“Middle Age Can Be Your Best Age” Roy Richards Interviews Reena Jadhav on Health and Killing Chronic Illness

April 6, 2018by Reena0


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Narrator: Welcome to Middle Age Can Be Your Best Age. The show designed to help make middle age your prime time of life by defying the notion that once you reached 40, 50 or even 60 years old, your crowning achievements are all behind you regardless of whether your just approaching 40 or infirmly [inaudible 00:00:17] in your middle years, it’s time to launch your very own personal journey toward a joyful and purpose-filled second half of life.

Each week, host Roy Richards, an expert on mid-life renewal and author of A Mid-Life Challenge Wake Up will discuss the challenges come in middle age and help guide you to a brighter tomorrow. Now here’s Roy.

Roy: Oh we’re still early in the new year, but heck, any day of the year is a good day for a positive, realistic and meaningful personal resolution so here’s a perfect New Year’s resolution for you: I vow not to get sick or suffer from pain for the rest of this year. And on December 31, 2018, you can make the same resolution for all of 2019. Or better yet, using a legislative term, let’s make a continuing resolution: No more sickness, infirmity or suffering from pain for the rest of your life. And I can hear a lot of you protesting right now, “Hey, I’m getting older. At my age, pain and illness are a natural part of aging. The older we are, the sicker we get and the more prone to injury.”

But my first guest today Reena Jadhav is here to dispute this negative prognosis and she contends that great health is our birthright and with a few simple changes, you and I can age vibrantly. And on her website, she reveals a vision of a new world of health where every single one of us is free from sickness and chronic disease,the auto-immune disease only exists in books. That would be a great place for it, wouldn’t it? And there is no pain, no suffering and no lost time. Just joyful days of great health. It’s a tall order, but Reena Jadhav is here to suggest how you can make healthy living possible, at least within your lower corner of the world. And she’s not just talking [inaudible 00:02:09] here, because she has personally overcome two major health crisis in her adult life. And Reena Jadhav survived both colon cancer at age 35 and she has an even deadlier illness with 25 symptoms and 45 despite not pitying [unsure 00:02:27] the medical communities’ survivor profile. That’s a good one. Profile and beyond but she didn’t make that. 

But funny that the great thing is she beat that. Both of them by personally taking charge of her health, doing vague experiments and making small changes, all of which led her to be the healthiest she has ever been. She’s a Harvard MBA and a tech entrepreneur with five start-ups, also a tech adviser and a savvy investor, and she recently launched New You virtual health boot camps along with My Heal Journal — the easiest way to journal your health progress week by week. And she’s the author of the upcoming book New You that we’ll talk about later in the program. Hello, Reena Jadhav. It’s been an honor for us to have you on the program today.

Reena: Oh my pleasure, Roy. And what a sweet kind of introduction. Thank you so much for that.

Roy Oh wait, let’s begin with your remarkable journey to healing. 

03:26 How are you able to overcome that life-threatening illness at age 35 and again at 30, 45? And how in the world were you able to self-diagnose colon cancer when the doctors informed you that you couldn’t have it?

Reena: I’m a survivor, Roy. What can I say? I refuse to die and I think —

Roy Yes.

Reena: — everyone else there and I refuse to be sick. I love in the intro how you talked about the fact that think as we get older we’re meant to have aches and pains, and we’re meant to get more tired. I’m here to tell you it is not true. This is the healthiest, most energetic, most youthful I’ve been and I’m 46.

Roy Wow.

Reena: In my entire life. I feel better now than when I did when I was in my 20s now. Of course, I’m not going to tell what I ate in my 20s and what I drank, like [inaudible 00:04:15].

(Both speaking at the same time)

Reena: With that said —

Roy Of course we were —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy We were invincible, right? We thought.

Reena: Absolutely. And I see that in my daughter now. She’s like, “I’m invincible, Mom. What are you talking about, ‘Eat your veggies’? Nobody doesn’t need veggies.” But it’s all about listening to your body. That’s one of the miracle insights I had. I always feel that when something terrible happens, it’s a lesson. It’s meant to teach you and you either grow from it or you die. And I was like, “I’m not going to die. I’m going to grow from it.”

