Book Summary “Renegade Beauty” By Nadine Artemis

August 4, 2018by Reena0

Book Summary “Renegade Beauty” By Nadine Artemis


Read the Transcript Below the Bio

Nadine Artemis is the author of two books including “Renegade Beauty: Reveal and Revive Your Natural Radiance and Holistic” and “Dental Care: The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums”.

She is the creator of Living Libations, an exquisite line of serums, elixirs, and essentials oils for those seeking the purest of the pure botanical health and beauty products on the planet

Nadine is a gifted aromacologist and visionary who gathers and works with the purest ingredients from around the world. Through Living Libations™, a company co-created with her partner Ron Obadia, Nadine offers beauty and natural health products that bring out the strength of the botanicals without reliance on synthetics. By drawing on her gift of synesthesia, with which scent is also depicted as living color, Nadine is able to tap into the purest plant essences, enabling her to create the most sublime botanical compounds.

Nadine is a key speaker at health and wellness conferences and a frequent commentator on health and beauty for media outlets. She has received glowing reviews for her work in the Hollywood Reporter, Vogue, People, Yoga Journal, The New York Times and National Post.

Celebrity fans include Shailene Woodley, Carrie Anne Moss, Mandy Moore and many others. Alanis Morissette, describes Nadine as “a true sense-visionary. Nadine has the greatest collection of rare and special oils… she has a wondrous knowledge and passion for it all.” Aveda founder, Horst Rechelbacher, calls Nadine “a pure flower of creativity.”

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Book Summary “Renegade Beauty” By Nadine Artemis

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Book Summary “Renegade Beauty” By Nadine Artemis



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Reena Jadhav: Hey everybody out of here, founder of health bootcamps. And this interview today is coming to you live via video. So if you are listening to it on itunes or soundcloud, then do check out the video on the youtube channel or of course it’s always available on our website So beauty is a massive business in the US. You and I know that 445 billion is some estimate $30,000 spent on beauty every year, quarter million dollars over the lifetime of a woman. All these crazy stats. But here’s a beautiful quote that I have to wait to you before I introduced to you this amazing new gas that we have today. Um, have you ever gotten breathless before from a beautiful face or. I see you there, my dear roomy, I love Rumi, makes me want to cry every single time and today’s guest is beautiful Nadine Artemis who’s written a brand new book called renegade beauty reveal and revive your natural radiance and here is this gorgeous book.

Reena Jadhav: Nadine, welcome.

Nadine Artemis: Thank you so much for having me on. How did you get Carrie-Anne Moss to write you a forward? Well, the lovely Carrie-Anne Moss, she just spontaneously emailed one day and she’s just like, I’ve just inhaled your rose glow serum and I need to meet you and a last name sounds familiar that we were trying to get together in La then because it was coming down for a conference but it didn’t work out. But then she said, hey, I’m going to be in Toronto and on a certain date and I don’t live in Toronto, but I’m. I’m about three hours from there. But I was like, oh my God. I just happened to be flying in from San Francisco that day and had had planned to stay overnight in Toronto. So I met her and our, our hotels. We’re on the same block. So after my flight landed, I went over to her place, she was shooting a film in Toronto and then we, it was about 8:30 at night and we talked to about 4:30 in the morning first encounter.

Reena Jadhav: Oh my goodness. Well, I think that’s just such a great testament to the products that you’ve created that we’re going to talk about. But I want to read Dr Kelly Brogan, who by the way, I love. I want to just briefly read because I think it again, it underscores the kind of book you’ve written a with Dr. Kelly Brogan says more than simply a booty buck. This is one of the most comprehensive guides, the new paradigm of health and medicine, including essential mythbusting, an evidence base tips for true health and wellness. And of course she says it’s the book of soared to the top of her list. We’re awakened vitality and self healing. And did. Why did you write this book?

Nadine Artemis: Well, it’s

Nadine Artemis: been the, in my, in my being and my brain to write for several years. Um, and uh, I just, it’s really a culmination of like really the past 25 years where I’ve been deeply formulating for botanical beauty products and to me health and beauty are inextricably bound. So I had dabblings of working. I’m making my own things when I was a teenager and stuff. When I got to university I was studying women’s studies. And the fascinating thing about it was that the health stuff that really opened up. So we were talking know one of our textbooks was our bodies ourselves. We were looking at Iud, the hazards of birth control. I did product PR projects on midwifery. I, you know, I was taking women’s studies and film or women in African cultures. So I was really looking at cross culturally and historically women women’s bodies and the medical system.

Nadine Artemis: So all that was going on with my studies. And then at home I was brewing up my own concoctions. I was going deep into the ancient alchemy of essential oils. I was gathering essential oils from around the world. And also in that moment I had really begun to realize that the whole supermarket situation was fake. Um, that we were eating, you know, a lot of fake food and I really educated myself on how to read labels and this is all back when I’m like 18. And so it was like those three things culminating and making my own products only eating organic from nonprocessed food from 18 on really understanding women’s health and then putting it all together because I really think like women’s health issues and industrialized beauty, they really, they meet and not always in the healthiest ways. So I feel like, you know, to feel beautiful, enter, radiate your own unique beauty. It kinda got a feel healthy.

Reena Jadhav: Absolutely. Absolutely. And so let’s get started. Let’s actually dive right into chapter one, which is an unimagined beauty flows through you. Tell us a little bit about the essence of that particular chapter.

Nadine Artemis: So that chapter’s really having us die than to ourselves and in a celebratory and a poetic way has sometimes through is really, you know, we can’t always just say sentences and flat out and, and get the vibe of things. So it’s a really about diving into your own beauty where we’ve been like fed insecurities and layer it, all that stuff on and just of busting that open and tuning in to what we’re actually replenishes us, which isn’t red lipstick per se or you know, exfoliating plastic exfoliating beads. It’s the elements, it’s, it’s where everything gets created. So it’s sunshine and air and water and allowing those to flow through you and replenish yourself and your breath and you’re being

Reena Jadhav: chapter two. Beauty is a pathless land. Talk a little bit about that.

Nadine Artemis: So again, even though it’s a book and there was a lot like a gut, there’s an essential kind of guidebook to it and I’m also saying, you know, listen to what I’m saying and then give it up, you know, because I don’t want people to discover what’s real for them and finding that beauty and your own radiance is going to be a pathless land. And the book is just like a breadcrumb along the way.

Reena Jadhav: You know, I’ll read something here. This is an invitation and illumination to dive into your being to be the beauty and the beautician. The music and the musician, the desire and the desire. Beauty is a pathless land. There is no arrival. So beautifully said. How do you see beauty?

Nadine Artemis: Yeah, but it’s like it’s a communion. It’s a communion. Whether it’s with yourself, with the sunshine, with a flower. It’s not something that’s applied. It’s a communion. It’s a feeling. It’s radiating from within.

Reena Jadhav: Let’s talk about chapter three. So in the beginning, what is the message that you’re trying to get through in this chapter?

Nadine Artemis: That chapter is actually, that’s about little Nadine growing up, so some of the things I just talked about, but just sort of my story and the journey and how I came to, you know, have all this I guess knowledge about beauty and health and how it all ties together. So a little bit about my journey. How has making perfumes in grade nine and then I was concocting things out of my kitchen and then started importing essential oils that were of the highest quality. And then when I was 22 I opened up North America’s first full concept aromatherapies store and you know, just blending in and concocting ever since. So that’s, that’s what that chapter is about.

Reena Jadhav: It’s fascinating to me that you’ve been doing this in such a young age. Did you have familial influence or where do you think you, you develop this interest?

Nadine Artemis: I really went when I, you know, we can get a bit of hindsight after a few decades of life on the planet and, and I really, I know like I, so I actually where we live now in this beautiful areas where we had a cottage where I went to camp and I was deeply, you know, in the woods and in the forest and concocting things as a little girl, you know, it was just mud and crushed geranium leaves. But I, I had this thing to mix things and even even in the home or I’d ride my mother’s bathroom cabinet and put perfume together with like cleaning products. No, that’d be like grade one. Um, so yeah, it was just enthralled with it. And then in grade nine I did this perfume project and this whole book on cosmetics I found at the library. And that was so fascinating because I didn’t really get where I had all the bottles of perfume, it was all the commercial stuff and I would blend all that, but I didn’t really know where it come from and it talks about ancient Egypt and that they were pressed from pedals and sluice from sap and tincture from trees.

