Energy Healing for Beating Disease with Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson, MD

December 19, 2019by Reena0





Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson, BIO

Ann Marie Chiasson, MD, MPH, is the Interim Director of the Fellowship at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and is board-certified in Integrative Medicine and Family Medicine. Dr. Chiasson has a long standing interest in traditional energy healing traditions and has extensive experience exploring energy medicine and alternative healing practices including time spent with Mayan shamanic healers and psychic surgeons in the Yucatan peninsula. She is the author of Energy Healing- the Essentials of Self Care (Sounds True 2013,) co-author of Self-Healing with Energy Medicine with Dr. Andrew Weil (Sounds True 2009,) as well as multiple other academic and instructional publications on Energy Healing and Integrative Medicine. She teaches Integrative Medicine and Energy Medicine around the country and has also worked extensively as a Medical Director in hospice in Tucson and as an Integrative Family Medicine physician in Tucson and Canada.


Watch, learn, then come over let’s talk! It’s easier to heal together, we are waiting to welcome you Energy Healing for Beating Disease with Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson, MD

Energy Healing for Beating Disease with Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson, MD


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Energy Healing for Beating Disease with Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson, MD


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Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson,



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