My collon cancer diagnosis was very interesting. I had a normal bowel movement and then suddenly my bowel movements went a little weird. It started to not be able to digest things, started to get hot flashes it was like night [inaudible 00:05:03]. And then I started to see blood on my stool.

Roy Oh no.

Reena: What’s interesting is — They say don’t ever Google, but please Google, because I Googled and it said: colon cancer, colon cancer, colon cancer… So of course I marched myself off to my primary care. She was like, “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re a skinny Indian who eat vegetables. There’s no way you have colon cancer. Go away.” And 3 weeks later I sort of went to a different time primary care. She was like, “No, this doesn’t feel right. I’m telling you something just doesn’t feel right and it says colon cancer. I think I have colon cancer.”

She rallied me to a GI doctor. She said, “Well, I’m not a specialist. Go on talk to Dr. Shelby.” Well —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy Well, maybe she referred you to another doctor rather than just writing it off, “I don’t know you. You don’t look like someone who has colon cancer.”

Reena: Exactly. Because colon cancer is meant to be, not to be — generalist here, but it’s meant to be an old white man steak-eating person physique, right? It’s not meant to be a skinny vegetably being vegetarian Indian woman physique.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Reena: — in the mid-30s. I guess it was not meant to be. So —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — I walked into Dr. Shelby’s office and of course she again does, “No way.” He’s such a sweet man. He just — [inaudible 00:06:20]. He looks at me and goes, “You don’t have colon cancer, but you look so worried and so stressed and you’re so young. I’m going to do a colonoscopy on you.

Roy: Seriously?

Reena: And so he did a colonoscopy which by the way insurance wouldn’t approve so we added some symptoms. Hopefully, no insurance company is listening to this. And lo and behold he found a palate which turned out to be a very, very aggressive cancer.

Roy: Oh no.

Reena: And so —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Reena: — we went to a major —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: [inaudible 00:06:49]. Major surgery.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: It was found at the age of one. And so I was fortunate that I went back to my normally crazy tech entrepreneur lifestyle, took on the site. And it continued until 2 years ago when sort of the proverbial you know what shift the you know what. One day I was fine and the next day I was definitely ill, and it just brutally happened overnight. I mean, I woke up my face was swollen and I couldn’t recognize — I mean, I looked to be scared of myself in the mirror. My eyes were so swollen shut, my cheek sort of double the side, my forehead was —

Roy: Oh wow.

Reena: — it was sort of weirdly red. And I went to the ER and they said, “Oh you’re having some kind of an allergic reaction going.”

Roy: Oh wow.

Reena: Next day same deal, third day and fourth day. About a week of sort going to doctors come and back, and they said, “Maybe we should start a [inaudible 00:07:43] upon you.” It was at this point that I had taken everything out of my system. Nothing was changing and then it started to [inaudible [00:07:50]. The battle system won. Then at 25, I have 24 more symptoms. It started to get progressively worse.

The worst symptom that caught people’s attention was the fact that I was [inaudible 00:08:02] no matter what I did or ate. Like if I walked too fast I would [inaudible 00:08:06], if I showered I would [inaudible 00:00:07].

Roy: Oh wow.

Reena: So I had to sit in a cold bath and sponge myself, cause if I had a shower I would just be [inaudible 00:00:14] out. And I started some heavy duty; Zyrtec and Benadryl. Two Zyrtecs in the morning, two in the afternoon, two Benadryls at night.

Roy: I see.

Reena: Nothing seemed to really work like everything just was getting worse and the biggest symptom was I was losing weight. So I started going — and I’ve always been like a perfect BMI, which means I didn’t have extra pounds to lose.

Roy: Damn.

Reena: So it was kind of bit of a problem. So I started to lose a pound a week and initially I was like, “Oh cool I’ve never been this weight before,” and then at some point, it was like, “I don’t want to be a 100-lb. I’m 5’7″.” “Wait, I don’t want to be 90 lbs. I’ll [inaudible 00:08:53] to 90 lbs,” and then I just stopped weighing myself at around 91. It didn’t really just scare me and that wasn’t helping me at all psychologically.