Nadine Artemis: And I was just sad that that medicine and perfume, we’re really back in the day, seen as one in the same. And the perfumers were the medicine makers and the medicine makers were the perfumers. And I found that thrilling. And now what we have is we have beauty care that’s these lifeless liquids there without reverence in made in a lab. They’re just made in a lab and with you know, process purified petroleum, oil and crazy ingredients that no poor is parched for. So when I thought that I just like, it just struck such a chord with me to combine nature with the Goo that we were going to put on our bodies. And that was really strong for me.

Reena Jadhav: It’s so true. You know, beauty creates beauty. And so when you look at some of the ingredients in these incredibly well known brands, there’s no beauty in any of those ingredients. What are the things that I actually did many, many years ago is contrary to what the media was trying to tell me. I decided I wasn’t going to put any of that stuff on my face and I personally went down to just basic essential oils, things that were sort of not even multiple ingredients. You know, how we live in a world where more ingredients means better oil. I just want rose hip oil oil. It’s just one little ingredient with a little essential oil or a little fragment like maybe lavender or rose. But that’s it. That’s all your body needs or your needs. Let’s talk about the next chapter, chapter four, the mystery and history of beauty from the Milky Way to the microbiome. Talk a little bit about that and the moment I read that I thought Cleopatra Milky. So share a little bit about that.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. So that’s like really just going into the history of the mastery. So looking at like all of our, you know, sort of western philosophies throughout time, a little like a little quick trip through time about ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, you know, how is beauty thought of symmetry and the FIBONACCI spiral, the golden ratio is like sort of a statically how we think of beauty and then also bringing in John Ruskin who is like a philosopher in the renaissance era and just his concept of vitality and a vital beauty which was really a whole relationship with the universe. So we want to, you know, and broadening out how we, how we are relating to things. So we forgot that we engage with things. So like it’s like the sun is like causing things to us and we’re forgetting that that’s a relationship. So when those rays are touching your skin, that’s a relationship and you know, what, what is beneficial about that or where do we have to have some boundaries to protect our skin?

Nadine Artemis: So really reconsidering our relationship with the universe. And again, moving away from beauty being something that’s applied to you. And so it’s a walk through time. And then even like thinking about also expanding into what I like to call cosmetics, so which is a cosmetic is something that’s um, that we apply to the body, but a cosmetic is something that we’re taking from the universe and applying to our body. So that could be, you know, the water or wind or sunshine. So really widening our relationship to the universe, taking the wide scope, you know, before we go into other chapters which get into the nitty gritty and then the microbiome. So realizing that, you know, media rights create, there’s microbes that come from media rights on the planet and that’s a part of our bodies. And also really understanding the microbiome is a like which is the, which is the bacteria that are essential to human health. Too many functions from digestion to our endocrine system. And that the understanding the microbiome is fairly new in the past couple of decades. And it’s really time for all of us to just understand that we are a bacterial banquet and that we’re really a host to billions of bacteria and we really want to allow them to function. We want to get out of the way of things that are inhibiting their functioning and um, I joke we’re kind of joking, but you know, allow the bacteria to be your beautician

Nadine Artemis: because it will micromanage the microbes on your skin and that’s really going to allow, you know, radiant glowing skin and gut health and all that kind of stuff. So the microbiome is really essential to understand.

Reena Jadhav: Well, I can tell you something. I’m convinced personally that there is a one to one link between your gut health, your gut microbiome and your skin. Yes. I had my big health crisis, which eventually we figured it out that it was, got related. A lot of the drama showed up here from highest or rashes to like deep wrinkles. And I was just horrified at what was happening to the skin on my face. And of course everyone kept telling me, well, you’re just in menopause. Like, just deal with it, you know, this is just what happens. It’s loss of estrogen and kind of welcome to the future and what I fixed my gut. It all got no, you are so right that there is absolutely a connection, a very strong connection between the health of our gut, the health of our microbiome, and the skin on our face. Absolutely. Yes. You’ve intrigued me. I’m all about the FIBONACCI sequence and the Golden Triangle. What is the connection between that and, but talk a little bit about that.

Nadine Artemis: Well, it’s really, it’s looking at the patterns in nature and understanding that we are also a pattern in nature and that is one of the sort of assigns that’s perfection, right? When you can see that mathematical perfection that really does a show us visually the beauty of symmetry and design and also helps us to understand like the, just the design of our bodies and the whole universe is really beyond. It’s beyond us, but it is us. So it’s good to understand it and as we understand it, we also still want to engage with the mystery of how we’ve been created and how we’re engaging with the universe around us.

Reena Jadhav: And it’s beyond reproach. You know, we look in the mirror and so many of us don’t like what we see and it’s ridiculous because the point you’re making is each one of us is perfect. We are gorgeous, beautiful. Because we’ve been designed. You need to, especially in this perfect symmetry in this perfect geometry. It’s just the media that tells us it’s not true or Hollywood tells us not true. You know, we have these, uh, these new definitions of beauty with every generation, right? Broad shoulders. When you and I were young remember with the Carrington with the broad shoulders and it was, you know, we all had these shoulder pads. That was the beauty. You want it to look like the guy with the broad shoulders that the middle class and now with the Kardashians, it’s the opposite right now. Big Butts and fashion. And so it’s so important, I think for each and every one of us, women especially to look deep inside us and to understand that were made perfectly.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah, there’s so many layers to undo because it’s just been like so much messaging and now I mean the messaging is, has gone, has really multiplied just through social media, but you know, we really want it like we want a bus free of like we don’t need to be perfectly pretty when we peer into a magnifying mirror, not another adrenal driven ambition. It’s not another goal setting situation. It’s not about 12 steps to wash your face and then pick every poor inside a mirror, you know, we have to just let that go because those thoughts aren’t helping us and really and neither are the products that are coming with that whole package.

Reena Jadhav: No, absolutely. All right. Next chapter, Chapter Five, nature in relation, introduction to the elements. Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. Talk a little bit about this chapter.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah, so that’s where we get, we’re really understanding the cosmetics, that we’re understanding that engaging with the elements which is air earth, which is like the big tentacles. All everything that comes, you know that we’re going to feed our scan and put on our skin and eat and then, and sunshine and it’s those basic elements of our life on earth that are going to replenish us on a emotional and spiritual level and on a physical and beauty level because, you know, we’re, we’re, we’re poor putting product on our skin. It’s like Saran wrap. It’s like invisible. The petroleum is like an invisible layer of Saran wrap. It’s not allowing it to breathe. Then were like wrapped up in polyester underwear and clothing, you know, and we’re like shaded like with the SPF 30 and we’re not allowing that interaction. We literally need it. We’re like, you know, engaging with the sun’s like cosmic pollination, having real water wash over our bodies is so essential and allowing air, like allowing our skin to breathe, you know, all these things we want to really rethink about that, you know, move away the things from the bathroom sink and really think about engaging.

Nadine Artemis: And we’re really at a time now to where we, we have, you know, many of us are lucky to have houses in shelter and we can engage with the elements in a way that’s not gonna, you know, it’s not a death situation. Now we’ve got shelter, we’ve got running water.

Reena Jadhav: Absolutely. I think this goes back to the culture of protect yourself from the sun, protect yourself from air, protect yourself. You know, it’s, it’s a lot of us versus them. Incredibly ridiculous because we are them.

Nadine Artemis: Yes.

Reena Jadhav: This old ancient science as we are earth, water, air, Sun, we, we are started.

Nadine Artemis: Exactly.

Reena Jadhav: We are them. So, so the, that the media really tries to create the fear factor,

Nadine Artemis: right? Well, it’s anything, it’s half the time insurance done unconsciously even in these marketing ranks. But it’s like anything that creates separation

Reena Jadhav: Exactly. Exactly. Because we are one, and I love how you talk about each of these elements mean. Um, I actually wrote an article recently and it’s all around how we need to charge ourselves up with the sun, the way the cell phone is charged at night by plugging it into the wall, the sun actually charges us and so saying I’m going to cover myself up and never go out is literally taking the beauty away from you. So I feel like a lot of the practices that are preached in fact take the beauty away from us, in fact, instead of instilling in us why I really enjoyed reading this particular chapter about the water element.

