t running, you can turn it off momentarily so that all the colors adjust back to that bright blue, a tone edge if I’m doing a powerpoint presentation or something like that, but if I’m just personally looking at my laptop, I’ve always got irish running. Some really radically reduces the strain, but importantly, you need melatonin at night to be ready to go to sleep at a decent hour. Melatonin, this shot off by these blue, a light frequencies that we’re exposed to all the time through led lights and tv screens and monitors, so respect that what you’re going after as a low intensity light. Remember that until just a racing last 50 or 100 years. Humans never saw light at night.

[47:01] Dr Zach Bush: The night was a flame either. Yeah, or the stars, which are very faint, but it candle or firelight were the brightest things that there I would ever see. Those are all in the red spectrum instead of the blue spectrum and so red spectrum light doesn’t shut down. Melatonin, I keeps. Keeps your brain function moving into that nocturnal state, the moonlight fire light. All of these are low intensity lights with a red band. Um, one other tool beyond iris, especially if you find yourself where you’re working in a fluorescent or led lit office space until late in the evening, you’re going to want to look into a blue blocker. Glasses. These are very cheap. You can get them for 10 or $15 on amazon blue blocker glasses. They look kind of like the fishing, polarized fishing glasses. As you see guys wearing a out on the lake there, orange lands are yellowish orange and they blocked that, flew a spectrum and you can wear those.

[48:01] Dr Zach Bush: And I, I always try to wear either a red polarized lens or the amber lens. You can even in your higher end sunglasses, you can get those amber lenses instead of the brown lenses, always get an amber lens. And so my amber sunglasses that are polarized are fantastic functioning the block, that blue light. And what I have found is that I can actually tolerate shopping in the evenings if I’m wearing those glasses. Uh, I used to have pretty much a no rage affects if I was in target for more than five minutes or any other large box store with all those fluorescent lights and I thought it was just because I hated shopping, but it turns out same tense field of fluorescent lights on the ceiling that was putting me on edge and I slipped on those polarized glasses and suddenly my anxiety level drops a couple of levels and I can tolerate the fact that I can’t find whatever I’m looking for, whatever it is better.

[48:56] Dr Zach Bush: And so think about light, think about trying to reduce the stress that you’re getting on your eyes and ultimately on your hormonal system because of all the blue light that we’re surrounded by in the evenings. So then the this, so that’s kind of inclusion piece. The other tWelve hours during the daylight is what I want you to think about for the other kind of big lifestyle change as to how to affect change in your microbiome and your metabolism for losing weight and reducing inflammation and improving autonomic nervous system, reducing hot flashes. Perry, menopause. Go on and on and on, and the answer is outside, and so you’ve got to get back in nature outdoors during the day, and this has a myriad of effects and the number one effects that changes the bacteria and fungi that you’re breathing. Your ecosystem should involve somewhere around 30 to 50,000 species of bacteria.

[49:46] Dr Zach Bush: Over $5, million species of fungi. We can’t even really wrap our minds around the complexity egos. Um, for the bacteria, you’re up around 2 million genes that are dictating our genome. So 2 million gene and output from the bacteria. You’re up at nearly a trillion genes for the phone guy, or way over a trillion. Actually, it’s more like a pushing 100 trillion for the fun guy. and so you’ve got just billions and trillions of genes. The genetic data that’s imprinting on your genome when you’re out in the environment that’s so beneficial, that creates such an intelligent works, suddenly your measly 20,000 genes can make millions of different variants depending on what input it’s getting from the bacteria fungi, from the environment. Your immune system should be programmed differently in the fall than it is in the spring than it is in the summer than it is in the winter. No matter which environment you live in, you should be cycling your hormonal and and genetic and decision making depending on what’s happening in the ecosystem.