And the doctors basically gave up. They did a bunch of tests for 3 months and then in February of 2016, they said, “There’s nothing wrong with you clinically. We think you’re depressed and anorexic. So you should go and take prednisone to calm down whatever craziness is going on in your body and should probably consider antidepressants and therapy.” And that Roy when I decided that, “No, I was going to take charge of my health.”

Roy: Well, that’s great. 

09:26  But then you talked about the cornerstone of your healing journey that has worked so well for you. What was that? I wasn’t I guess painkillers, steroids or anti-depressants.

Reena: No. And in fact, one of the biggest decisions I made and I remember sitting in the bathroom sobbing in about 3 in the morning going, “I just cannot believe this is what my life has come to in just like 4 short months.” And I had to make that decision, should I follow the present which everyone was telling me, “You have to take prednisone.” At this time I think I’ve seen like 12-13 doctors, all specialists. Or if not, then what was I going to do? And it’s such a really hard to make because doctors have gone through training, they are specialized, they know what —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — they’re doing. And —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Reena: Yeah, right? And for that to consider as a burden on yourself is a really tough decision. So I remember sobbing and thinking, “But if I take prednisone, how will I know if my body is getting better or worse?” like that was just the thought in my head. How will I know?

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: I won’t know. And if I don’t know, how can I get better? Like that thought —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — convinced me that I couldn’t duct tape my symptoms. So that’s what prednisone is. It’s to duct tape your symptoms.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: Because I wouldn’t know what my body is screaming. And to me, my body was screaming and I didn’t want to shut it down. So it started from that and what I then did was that I got — I call it my little Ph.D. I got a mini-PhD, thousands upon thousands of hours. Thank god I’ve been blessed with a brain that’s a sponge. And I’ve been [inaudible 00:11:03] for 14, 15 hours and just take it all in. And I just did that for the next for the next 4, 5 months. I literally read. I went on forums, I read everything, I read every book, I heard every podcast and found true healers.

Roy: Oh great.

Reena: And without them, I would not be alive. And they are the ones who said, “Going back to health is very, very simple. You have come very far away from your true nature of balance. You need to get that back to balance.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: In the meantime, we’ll give you something to help you. But if you don’t get back to balance,” which means you need to sleep at 10. So sleep 3, 4 in the morning, wake up at 6, 7 and think that was normal. They’re like, “If you’re not in bed at 10, I can’t help you help. You need to be in bed at 10. You need to stop snacking all they long. You need to stop eating sugar.” I was a sugarholic. I would snack all day long. I just sat indoors. I never went out on the sun. You need to get out on the sun.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: So I started to make these really small changes. They individually, they don’t mean much, like what does it mean to go sit on the sun for 20 minutes? Like it doesn’t sound like very “rocket-sciency” or like that it’s going to heal me from my 25 symptoms. But if you add them together that’s the brilliance of the tipping point.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: It’s teeny-tiny little changes. When they point together, your body heals. So my insight was is: Your body is either sick or it’s healthy. There’s no in-between. 

Roy: Yeah, that’s true.

Reena: If you’re sick you have symptoms. That means, could be a migraine, could a joint pain, could be that you get the flu a lot or it could be cancer. It could be diabetes.

Roy: There’s so many —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy: Yeah. To hide those symptoms and there’s flu over those —

Reena: Yeah

Roy: — symptoms, but they don’t really address the symptoms or cause of the symptoms.

Reena: Ain’t it now? You got it. So if you got any symptoms other than joy — By the way, feeling angry, irritable, fatigue, depressed: these are symptoms of a sick body.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: You have to get healthy. And I’ve got six magic — I call it magic pills for going from sort of fried to fabulous as I say.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: And that’s the core message that I’m trying to get out there that getting your health back is inexpensive cause we’ve made it very expensive. Every supplement is expensive. We’ve made it so expensive to get healthy.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy: Right now.