Nadine Artemis: Yes. So we really do need real water and if you, if you’ve got toxic tap water coming out of your, you know, it’s very important to get um, a, a filter for that. And you know, I definitely had times where I was renting and so what I would do then was I had a shower filter that would remove the chlorine and different things and then we would just wash the Kale under the shower filter, make trips to the bathroom and even run the bass through the shower filter. So it’s really important. And you know, many things could be that your skin might need tweaking and it could literally just be from that daily dose of chlorine. Could be the, uh, one of the issues. It’s aggravating eczema or creating dandruff because the chlorine and the different chemicals in tap water, they will disrupt the, the, the microbiome and create dysbiosis, create a drawing dysbiosis because they’re, the chlorine is actually killing the microbes that are helping to keep our skin soft and moist.

Reena Jadhav: Yes. You know, I grew up in the Middle East and, and I would visit India every year. We would spend quite a few months and every night, both in the Middle East as well as in India. My parents would go out for a walk at night. Walks were very much part of the culture. You had a dinner and a nice big dinner.

Nadine Artemis: Yes.

Reena Jadhav: Typically not terribly healthy. Then you went for a nice long walk. And when I came to the US when I was 18, I mean sort of, I didn’t really experienced people walking at night and sort of went away from my own experience. But you talk about night air and there’s a quote here again from Hafiz, which is beautiful and caught the happy virus when I was out last night singing beneath the stars. It is remarkably contagious. So kiss me what are wonderful, beautiful quote, but also what a great reminder that instead of after dinner putting on television and watching something distressing like the new thing that trump has said or why not go out for a beautiful stroll under the stars with your loved one and yes, make it part of your family out and you know, get the kids out as well instead of them sitting and playing video games or would their head stuck in a cell phone?

Reena Jadhav: Get them out walking under the beautiful, cool. Moonlight. It’s. It is brilliant. It is right?

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. It’s so special and I have lots of tips in there on how to engage with the elements like so just to open up our minds like having a walk through the forest, laying just on the earth

Reena Jadhav: reading for those of our listeners or viewers who have not read a lot of my stuff and hence don’t know.

Nadine Artemis: Well, forest bathing is literally the science that shown that when you walk through the forest, all these great benefits happen and de stressing and the monoterpenes of the essential oils of the leaves of the trees, especially evergreens find their way into your body via the lungs. So it’s a wonderful like just. I mean obviously a walk in the forest, we, I’m sure we all think is a positive thing, but the science really anchors and just how beneficial it is to your body and then also what we know from that science is that essential oils which are the distilled monoterpenes of all the trees and different plants. We can get the same benefits of forest bathing with essential oils just diffusing in our home. Of course walking is important too, but there are ways to get that forest vibe going going on. If he can’t walk in the woods,

Reena Jadhav: you talk about antibacterial products and had a whole explosion of that where we really need to kill these, that these bad bacteria.

Nadine Artemis: What are your thoughts on antibacterial products? Yeah, so it’s Kinda like, well, you know, we’ve got an issue with antibiotics right now, this. We’ve overused them because we did come out of the forties thinking we just had to kill everything. Right? So sort of germ warfare theory of like just kill the bad things. Now through understanding the microbiome, we realized that we have so many beneficial bacteria that we need them so we can’t have everything be antibacterial, but we do need substances that are able to discern through what’s a pathogen and what’s a beneficial bacteria. Unfortunately antibiotics, which means anti-life, anti being antibiotic, being life. They’re indiscriminate assassins and we’ll literally just like kill all the things including the good bacteria and will actually cause species of bacteria to become extinct or to mutate them. And so we do need antibacterial remedies in our life, but we need to find ones that don’t just kill and that answer comes from essential oils which have antibacterial properties, but now science can show that they can tidy up the pathogens while working with the friendly bacteria.

Nadine Artemis: So that’s what’s great about these powerful distillations from plants. And then we can let go of things like triclosan and our toothpaste or the antibacterial soap because those things will actually lower your immune system

Reena Jadhav: we have tea tree oil instead. Yes, Chapter six, the moist envelope of the soul. Loving the skin your in. Tell me a little bit about that chapter and then let’s go into, um, oil as a cleanser, as stops seal and seed. Uh, okay. Yes. The noise on both of our soul. So that is our skin. And um, you know, I think we have the, we have this relationship where we just, we don’t necessarily realize it’s this living thing on our body and it’s, it’s what, it’s only a few milliliters thick, but it protects us and engages us with the outside world. And so much information comes in as well as communication within the body from this moist envelope of our soul and it’s, we’ve been missing, you know, educated about it and, and how dynamic it is and that it also, you know, it absorbed.

Nadine Artemis: So everything that we’re applying transdermally will go into our skin. That’s a real gift if we’re applying the right things because then we can put things on that help our skin and then benefit our immune system or we can put on things that are petroleum based, pair of and based. And then we can find them in our breast issue 40 years from now. Exactly. So we’ve got to make that choice. And um, you know, again, the science is really fascinating because now through understanding the microbiome, we can see things like acne or hyperpigmentation, thrush, Dandruff, all these things are actually not about skin type. That’s all like marketing hype. But it’s actually about microbiome imbalance. And so we have been overexposed cleaning over, picking over plucking. And you know, we’ve really been trying to appease the skin we’re in, but with methods that are, are going to cause ourselves to shrink and shrivel.

Nadine Artemis: So it’s going to lead to frustration because we’ve been buying all these products that will actually cause cellular damage. They may have a temporary plumping so that day you might feel moist and plump. But you know, as the years go on, these things are drawing up the cells, killing off the microbiome, you know, we’re applying chemicals to acne which is further creating a dysbiosis. And, um, besides overexposed creating, like explaining is fine, but we’ve really gone overboard. And so we’re overexposed being the top cells of the stratum corneum too fast. And then the young cells underneath are too young to be on the surface yet. And that’s causing imbalances. Can also lead to Melasma or chronic irritation. On top of all this, we now have studies that show that surfactants, whether that’s from your mild foaming cleanser or your hardcore soap, just soap soap from the drugstore, that the surfactants are lodging themselves into the stratum corneum, which is the top layer of the skin.

Nadine Artemis: And staying there even after rinsing day after day, we’ve got this microscopic buildup in our pores and then that’s creating a situation and it’s going to manifest differently for different people could end up being acne or dry or oily or like Melasma or it’s just going to manifest in different ways. So then that might send us to the dermatologist and then we might get into like cortisone or steroids and that whole thing. So we’ve really got to stop washing with soap.

Reena Jadhav: Yes

Nadine Artemis: yes. Which goes into the. So I’ve got a little system for so we can remember because it’s always like how do we then take care of our skin or different microbiome areas. And so I created stop seal and seed. So stopping is really about getting out of the way and stop washing your face with soap, your hands with antibacterial soap, showering and chlorine.

Nadine Artemis: Even applying questionable naturals. Like we have a lot of things that are rancid or poor quality. Just because there’s a lavender on the label doesn’t mean there’s like lavender and the inside. So we want to have discernment there too. And things like almond oil are rancid pretty much when you’re buying it. So you want to go with high quality things like the rose hip oil or whole Hobo. And so yeah, so we want to stop and then we want to seal. So that’s about ceiling in this case, the skin. So if you’ve been using surfactants then that’s, you know, it’s like we have leaky guts will then we can have like a leaky skill skin because we just disrupted the lipid barrier and the stratum corneum. So by washing with oil we can reseal the skin and my preferences. Whoa, Whoa Bob, because it works so well with the skin cbus and unclog pores.

Nadine Artemis: And I know for people that have acne, they’re like, that’s the craziest thing they’ve brought maybe ever heard, but it really is an ancient practice and it’s really beautifying and it really keeps the skin balanced and harmonized and keeps the lipid barrier intact. Keeps the stratum corneum and TAC. Because that’s our first layer of defense. That’s our natural sunscreen. And we’re just like exfoliating way and scrubbing it away. And it’s kind of like leaving, like going on vacation and leaving your front door open. It’s leaving our faces so vulnerable.

Reena Jadhav: Wow.

Nadine Artemis: So that’s the seal. And um, and then the seed is about receding. So we’d want to think of our bodies and our skin, like a Kinda like a bacterial bank account. And so we want to have a really diverse, um, and plentiful. Probiotics and prebiotics. Prebiotics feed the probiotics. So we want to take like fermented foods, probiotics internally.