[50:54] Dr Zach Bush: You shoulD be speediNg up And slowing down your metabolism depending on what time of day, but if your body’s experiences. I live in a dry wall space and I travel to my office, which is a dry wall space, and then I’d come home to a dry wall space and then maybe a couple of times a week I stopped by a giant dry wall building called target or grocery store and I call that my outing. Well, you suddenly have identified almost no variety in this larger world around you and you’re very monotonous and your genomic information and so the body you build in that environment that’s monotonous is very monotonous in and of itself. It can’t tolerate adversity. It can’t tolerate a change of environment. It can’t tolerate many things. And so your world keeps shrinking and shrinking and shrinking because you keep feeling like, well, I can’t even tolerate this.

[51:42] Dr Zach Bush: Or I’d go outside and I have food allergies. I have allergies to the mold or the fungus or the or the pollen or whatever it is. Well, what’s happened is you’ve so narrowed your experience of the genomic and microbial life around you that you can’t tolerate adversity. Or if we get you back out into nature as your daily routine, first thing in the morning, you’re up early and you’re up at 4:30 or five and you get a green juice or you. You have my favorite thing, has an avocado toast. You have that and you got this great fat load and you go out and take a brisk walk through the neighborhood and you take the dog to the park. Can you kick around in the dirt with the dollar and you’re throwing the frisbee and you’re picking up a dirty frisbee that’s got dogs flour all over it and all this stuff. You’re getting microbiome. I’m all over the place. How your body’s got a totally different experience than a day and now you come back and you’re eating a big healthy breakfast and you’re just finished working out and I mean you can really rapidly see how you would, how you would produce a completely different human body. If this was your lifestyle

[52:45] Reena Jadhav: under mine. I mean, I think you’d be a lot more joyful if that was the beginning of your day instead of what today we have, which is you wake up typically frazzled with so much to do. You grAb some coffee and race through awful traffic to a job you probably don’t like. so yeah, it would be a probably a whole new life experience for you if that was the beginning of your day.

[53:07] Dr Zach Bush: That’s exactly right. And you just nailed it as this joy concept. what actually makes us joyful is finding purpose in pursuing that purpose. what makes us miserable as being in conflict with or going the wrong direction according to our purpose and our purpose is trying to head to the right and we’re going to on a steep left everyday with our job and we with our all the time that we’re pouring into what feels like a frivolous pursuit of money or frivolous pursuit of stock options or frivolous pursuit of board member votes or whatever monotonous, ridiculous business scheme. We’ve gotten ourselves into an amazing amount of mental and physical and emotional energy going into that when in fact your purpose here may have been to educate children or to start an entrepreneurial environment for women in the developing world or some fascinating project that’s going to equalize opportunity across the globe or bring a sustainable technology to unsustainable sectors of our society.

[54:06] Dr Zach Bush: Whatever it is you, if you showed up right now and humanity, you’ve got an incredible purpose because we’re right at the tipping point right now. If we don’t change everything the next 20 years, we’re going to lose the ability to procreate. We are going to be so infertile by the mid twenties, thirties that we can’t even replace ourselves and they the developed world and we’re gonna have a huge collapse of human population. If you showed up right now, you showed up to be part of the radical change that’s going to be necessary over the next 20 years to make us survive, and so I really believe that if you’re listening today, you’ve already identified yourself as a thought leader. You’ve already identified yourself as somebody who’s seen where your trajectory is going and saying, hell no. If I keep going down that avenue, I’m going to die early, or my children are already sick. They’re already getting collapsing in their health and their only six or 12 or 18 years old. Hell no, we can’t keep going this direction and now you’re listening in. You’re listening to rena and a thousand other programs online and you’re starting to research and starting to open up your mind. You are in purpose. You’re coming closer to your purpose now, which is be an agent of change because we have to transform absolutely every sector of society. If we’re going to survive,

[55:17] Reena Jadhav: you are so right. We starting with yourself, right? It has to start with fixing yourself first and even something as simple as sleeping on the right time and waking up at the right time, which is a hard though. Dr. Bush change is so hard. Um, I can say that because I’ve been there, done that and I’ve changed and it’s so hard to sustain that change. let’s talk bioidentical hormones though first. So there has been some argument. There’s a couple of new books out as well that talk about the fact that with menopause comes not just the annoying symptoms, but also some pretty severe health issues. Um, breast cancer rates, osteoporosis, arthritis, whole host of things, cholesterol, heart disease, and that possibly using bioidenticals gives the female body a chance to prevent some of those issues. What are your thoughts on bioidenticals? Is there ever a case where it makes sense to use bioidentical?