Nadine Artemis: And then also we can be applying them to our skin. We can make, take a honeymoon last, open up probiotic capsule. The honeys prebiotic. It’s alive with enzymes and you can put that on your face. And then were reseeding.

Reena Jadhav: Wow. Beautiful. What about eating for beauty? You have a whole section on how to eat for beauty.

Nadine Artemis: Yes. So again, you know, the standard American diet isn’t gonna get us too far and one of the most dangerous things, especially for women to be eating, is the polyunsaturated fatty acids that like the Mazola and the canola oil, that, that really creates Melasma, hyperpigmentation and people. Um, so we want to stop eating that and you know, obviously there’s going to be different things that work for people like for some people, dairies. Okay. For some people, not, some people can eat potatoes, some can’t [inaudible] they’re night shades, so there’s going to be refinements, but generally, uh, when you know your body, you want to eat all whole foods, never processed a, you know, a rainbow, you want to get all the pigments in there, so different as many diverse kind of colors of food that you could think of from Tumeric, sea buckthorn, raspberries, blueberries, greens, drink, chlorophyll and green juices.

Nadine Artemis: We’ve got to get the colors in us and um, you know, you gotta keep it fresh and real and keep the water reel and then you’re going to have to see for yourself like how are you working with gluten or dairy, those kinds of things. And then soy. Soy is another one because you probably have a lot of females listening and that is such an acne aggravator. It’s crazy.

Reena Jadhav: I did not know that.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. And besides other hormonal imbalances, but yeah, it’s not a skin food.

Reena Jadhav: Oh, interesting. Needing, tell us about what is your breakfast, lunch, dinner typically, what are the preferred fruit skin foods or foods that you incorporate in your meals every day?

Nadine Artemis: You know, we kind of run like a, it’s not even seasonally, but we kind of eat something kind of for like a month and then we move onto the next thing.

Nadine Artemis: So we just kind of dive into something. Then we also know all our decisions are there and that’s what, that is sort of what is in season. It’s affected by it. So you know, right now be like watermelon and celery juice were really vibing with. We’ve been making flatbreads with tiger nuts. Um, so the tiger nut, which actually uber, yeah. So we’ve been making tiger nuts with the flat breads with the psyllium, um, and the tiger nut flour, which has been great because we do eat gluten free, dairy free and um, and just having lots of fresh sprouts in there and working with ferments like um, you know, a wound by plum paste and a non soy miso. So, and also we make fresh sauerkraut. So been eating those things and always lots of liquid concoctions, you know, whatever fund smoothie we’re making that day.

Reena Jadhav: Oh, that’s wonderful.

Reena Jadhav: All right, next chapter. Let the sun shine in. What is that chapter seven all about.

Nadine Artemis: So that’s all about sunshine and how we can engage with it in a way that will amplify our vitamin D levels and take care of our skin and not burn our skin. So a lot of people, because we have access to vitamin D supplements now, people are like, hey, maybe we, maybe we can just take the vitamin D supplements and put on our sunscreen and forget about it. Um, but I really go deeply into the skin because there’s been so much misinformation. We really have to unpack that. And there’s a lot of studies in there and work by different doctors throughout this whole past century that really grounded in how we need it. So from the turn of the century where Helio therapy, which is son Sarah therapy, was winning the Nobel prize up to the studies that are done these days.

Nadine Artemis: There’s been over 2,500 that show us that we need vitamin D, for example, a woman’s risk of breast cancer is reduced by 50 percent if she is sufficient and vitamin D, so we really need the Sun. It’s like cosmic pollination it, it’s for our immune system. It activates microbial peptides. Doctors in past decades prescribed the sun for healing wounds, healing skin conditions, healing exzema and acne and jaundice and rickets and arthritis and tuberculosis and Epstein Barr virus. So it’s so essential to our health that we need to reconsider our relationship and get some sun.

Reena Jadhav: Absolutely. What about the fears around a cancer?

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. So when we really look at the science out there, we can see that, um, you know, the son really doesn’t seem to cause melanoma, that it shows up in places where the skin isn’t normally exposed to the sun. It shows a, it’s a way less of an issue for people that live close to the equator.

Nadine Artemis: It’s less of an issue for people that get more outdoor activities for people that work outside. So we have all that. There’s a great book by Dr Barnard Ackerman, who was a founding father of dermatopathology, which is skin disease and he has a thick book. It’s called Mithun myths, you know, son and melanoma. So if anybody wants to go into that, that’s a good deep dive. What we now know about sunscreens and the studies show that it, it’s probably increasing cancer risk because of, um, the chemicals is one thing, but even if we go beyond the chemical is in the oxy benzene that’s like destroying the reefs and is not carcinogenic until it’s exposed to sunlight. If we forget about those ingredients, what we know about sunscreen is that it separates the Uva and the UVB rays, so we don’t get the UVB, which is the vitamin D race.

Nadine Artemis: So that’s out of the picture and all we’re getting is the UVA and the Uva on its own is skin damaging. So that can create, you know, more freckles or moles or Melasma. But when we have them combined, which is just like you in the sun or with a natural oil, like a whole hobart or all of oil or something like that, then you get the vitamin D and the vitamin A and that is so important. So the sunscreen blocks the vitamin D, The vitamin which is the staff that UVB and all you’re getting is the UVA. So that’s like akin to also if you’re in front of a window, like you’re driving all the time and the sun’s coming down that are on that arm for right everyday as you drive back and forth to work that you’re just going to get the Uva because the window is blocking that. And so you know, that are, might have more freckles. So that’s sort of a, like an example that we can relate to, um, about getting the different race. So, and then if you, if you need to block it because you’re surfing in the sun all day, then you want to use something with zinc because that, that acts like a block. It literally then reflects the rays off your face and you’re not absorbing any of the raise.

Reena Jadhav: What we do need the Sun. What’s that? What is your favorite sunscreen brand?

Nadine Artemis: Well, we make our own, so that’d be my favorite.

Reena Jadhav: Oh, great. Your shops. So for those who are listening or watching, you know where to go to check out the sentence frames that you’re going to use instead of the sunscreen you have sitting in your closet, which is fully toxic.

Nadine Artemis: We have one called, everybody loves the sunshine is an oil and so it’s not a block, but it just like, I think of it as like a sun harmonizer, so it’s going to take your skin and just meld it with the sun’s rays a little bit more.

Reena Jadhav: Sounds divine and I’m sure it smells really good too. Yes. So it’s a very important point you make about wearing sunglasses only when necessary. Again, we were raised. I was raised anyway. You and I was raised very much with, oh, you’ve got to wear sunglasses. When you step back your eyes, you’re going to be damaged and you should. That’s not the case. Talk a little bit about what, what are you saying about sunglasses and eyes and son?

Nadine Artemis: Well, we really do need more sunlight in our eyes, like I’m not saying direct, although it is great to actually directly have direct contact with the sun about an hour after it rises in an hour before it sets. It’s at the right level of brightness to absorb that infer that cosmic information, which is beyond even what we know, but it does, you know it’s good for the glands. It’s good for the super charismatic nucleus in the brain. We need all those wave lengths. Even scientists. Science to the state hasn’t named all the wavelengths and the spectrums of what we’re getting from the sun. So we do need that. And if you found that you’re indoors all the time or you’re at a computer screen or you may know this person, they go outside, it’s a bright day and they’re just like, whoa. Right? And they can’t, they’re squinting because their eyes are not used to like absorbing light.

Nadine Artemis: And that, you know, that alone can create crow’s feet. Um, because your, you, your eyes are like this. Yeah. So when you can get them more relaxed and, and used to seeing light, then you’re not going to be squinting in the sun as much. So that’s one thing. And also like the studies have shown that children thrive when they have access to sunlight and then they don’t have eye issues and all that kind of stuff. But one really fascinating thing was in the twenties there’s this clinic in Switzerland working. So Dr. August roll, Yay. He created these clinics where people would come and Sunday. Then it was very, it was like a hospital. You can look at pictures up on Google. It’s an amazing thing. So he’s working off the Dr Neils finds work who won the Nobel prize and he found [inaudible] they, all they were doing was experimenting with the Sun and healing people and that the healing rate, the healing benefits of the sun wouldn’t happen if somebody was wearing sunglasses, but they would still get the benefits if they were in the shade. They, I mean, they’re not getting the full benefits because they’re not getting the Chan but the of the light spectrum. So I found that really fascinating.