[56:19] Dr Zach Bush: I think that there’s a lot of cases where you could make an argument for their use. I would then put a caveat on that. It should be short term use and it should always be recognized for what it is, which is a bandaid. It is never a solution, and so your body is going through what it is today, not because of progesterone or estrogen changes. It’s going through what it’s going through today because of the inflammation in your body. So if you can keep that in mind and really embrace the reality of like, okay, I’m having all these symptoms and these symptoms, but there no way that I have the mental or emotional reserve to put together a lifestyle change when I’m feeling this out of sorts. I can’t even concentrate with my brain fog. I can’t sleep as the hot flashes. Blah, blah blah.

[57:02] Dr Zach Bush: We’ll start your lifestyle changes and if you want to go ahead and throw some bioidenticals into the mix, as long as you’re carefully washed bioidenticals are not safe and they are inherently a risky affair. Uh, anytime you started having a doctor, iea human in our limited capacity of knowledge and uh, and tools start to throw something like estrogen into the mix, I can guarantee you they’re going to screw something out. There is no way a bioidentical hormone or a doctor practicing biodentical hormones is gonna nail exactly what your body needs because your body needs something different every single minute of the day and we simply can’t deliver that through a cream or a pill or anything else. And so you are inherently about to embark on a very unnatural journeying with estrogen or progesterone. If you start on bioidenticals, so keep that in mind. They are not bioidentical to anything.

[57:53] Dr Zach Bush: A bio identical would be a pulSe of estrogen coming from the ovary of a few times a minute all the way through the day, totally different dose, about 8:00 AM then at nine, eight, 9:00 PM, et cetera, et cetera. And so they’re not bio identical in any stretch of the imagination to what your body should be making. If it was not inflamed a marketing term. It’s a marketing term, very well packaged and it as dangerous in the sense that it makes it sound super safe and super natural and it’s neither of those. And so to make sure you’ve got a good bio identical therapist involved, somebody who’s being moderate monitoring your blood levels of that and most of all you want to watch out for any symptoms of bleeding. So if you have any abnormal bleeding, if you’ve stopped having periods and you start having periods, again, you’re probably on too much hormone.

[58:39] Dr Zach Bush: if you start having breakthrough bleeding because you never stopped your periods, but now you’re starting to see spotting partway through the month or a couple of days before your period year on too much hormone. Um, so be very aware that if you see anything out of out of your normal pattern, you’re on too much hormone and you’re putting your body at more risk, not less so. Be careful with bioidenticals. Be aware that they’re not identical to what your body should be doing and make sure you’re using them to a bridge towards something deeper, which is a root cause situation or a root cost solution to your problem, which is get your autonomic system working by decreasing the amount of inflammation by supporting these systems and so start looking to things like your while you’re restore your tumeric. You’re plant baSed diet, your no anti-inflammatory sleep patterns. All of these things.

[59:29] Dr Zach Bush: Get all of those involved and you’re going to find out that, wow, I don’t need these bandaids of progesterone and estrogen and when I’m clicking it, I’m on my game. I buy as is a no longer perimenopausal and b, I’m getting stronger, not weaker through my own mechanisms of health. Keep in mind that if you start to get healthy, the bioidentical hormones, if you’re using them, are going to start to become detrimental in the sense that they’re screwing up. What’s now a a, a system in recovery. Your system and recovery is gonna. Be super confused if it suddenly has an infusion of estrogen, progesterone coming through your gut or through your skin. Once a day or a couple times a week or whatever your pattern is, that’s not how it’s expecting to see it, and so if you have a system in recovery, keeping getting whacked with this unnatural delivery of hormone day, day in and day out, then you got an issue.

[01:00:19] Reena Jadhav: What about the patches that you put on and they’re pretty much there for about three to four days versus something that you swallow versus something that you insert or are you biased towards either one of these?