Reena Jadhav: Absolutely, that’s very, very interesting, very intriguing as well. Chapter Eight, the bone and beauty connection teeth and oral health.

Nadine Artemis: I sure do. My book previous to this is a system, a smaller book, but it’s all focused on oral care. It’s called holistic dental care and that I wrote, I think that was published in 2012. I just had to get out information about because we hadn’t really, there was no book that was addressing like what do you do when you’re not at the dentist? Right. What about all those other days of the year? How do we really take care of our teeth so we don’t have to end up at the dentist where they’re doing the big serious work. Um, but I wanted to, so I wanted to include that and I got some updates too because I go a little bit deeper into the oral microbiome. So that chapter addresses that and we go into root canals, wisdom teeth, extractions, jaw cavitations cavities, talk about how to really, how the cavities are created. And then for that chapter two, we have the Stop Seal and seed so that people know the steps to the so that they can regenerate their mouths. So wherever your mouth is at right now, whether you have bleeding gums or root canal, that chapter gives you everything you need to know to take care of it and to go ahead with next steps.

Reena Jadhav: So what are, let’s just very quickly maybe just one point each. What is the stops section all about? What are the one or two things that everyone needs to stop doing immediately?

Nadine Artemis: You gotTa stop brushing with sodium lauryl sulfate, glycerine based toothpaste, and stop using alcoholic mouthwashes or alcoholic alcohol.

Reena Jadhav: Stopped drinking that.

Reena Jadhav: Stop buying it. First of all, yes. Yeah, we’d stopped buying that just felt wrong and I just could never buy into that whole thing if I got to kill everything in your manager. Thankfully now we know it is from.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. So we know when we killing off at all. Then we’re removing the good bacteria and then the homeostasis of our oral oasis is just thrown right out off.

Reena Jadhav: And of course someone’s going to say to you, bad breath,

Nadine Artemis: oh, there’s, oh, that’s easy to do with all the. With the tips I have in there. You will have awesome breath and awesome. You know, that really is to do with the tongue and also the digestive system.

Reena Jadhav: SIBO, you will have bad breath so it makes sense. You have bad breath. First thing you need to do is go get a SIBO test done and fix your SIBO because no matter of mouthwash is gonna, take away the fact that the bacteria is growing really up up on top, and that’s what’s creating the bats. Smell that stop. And of course you’re not a big believer in in fillings, mercury fillings, fillings should someone do if it’s not mercury, yeah, you really do need to consider getting the mercury removed and there’s plenty of information that show that even if they’re, if they’ve been in your mouth for 40 years, they’re still off gassing mercury every second and that offgassing is going to be increasing.

Nadine Artemis: When you drink hot fluids and shoe, like it increases by 1500 percent.

Reena Jadhav: It’s crazy. And I had a mouth, the mercury fillings for the longest time, and then when I started to get fixed myself, that was one of the things I did just went and got them replaced. Replaced with composite. So

Nadine Artemis: yes. Yes. And if you go to a really proper biological dentists, they should already have assessed the cleanest, the most biologically compatible materials back.

Reena Jadhav: Alright, a few tips on ceiling.

Nadine Artemis: Yes. So ceiling then, like we got to get rid of the bleeding gums for example, because that’s, you know, then you’re getting bacteria into your bloodstream and things like mercury filling sodium lauryl sulfate. Um, they actually aggravate to the point where that could, that could be the cause for bleeding gum alone. But if you’re flossing and you get bleeding gums that can be turned around, so you want, because that’s like a leaky mouth.

Nadine Artemis: Then you’ve got a, you’ve got to seal that or a cavi that’s Kinda like a leaky tooth because there’s a little break in that vessel. And so yeah, we want to work with botanicals that can help regenerate and seal the gums and um, you know, and then we want to also, we can, there’s lots of tips in there for like swishing with baking soda so that you’re getting alkaline or oil pill polling will help to seal the mouth. So, so many steps in there that one could do right away with just a lot of ingredients that might be in their pantry anyway.

Reena Jadhav: And oil pulling is such a wonderful thing to do anyway. It, that’s great science and tradition behind it as well. Um, what do you think of? Have you tried and tested dragon blood? So one of the things that I wanted to do was fix my gums when I was literally just going through the list and saying, okay, what do I do with dragon blood?

Reena Jadhav: And I started using it and when I went in for my next dental appointment and my dentist was just blown away, he was like, what are you doing, you know, have, we literally don’t need to do anything to your teeth. And I mentioned dragon blood. Have you played around with that at all?

Nadine Artemis: I have. I mean, I’ll play with anything, right? Yeah. I love it. It’s a really. It’s another amazing botanical that again, why sodium lauryl sulfate, you got dragon’s blood drops, you’re done. You’ll never need to see a dentist and you know, and if you’ve got a kid that’s into Harry Potter and they’re not brushing their teeth exactly.

Reena Jadhav: And who isn’t to Harry Potter.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah.

Reena Jadhav: What about some tips on the seating part?

Nadine Artemis: So the seating, again, if we take things internally that’s going to help for men, so probiotics and then we can think about, take that oil, pulling open a capsule of a probiotic, and then oil pull with that probiotic in your mouth. You can also, we have these syringes that we have in our dental kits. They’re blend, chipped, and they’re just like little syringes that you can get nutrients in between the teeth or you can flush out the gum line. You can do a mix and you can add probiotics to that as well. There’s actually dentists and hygienists, they’re doing a guided root pocket recolonization where after you’re scaling and planning, they’re, they’re putting probiotics along the gum line and you can do that at home.

Reena Jadhav: It’s so easy to do. Um, you talk about herbs for healthy hormones, and especially for us women, we’ve got to worry about our bones, get closer to menopause or post menopause. That just becomes such an important factor to focus on what are your recommendations for healthy bone health?

Nadine Artemis: So we’ve got to remember our minerals because some minerals to also help to balance our hormones like strontium and magnesium. So those are really important. And so that’ll be good for bones and your teeth or bone. So it’s gonna be good for teeth health as well. Then herb’s, you know, you gotta feel it out, but there’s some powerful herb’s for hormonal health which will help our bone health. And those are ones like nettle root for boosting testosterone,

Reena Jadhav: camel milk, black cohosh, you’ve got very progesterone. I do maca root, by the way. I love Maca root.

Nadine Artemis: Oh yeah.

Reena Jadhav: Macha. For those of you who are listening and thinking it’s macha, macha, it’s maka and it’s, it gives this smoking nutty flavor. I toss it in my smoothies.

Nadine Artemis: It’s so good. Market for salad dressings.

Reena Jadhav: Oh yes.

Nadine Artemis: In chocolate we put in our chocolate.

Reena Jadhav: Oh, I gotta try that next.

Nadine Artemis: Oh yeah, that’s a good one.

Reena Jadhav: Some chocolate today. Alright, let’s go to next chapter, chapter nine. The altar of our apocrine glands. Breast. How? Yeah. Well we can make sure we get to keep our breasts into our old age. Goes everyday. You hear about somebody else having a mastectomy or double mastectomy and it’s enough to scare any woman

Nadine Artemis: for sure. And there the statistics are really, um, quite phenomenal. Um, the are breasts really are barometers. They’re like the canaries in the coal mine right now and they’re able to sort of tell us, you know, sort of what environmentally is going on. So if you, if you’ve been diagnosed or you know, there’s the Braca one or Braca two gene, which has been assessed to be one of the causes of cancer. So then people that, oh, I have that, so I’ll get it. So I’ll just do a preventative mastectomy, but now we really understand that that’s only going to be an influencer of about five percent. Exactly. When you think about the vitamin D, that’s going to reduce your risk by 50 percent, but what they know, even that five percent now it needs a secondary mutation to happen. And so that could be an environmental thing.

Nadine Artemis: It could be a food thing. So we want to prevent the secondary mutations. But really culturally, you know, our relationship to our breast is so skewed. We’ve got this like sort of Las Vegas adulation. It’s like whoa. And then we’ve got this repression of breastfeeding, which is like their main purpose is there a beautiful, lovely orbs, but we’ve got, you know, they’ve got work to do. Um, which of course doesn’t mean you have to, you know, you could go your life without that. But it’s interesting because breastfeeding does help. It’s one of the things that you, that helps prevent breast cancer and, and what we’re understanding how to, is it because the breasts aren’t fully developed until they have gone through a pregnancy and breastfed. Even if it’s just for like a month, they haven’t had their full growth, so that’s important. And of course what we know now too is there’s a whole microbiome in the breasts that’s with every area, right.

Nadine Artemis: But as women from the moment, you know, we create our breast develop, we we’re told to primp and perfume and pop birth control pills and all of these things mess with our estrogen now when we’re teens, it’s all coming in fresh and we might not feel the manifestation of that till we’re 40 slash 50 or 60 from the things we’ve done as a teenager, whether that’s going on a birth control pill or applied parabens for 40 years or you know, like my mom for example, she had endometriosis, so at 35 she had a hysterectomy, which is really. It was quite a popular thing for our mothers and grandmothers. Right. Because it’s like, I don’t know, the female plumbing will remove it. Exactly. Making them crazy. Yes. By the way, it’s happening now. Oh yeah. The day. It’s horrifying. The number of women that are prescribed instructed me for pretty significant reason.

Nadine Artemis: It’s like, well, better off without and what? Yeah, this preventative thing and it. Yeah, that really go deep in that chapter because my mum, my mum did die of breast cancer, so it was a really passionate thing. I mean I always understanding it a bit too late, but really knowing her health and her history was amazing. So she was on Hrg at 35 until 65 until she was diagnosed with breast cancer and like, oh you, maybe you should get off that. So you know, it’s this thing of like trying to regulate our hormones our whole lives. But we’ve got all of these, this hormonal mess coming in. And so when I was working on that, that research for her and I was giving a talk on breast self, what I really came to understand is that we’ve got really an estrogen crisis. So we’ve got the Xeno estrogens, which are the foreign xeno being for.

Nadine Artemis: And so the plastic estrogens and the things that aren’t melding with our body. Then we’ve got the Metallo estrogens, which are heavy metal estrogen compounds, so that, that’s coming in from the pesticides like atrazine or the mercury fillings, the deodorant I have exactly. Every everyday. No, you may not use those. The daily fight. Well we’ve, we’ve made lots of beautiful deodorant so can take care of that. So we’ve got the Metallo estrogens and now we’ve got. I kept thinking, I was like candy to Candido there’s a fungus connection when I was meditating on it and then, then I go to the research and yes there is Miko astrogen is Miko being fungal. So then we’ve got this issue and that some of that comes from pharmaceuticals that are being fed to the livestock. So in 2011 there was a New Jersey school girls urine was studied and it showed that there was over 70 percent Miko estrogens in their urine from the regular food supply.

Nadine Artemis: So we’ve got that synthetic type and then we’ve got the micro estrogens that just come from like rotten grains. Um, you know, all that. The fungal stuff there were eating from aflatoxins on peanuts or you know what I mean? So the fungal issue, so you combine that. I have a little venn diagram in the book, I feel like those circles overlap. And then Ding, Ding, Ding, you’ve got a good recipe for breast cancer and you’ve got iodine in the middle. Yes. So then we take that, those things and you put iodine in the middle and that’s so fascinating because then I add it, it balances out the Zino estrogen, so it flushes out the fake estrogens and we actually have three types of natural estrogen and Estradiol, which is the best kind of most anticancer. It raises that til the top and I’m speaking sort of metaphorically, but it will bring that estriol up to the line, to the limelight.

Nadine Artemis: It will help that excel in the body. And then Metallo estrogens. Iodine is one of the best ways to detoxify. And she laid aluminum and heavy metals out of the body. It’s actually halide. So it helps to also flush out other highlights, the dangerous types like chlorine and bromide out of the body. And then it, um, it’s anti Candida and if we think in terms of traditional Chinese medicine, it helps to bring back to the belly, it helps to get rid of dampness in the belly and those are all sort of Candida fungal thing. So it’s amazing. And there’s our, our thyroid has an iodine symporter pump and so do our breasts, so our breast need iodine second to the thyroid. So there’s a whole thing there. But we actually have receptors in our breast for iodine. And iodine is an essential mineral. It’s an essential nutrient that’s in every cell of the body and it

Reena Jadhav: really deficient in it, right?

Nadine Artemis: Yes. You know, the World Health Organization estimate 70 percent. A small study was done on cancer, all types of cancer, a hundred percent of all the people with cancer, we’re 100 percent deficient in iodine. It’s like magnesium. It needs to be in your body. And it also surveils the body with thyroid hormone and it looks for the cell death. Apoptosis is what iodine also creates. And also even women that have swelling in the breast, they take the iodine and they find that it’s,

Reena Jadhav: it goes away. Oh, it’s the most important in addition to magnesium. I think for women especially. Yes. Getting some form of iodine and I’m not a believer in pills and potions. I don’t believe in again, taking things made in the lab. So I typically recommend dolts yes. So inexpensive and you just toss it like salt on your food or what I fallen in love with because you know, it gets boring to kind of do the same thing over and over again. Always on the lookout for new fun things to do. That’s just my personality, man. What was it? Something like how can I do something new? And I found a boat, trader Joe’s and Costco, again, very affordable sell seaweed, but if you look at the ingredients, it’s organic. Seaweed would just a touch of some kind of oil, no additives, no preservatives, and it’s.

Reena Jadhav: Christina is a little, got a little sea salt and it’s, it’s so delicious. So I find that when I don’t eat my seaweed and I’ll eat seaweed every single day, so this isn’t day once a week thing it say like a daily treat for me, I’ll eat it either with lunch or dinner and I’ll have like six, seven pieces of seaweed and what I find is when I sometimes get lazy or bored or forget, um, within three days I’ll feel more fatigued, feel more bloated, like by my face will feel more, just plump, full. And to me it really is again, a more direct connection for women’s health to iodine than we understand or give credit for. So I tell everyone, just try it. Yeah, keep a journal, see how you feel and if you, if it is important, make it part of your day routine.

Nadine Artemis: That’s such a great tip because we’re kind of as a culture, we’re like, what do you do? Like what are you eating? We got to bring it back inside. So really every meal have a moment. How do you feel after how you feel the next day? How are you feeling? An hour isn’t digesting? Are you waking up with puffy eyes, you know? And then you know, then you know what to eat.

Reena Jadhav: You have a whole section called soothe yourself. What’s that about? I’m sue.

Nadine Artemis: Oh, is that in the breast chapter? So that’s about how, how can we regenerate our, our, our breast cells and, and get rid of the excess estrogen. So that’s, there’s a lot of tips in there for massage, you’re going without a broth for as much as possible, which also helps the breasts ligaments be stronger and less reliant because it’s like if you ever, if you ever arm in a sling, right, the muscles won’t develop as much.

Reena Jadhav: There’s been some intriguing research done on the fact that that metal wire that suffocates your, your breast is not allow circulation.

Nadine Artemis: Yes. And there’s even been linked with that. And then mercury filling connection like reading electrical charges. But yeah, what happens with the bras are, especially the underwire, is that we create a kind of a lymph edema. We’re creating a cesspool really from. Because this is all about the armpits, about breast cancer to the lateral aspect and we’re not allowing circulation in the lymph to flow in that area and then we get the clog and then the aluminum and the pair of bins from the skincare and then there’s this pool. It just like a cesspool in the breast

Reena Jadhav: and the poor breast is just bearing the brunt of all of them. There are women who sleep with their underwire Bra and so I’m again big into saying, no, no, no, you weren’t born with a bra, you’ll be falling asleep.

Nadine Artemis: And there are so many options now, you know, to get like an organic cotton thing with like a cup of small percentage of Lycra.

Reena Jadhav: Exactly. Exactly. All right, let’s go to the next chapter, chapter 10, back to the garden, tending to the virtues of the vagina. Ooh, fun topic. So we go all about it. So we’re going to talk about it.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah, that’s such an important area obviously for women. And again, we’ve been putting things in and around that area that are so detrimental. And the microbiome, again, a huge player, the microbiome and imbalanced in there can literally leave. That could be the infertility issue, that somebody might have a gum health if the oral microbiome is not happening that affects the vaginal microbiome and that could lead to a preterm baby like an earlier than nine months delivery. So it’s really, you know, it’s just studying that and seeing the connection, the whole body connection.