[01:00:35] Dr Zach Bush: I, I’m not. A huge fan of the patch is. Again, you’re delivering it to a very focal area of, of the bloodstream, and so you’re going to get a very abnormal estrogen distribution in the venus. A pattern from that area of your skin. It’s not a normal delivery system. I’d rather have a patch than a pill any day of the week though. Uh, you should never be on oral estrogen if you’re going to be on a bioidentical estrogen to make sure it’s topical, either a patch or a cream. The reason I liked the, the creams that you can distribute them over a larger area so that you’re not getting such a high concentration in such a tiny area. Um, that kind of thing. So I prefer the creams or the patches. I prefer both the creams and the patches over the pills. Um, progesterone a often will be given orally and that’s a lot less dangerous than estrogen.

[01:01:23] Dr Zach Bush: But keep in mind if you take something orally like progesterone, your liver is going to see the highest amount of that. And that’s not what was intended. If your ovaries are making it, your liver sees very little of it and it’s actually your peripheral tissues that are seeing your bachelor tree, your heart, your immune system. That’s, it’s getting a beneficial progesterone interaction. If you take it orally, then just your gut lining in your liver are getting hammered with very high progesterone levels which are immune modulatory and those systems and not necessarily getting into your brand and other areas that it’s needed.

[01:01:56] Reena Jadhav: You know, one of the things I’ve heard over and over again as, oh, my doc prescribed to stastrom to help me with my weight issues. What are your thoughts on that?

[01:02:04] Dr Zach Bush: Another bandaid. And so the natural effect of the, of inflammation and stress on the system is going to be a drop in progesterone and drop in testosterone and then eventually a drop in estrogen. And so if you see a low testosterone level, you have symptoms of low testosterone. again, it’s just an early symptom of chronic inflammation and stress and you need to make some lifestyle changes. If you throw on a bandaid with testosterone and keep in mind you just added a growth factor to what is already a stressed out system in my book. I almost guarantee you, you are signing up for potentials for really bad outcomes and in the medium to longterm, uh, for this short term effect of feeling a bit better. So if you’re gonna, do it, do it short term, and make sure you’re putting in play a lot more exercise and gut chef to make sure that the microbiome shifting. You’re outSide a lot more. You’re the united cycles corrected. Make sure you’re on all these pieces at play.

[01:02:58] Reena Jadhav: well, let’s talk for a moment. So given that, of course everyone should make sure they’re having an organic, healthy and nutritious farm bot diet. Is there a specific composition you recommend between fat, carbs, proteins for someone in menopause? And I’ll caveat that with my own experience and I could be unique, but I’ll share it. So I noticed that if I didn’t have enough protein in a given day, I would have more tendency towards a hot flash than not. Now I haven’t had a hot flash and six months, so yay. But when I was experiencing them, I found that if I took, you know, sort of a very healthy kid, vegetable diet, I would have more hot flashes then if I had, let’s say, had some fish or some chicken that day.

[01:03:45] Dr Zach Bush: What are your thoughts on not the protein? The protein is actually acidic and an inflammatory, especially your bigger fish. So salmon and tuna are the two most common that women are consuming and in our country are the same. Protein structure. Is beef carnitine interesting as very inflammatory and so women have been taught again through a marketing campaign. Then get the fish on the menu. It’s better than salmon, salmon,

[01:04:11] Reena Jadhav: the number one anti-inflammatory fish, right?

[01:04:14] Dr Zach Bush: When in fact you’re eating l team, the same inflammatory proteins that you’re getting in beef. The reason why it got touted as that is because sam is relatively high in omega threes or the only reason if you need that you need omega threes is if you have tons of omega sixes and nines, which are the inflammatory, I’ll mega fats and that’s why salmon is high in omega threes is because there’s tons of six nine. It’s an inherently inflammatory compound that has enough omega three to help reduce some of that stress, but nonetheless, what you were actually experiencing is not a protein benefit. It was a fat benefit. So if you’re having hot flashes, and frankly this is for any condition, if you have chronic inflammation and fat is your most important antidote, you do need healthy fats and so something like trans fat from margin from hydrogenated oil is going to kill you instantly. However, if you have a healthy mono Saturated fat like olive oil at raw temperatures or you have the saturated fat that you see in coconut oil or even better, you get into the emu oil that I mentioned earlier. These oils are super potent at reducing inflammation and stabilizing that autonomic nervous system, so I think what you were getting when you noticed that you had fewer hot flashes if you had a piece of fish is it was the fat and the fish that was actually helping you towards that end point rather than the protein.

[01:05:36] Reena Jadhav: Thank you so much for clarifying that. I have to ask this and then we’ll wrap up. I know where were a little bit over. I feel like I can literally chat with you for hours, so every time I chat with you I learned something new which has gone very to what the general information out there. As so I’m listening to you going, how are we going to correct the misinformation out there into adopt a phrase of a person. I do not like. There is so much fake news out there with respect to health and wellness and of course then there’s you out there going, no, no. Let me tell yoU the truth. This is what it is. How do we change this, this curve so that there’s more information that’s accurate and relevant, more arena because we need more of you. And the question is, how do we do that?

[01:06:36] Dr Zach Bush: Well, turns out there’s only one of me, but there’s, you know, there’s an army of you and you and all the bloggers out there. I really believe that the internet, the silver lining on the internet is definitely not facebook. It’s not twitter. It’s not all the things that are distracting our whole population. Um, the silver lining to the internet is access to information and because I really believe that real media, real truth can be meted out by the people, not by our cnns and our, our big news moguls that are consolidating information, more entertainment than actual useful information. And so it really is your show and so many others that I spent all my time on. And that’s why I put such a huge part of my time into doing podcasts for all these various people around the country is because you guys are the mouthpiece for truth and the consumers ultimately trusting you because you have been on the journey.

[01:07:30] Dr Zach Bush: It’s one thing to listen to an endocrinologist and a doctor have a contrarian perspective on what their functional medicine doctor or somebody else has told them. It’s a much different thing to hear a patient who’s been on this on this journey, walk the same walk as they’re walking right now. Instead, I moved from point a to point b and these tools have been useful and all the rest. and so you know, your testimony on restore will outweigh 10 hours of me blabbing about the science, about some product I developed. So I really think it’s more of you and not just reading them, but more of you out there in the public. And so all of you listening know that you’re part of that. Rena is sensing the same sort of desperation that I’m sensing in my life as me and I know so much and I have such important information for the population to know right now, but I can’t get it out there fast enough so we need every one of you that’s listening to become a part of that grassroots movement for truth, part of the grassroots movement for real answers, not bandaids, and it’s as a functional integrative medicine doctor kind of thing.

[01:08:33] Dr Zach Bush: I, I want you to know that I want to push my paradigm. I, I want to deprogram my doctoring into just an education based system rather than an intervention, an intervention based kind of mindset, and so you guys are now responsible to make Vietnam asian of change in your environment and that might just be in your immediate family, but it always starts with you first is rena mentioned, and so you being on this journey yourself, you actually finding time to, to self love, self respect and self value yourself. to the degree that you’re going to put the time and the resources of thought and self discipline into these lifestyle changes. They’re gonna put you on a completely different course. That’s the revolution. You don’t have to do this for anybody other than yourself, but if you do it well for yourself, there’s gonna be a wave of fact. There’s ripples that’ll shoot out from you as an epicenter of change in your immediate family, into your workplace, in your churches and synagogues, etc. Etc. You’re going to just have a whole different shift happen around you and not because you’re being an overservice, but because you’re simply becoming an agent of truth and knowledge and you’ve joining us today is a huge part of that, so thanks for joining us.

[01:09:44] Reena Jadhav: Brilliantly said. Thank you so much for taking your time out and doing this, sharing your knowledge, sharing your information. Really appreciate Dr. Bush and for the rest of you, you heard it be the agent of truth. Don’t just lIsten to the podcasts and keep information to yourself. Get out there and share. Tell everyone what it takes to deal with menopause symptoms, what it takes to get your health back and no, it’s not in a bioidentical cream. That is not the answer, so thank you for listening. Please share and let’s get everybody healthy together. Until next time, this is rena.





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