Nadine Artemis: And then again we do, you know, and also the history of go into a bit of the history of like dishes and Gel. It’s just crazy. Like they started out in the thirties with a list or reno as. And you can just quickly google the vintage leisel as they’re just horrific. And then, um, yeah, sorry. And then they moved, there was Lysol and they say, oh no, now I’m listerine will be gentler because life’s always a bit strong and then it just doesn’t stop even to this day. So many issues. And um, uh, again we’ve got the stop seal and seed that can be applied to that area as well. You know,

Reena Jadhav: what are your favorite tips on the seals?

Nadine Artemis: Yeah, so we want to stop, you want to stop using key jelly and um, because that actually causes a, when they look at the cells and a micro under a microscope, they look like shriveled raisins and also know when we’re using that kind of glycerin product on our, on our skin, it’s, it’s, it’s called osmolarity.

Nadine Artemis: And what the cell does is it Lou, it flushes out its water content to be balanced with what’s been applied on the external side of the skin. And then the cells shriveled up. So you’ve got this temporary plumping moisture lubrication moment. But in the longterm you’ve got drought and dysbiosis and that also created a faster exposure to sexually transmitted diseases because all these cells were sloughing off in the vagina. So that’s not fun. It want to use just natural botanical oils. So things like coconut oil and Ho Ho bought and that really, you know, get that inner lubrication going again too. So we’re not just applying even. So, Brett, you’re sober or shower gel or you’re a douche. That’s gonna. Throw off the natural balance, the natural oils, and you’re going to be creating dryness and imbalance, so we don’t want to do that. And Poly Polyester underwear, non organic tampons, you know, really even if you have organic tampons, just on special occasions, we want to stop putting stuff up there that’s disrupting the microbiome.

Reena Jadhav: So true. All right. Chapter Eleven. Expectations in bracing, the expansion of pregnancy. What are your key insights there?

Nadine Artemis: Yeah, so we’ve got a chapter on pregnancy and just had a, you know, how we can take care of the body and prepare for the delivery of the baby and also prepare the Yoni so that you can prevent stretch marks and just have an easy delivery.

Nadine Artemis: Oh yeah. Everybody that uses what I tell them to, they don’t get one even had women do and they do one breast but not the other, which is kind of silly because then they have one breast without stretch marks.

Reena Jadhav: Experiment on yourself. Share some of the essential oils that you share here that are best to avoid when pregnant.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. You know, there’s a lot of hype out there because a lot of aromatherapy books just kinda copy each other, but when you really go into the research and the science and we love to surrounds essential oil safety data manual, the oils are very few and they’re usually not even sold, you know, so it’s not, it’s like things like a rude or cotton lavender which is like not even the same as lavender at all, not even the same plant species. So there’s a quick chart in there but not to worry.

Reena Jadhav: And then what do you recommend? What is like, what are your one or two top recommendations for pregnancy?

Nadine Artemis: I love frankincense because it’s so calming and fortifying and centering and it’s like on a strength to it and then you know, combining that with Neroli or different things are so good for stretch marks as well. So there’s beautiful ones. And then during the birthing process I made lavender with margarine. Margins are good, analgesic, a good muscle relaxant. So I have a recipe in there. It was quite a strong blend, like a 50 50 with a bit of a carrier oil with whole robot and then Ron, my partner just massage that for hours into my back because that was really good because I felt, yeah, I was amazed at how much you feel it in your back. It’s just like took tonic plate shifts as your pelvic.

Reena Jadhav: What have you found in terms of what helps women that are going through, especially as we’re starting to see more and more women want to do it naturally. They don’t want to get shots and not feel the experience. What do you find helps the most?

Nadine Artemis: Well, you know, whenever you need to do to like, you know, it’s good to start meditating and really have that daily practice because that will bring you forward attitude. Um, you know, I, for me at the mid I had a midwife and you can with a midwife you can also have a hospital birth. But I to me I just knew the smell and the sounds of a hospital would already tends me up. Right. And it was so funny because she’s like, oh, you’re so brave to have it at home. And I was like, oh my God, you’re so brave to have a hospital. So I think you have to know, yeah, you know, what’s comfortable for you. So that’s like a, a, a good part. So whether at the home or the hospital, then you really want to set up your environment and you know, if I know I need a touch and massage, that really works for me. So thankfully I have a partner that. But if you don’t have that, like get a Doula, just really surround yourself with what you need, which is going to be unique to you.

Reena Jadhav: Chapter 12 floral consciousness. What is the essence of this chapter?

Nadine Artemis: That chapter we do a dive into, you know, essentially perfumery but not necessarily, you know, but just about the sensation of smell and that sensuality and why perfumes were even birthed and h what’s our relationship to all these beautiful aromas on the planet. So, and then also like the basically the franken fumes that are being created now with gmo

Nadine Artemis: and a whole bunch of chemicals. And just how far we came from perfume, which was, which was about purity and purification and now we just sort of got these chemical cocktails that we’re spraying on and that are, that are not healthy at all. But a perfume can be your medicine.

Reena Jadhav: It’s supposed to be. In fact, Our sense of smell is absolutely directly linked to how we feel. There’s enough science where they did the before and the after and they had someone smell and then they tested them again and there’s enough science to prove that what we smell and how we smell directly impacts if we’re feeling calm or angry or energized or lazy or sleepy. And so what a wonderful, easy, simple way to wake yourself up. You know, couple of drops of oil and you can wake yourself up or if you’re feeling sad, couple of drops and you can just kind of revive yourself.

Reena Jadhav: For me personally, you know, back to when I was really sick, I was just trying to find ways to get calm because I was just this in this panic moment all the time. And what worked for me was, I don’t know if you’ve heard of her, her name’s Alma. Just even saying that out loud. But rose was at a new leaf. I was out there. Someone had mentioned to me that look, one way you can calm down because I wasn’t ingesting any pills or anything, so it had to be natural. So one of the things someone said was try these oils, you know, some people swear by them that they work. So I went to new leaf in my area and I just kind of walked around and they had some testers and I remember trying it and it’s like the world tilt it.

Reena Jadhav: It was literally a drop. I put it on, I smelled it and told today that’s the only oil I use, but that’s my perfume. I don’t spray myself with anything, you know, it’s just almost rosewell beautiful roses and sandalwood. And in her case they, she grows them in India. And so it’s like a thousand roses in St Louis just pulled together into an oil base when you smelled that nadine you can’t ever go back. It smells fake.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah, it is. It’s just such a. When you can key into those aromas, it’s such a celebration of what the earth has to offer. We have a beautiful perfume called roses shining everywhere and it’s like four types of roses with sandalwood and does.

Reena Jadhav: I would love to. I’ve who knew what at my age I’ve suddenly fallen in love with the smell of roses and saying

Nadine Artemis: there is. It’s so sensual and so beautiful.

Reena Jadhav: It is. It is. So you talk about perfumes, how would someone wanting to just make perfume at home?

Reena Jadhav: Is that something that’s easy to do? We’re talking about how do you make them.

Nadine Artemis: Well really it’s just, it’s just, I, I talk about this in a book, it’s in the next chapter and I talk about how to blend because for me, I actually have synesthesia, which is when you combine senses with another thing. So for a musician they may see shapes and then create the music or are they. So, but I see color and that’s how I formulate. It’s kind of like painting, like I could almost not smell like a, you know what I mean, like I don’t need to smell to have it all pieced together, so I tap into that. That’s, you know, that’s more for the design of it, but I really talk about how to blend. And then there’s another chapter where, um, we have recipes for perfumes and everything like that.

Nadine Artemis: That’s in the renegade beauty recipe section.

Reena Jadhav: Now that sounds incredible. So Aphrodisiac in your arm. What’s that all about?

Nadine Artemis: That’s all about, uh, so that an area where we can also kind of apply perfume and smells, which is our armpits, which have been, you know, a bit tormented with the right guard and secret. Um, but yeah, so we want to like there is a whole aphrodisiac and our armpit and we want to enhance this pheromones and the smells and bring them out and so we can make that quote unquote body odor actually a beautiful thing and we can make it smell good when we’re not trying to mask it up with chemicals. So that’s what that section’s about.

Reena Jadhav: That makes sense. Alright. Chapter Thirteen, aromatic alchemy for the modern team. What is that all about?

Nadine Artemis: So that’s about you take. So we go from the perfumes and now we’re having our floral consciousness and then we’re understanding what’s the modern use of this, of the ancient use of Sorta perfuming and engaging with aroma.

Nadine Artemis: So we go into studies that show how different essential oils and aromas helped to help things with like anxiety, those kinds of things. And it’s about how to engage with the essences and sort of a modern way. So whether it’s through the diffusion or bathing, um, you know, it, just incorporating them into your life more.

Reena Jadhav: Yeah, you share seven methods for inhaling essential oils. Share a couple of couple of those.

Nadine Artemis: Well, when you can just smell right from the bottle or you can put a drop in your hand, rub them together and just calm it. You can do that, you know, or if you’re meditating or doing a yoga practice, just put it right under your nose and allow that breathing and you just put frankincense right into your nostrils and really upgrade your yoga.

Reena Jadhav: Alright, the next chapter, the renegade beauty realms, what are those you listed?

Nadine Artemis: Yeah, so I’ve um, I want to undo like skin type hype because it was actually just created, um, see that it’s like we don’t really have skin types because those are just symptoms of a microbiome imbalance. So we want to go to the deeper, the deeper issues with the skin and then work how we can balance it so that, you know, in a year you don’t have a skin type, you’re not like always I’ve got oily in the t zone so we can kind of let go of that story and then I’ve got a chart as well, so you can kind of see and follow the symptoms in your body. Like if there’s Exzema we now know that then there’s been a drop in microbial diversity in that area or you know, is it a type of acne that’s also related to like a thrush or Candida? And so we go into the renegade beauty rounds to understand, you know, what our skin needs and how we can simply take care of it.

Reena Jadhav: Beautiful. Beautiful. Next chapter is the renegade beauty secrets. Ooh, we get to the and everybody wants to know beauty secrets. What are the beauty secrets?

Nadine Artemis: Well, you know, we’ve talked about a lot of them through the book and then this chapter just kind of hones it in a bit more and we understand sort of how a classic, a classic, I guess some modern beauty product is created with polymers and surfactants and then we kind of take that model and go, here’s all we need on this other level. Where are we just really need water, kind of lubricant oil. We need the seeds and then we need the medicine that will help to activate or take care of something like Melasma, acne and so we go into those beauty secrets. That’s what that chapter is all about.

Reena Jadhav: I’m enjoying. I really enjoyed reading about your favorite, a chameleon oil and Rosa and sandalwood. Is there a reason why you pick these three?

Nadine Artemis: Well, actually there’s a whole bunch listed in there, but those are some of my favorite oils so that I go into. I think there’s over about 60 botanicals that I do like more breakdowns for and then we can see like what botanicals suit what, what beauty realms, so if you have, you know, a Rosacea, you go down this path and if you’ve got Zima or acne, you’re going to go over down that, that path and so within the oils like rose sipper, Camilla or Hobar, Sandalwood, what’s best for the type of skin you have. So we go into that also show some of the studies that may have been done on helping it with wrinkles or hyperpigmentation.

Reena Jadhav: I love that. I love this part of the book because you specifically go into kind of problem solution, problem, solution because we have different problems and also what I feel as though I feel like this book is such a great keeper because in your life you go through different problems at different stages, right? So to be able to refer back and say, all right, I’m having this. Let me go back and see what was the recommendation for this stage. And essential oils are finally getting the attention that they deserve. There’s been a lot of media attention with it, so that was just very interesting chapter for me to read. The next chapter, Chapter Sixteen is renegade beauty recipes and you talk a lot about some wonderful recipes. Share just one with our audience.

Nadine Artemis: Um, well we’ve got one in there for Mascara and that’s with working with activated charcoal and I’m Whoa Hoba and some essential oils and I believe a little bit of seaweed. I don’t have the recipe. Right. And so from there to even like a nose bomb to help if you’ve got polyps. I mean like, so I love to go from, you know, the pretty to like really practical or others toothpaste recipes in there. There’s some oils for acne, for fungus. It’s all in there from, you know, even perfume. So we’ve got like the things to help work with symptoms and then the things to sort of celebrate beauty, like a Mascara. So it’s all in there.

Reena Jadhav: Here’s a good one because we only spend $3,000 a year just on Mascara. Wow. I go through about a two beer. I got to the point where I was like, this is just not worth it. Like deal with it. It’s interesting. I think there was a time what I didn’t want my husband to see me without makeup. And you know like right when you’re dating or you’re married, it’s like I gotta wake up first and you know, just clean myself up a little bit and then you get over that and then you slowly, I think you get to the stage where it’s like, do I, why do I need Mascara? Why do we need eye shadow? Like why do I need to look something? I’m not because I’m, that’s not why I am like, this is why I am so I, you know, what you’re seeing is basically it’s like a tinted moisturizer and an eyeliner and lip gloss. Like that’s it. Like I just, I’m at that stage now and you know, it’s so liberating. It’s so liberating to just have like three products in your beauty bag.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. And keep it simple. I one thing I really love and again, like you know where whatever makeup you wish, I mean hopefully be nontoxic, but what I love getting, we get emails from people that are just like, oh my God, I feel like I don’t, my skin tone is now even and you know, whatever it has been cleared up for them and they are like, I feel like I can leave the house without makeup on, which is so great. So you feel like you have a choice. You’re like, now I’m going to do makeup for fun and not like, Oh my God, I can’t walk out of my house without it on

Reena Jadhav: exactly makeup instead of hiding who you are. It’s not really just like having fun and just showcasing the best of you and it makes such a difference. The last chapter we’re gonna talk about in this book masterclass is renegade beauty solutions and again again loftis this chapter because you go into such great specifics for very specific issues. Talk a little bit about your favorite solutions that you’d like everybody else to be aware of.

Nadine Artemis: Well, yeah. I really wanted to make a comprehensive because I really like, I have had thousands and thousands of women ask me questions for, for decades and so I really feel like, you know, I know what issues prevalent for people at this day and age and I know it’s people are feeling afraid or insecure about or just feeling like, oh, this symptom, so stubborn. So you know, from classic things like acne and then I go like thyroid. I’m Yoni care. Um, I, I health diet weight, like all those little key words. We really, I really go into it and I’m trying to think of like a favorite. But

Reena Jadhav: how about like, you know, there’s something around dark circles into the eyes. I have a lot of that.

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. And that’s, that’s a lot of people ask us about that. So first of all, you know, just like there’s. So I just give tips so it can lead to further reading or further thanks. So I’ll give a little bit of an overview and then say like maybe you need to look at these nutrients, are these super foods and maybe reduce those, these books. So I also know that’s usually connected to the kidney area, so the kidneys could be overworking and overprocessing toxins. It is one of the things, and I’m also just bringing circulation to area. We make a beautiful ICM called open sky. I, Sarah, it’s chock full of antiinflammatory botanicals and people find that that helps to really clear that up because it’s bringing circulation back to the area. It could also be an intolerance to chlorine, so that’s another good reason to get a shower filter. So some things you know you may be stuck on and there could be really easy solutions when you’re just like, oh, I’ll reach for this plant or this botanical,

Reena Jadhav: huge 450 page, or just book. I’m not exaggerating of all the books that I’ve read and interviewed so many different doctors, I just loved the illustrations, the flowers. It’s such a comprehensive book that you’ve written that truly unites and integrates not just the west, but the east and the beauty of the forest and the flowers and nature. Thank you so much. Nineteen for writing this book. I’m one last question, which is if you had to give one piece of advice to someone who’s listening and who’s thinking, how can I get more beautiful, what would that be?

Nadine Artemis: Do something extra to engage with the outside world. Um, so maybe you can catch the sun at sunrise or sunset. Take it in, talk to the sun, thank it. Get all your wishes out, but really find ways to engage with outside world.

Reena Jadhav: I love that. I love that. And the beauty is already within you will just start to recognize that. Thank you so much again, and for the rest of you, if you loved this episode, please give us a five star rating on itunes. We just launched and I’m so excited that we’re starting to see some great, great reviews coming in already. So, um, thank you so much in advance. If you do, please do give us a five star rating. Share with your loved ones, share with your mother and your daughter and your sister and your girlfriend. It’s a phenomenal book. In the show notes will be the link to buying the book. And I wish you the most amazing, amazing day. And remember, you’re already beautiful. You’re gorgeous. So stay smiling and I’ll see you soon. Thank you again Nadine.

Nadine Artemis: Thank you.



Nadine Artemis
Tel: _+1 (510) 499-5772



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