Reena: Yeah. A lot of people making a lot of money of them. It really is sad for people, cause I’m here to tell you you can do it for free. You can get your health back for minimal expenses. Well, there’s always some expense.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: But —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy: 13:54 Well, let’s talk to all —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy: — what are some of the biggest health myths that are so prevalent in the world today. I know you cover a number of those on your website. Give us a few of those myths.

Reena: Absolutely. The biggest myth says that as you get older you naturally get sicker. It is not true. I just did a beautiful trip in December. We went to Costa Rica, Jamaica, Panama, Bahamas — all these beautiful countries. We went to the villages, we met the natives, we went to the [inaudible 00:14:28] village and we got to meet 80-year old, 90-year old shamans that look like they were 40, 45.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: They are so healthy. And you know that because they dressed minimally, Roy. So —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy: These people are the ones we call underprivileged. You’re right.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy: They’re underdeveloped countries and stuff. They’re not privileged. They have all the junk foods, the McDonalds, the stuff in their mouth. Yeah, they’re bad habits that we have.

Reena: We’re the privileged ones. We get to buy —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — 99 cents burger for lunch.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: So I have seen people that are 80, 90. We were in Victoria Falls hiking and our guide was telling us about his 101-year old father who was biking until 99. He was like, “Oh my dad is so sad. He just stopped biking around.” To me, someone who’s 99 and who is biking around and has —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — full faculties and balance and eyesight is remarkable. I mean, joint pain. He was like, “What joint pain?” I mean, “These are your world problems.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: We don’t have these world problems.” So that’s the number one biggest myth. You absolutely do not need to get achy-breaky and fatigue as you get older. There’s a great example of tests you can do now. [inaudible 00:15:52] biome where you could find out different issues. And if those are the ones that are causing — But I would say this again: “You may be getting more — You’re body may be getting weaker which means you need to strengthen your body as you get older,” that may be true. But sickness you do not accept. You can accept that it’s weaker which means maybe you need to take a nap in the afternoon.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: The other myth that is a myth is that we’re living healthy lives like I used to think that. That is the biggest myth. The mistake we make is that we think that all these little things we’re doing are not harming us in a big way. So I swear I honestly thought I was one of the healthiest people. Everyone around me thought I was one of the healthiest people. So when I got sick it kind of shook everyone’s core beliefs. “How can Reena fall sick? She’s so skinny, she runs, she eats her salad,

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: she’s sort of a vegetarian, she doesn’t really drink a lot.” What I have learned is this: We are living in a toxic soup. So just by breathing and by eating non-organic food and by eating regular whole grain bread, you are full of toxicity. Just by existing today we have completely soiled out bodies toxicity, which means we have weakened out the body. Which means —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — we have a higher incidence of allergies now. Everyone is reacting to everything. Sinuses issues. It’s rampant. It’s because of this.

The other mistake we think we make is that the doctor is going to fix everything. I’ve made that mistake. [Inaudible 00:17:28]. She’s going to fix it. That’s —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy: We’re not really responsible. It’s up to our doctor to heal us.

Reena: No. Man, they’re god. They know what they’re doing. They will heal me. And so the shock, the literal shock of a doctor not healing me — and 17 of them. It was heartbreaking. I dealt with it and I got to point where I realize what everybody has been saying which is, “You own your health. Not your doctors.”

Roy: Amen.

Reena: The doctor is — Right?

Roy: Yeah.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy:18:05You reveal your vision of a new world of health shared by many doctors and healers. What will this new world of health look like and what will be missing? You point out 4 and 3 or 4 things that will be missing.

Reena: Yeah, we’ll certainly will not be following — we will not be taking prednisones and steroids and meds that make us sicker longer and that gives us new diseases.

Roy: Amen.

Reena: We’re going to be missing that. We are going to be missing aches and pains. And we are not going to be spending our days not being able to live a very full life just because we are bound in bed. We’re not going to have sick days. We’re not going to lose precious life to spending 7 days in bed with the worst imaginable flu.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: I don’t know whether you are, it’s rampant where we are. We are absolutely at having the worst flu season with a lot of deaths by the way.

Roy: Yes, we have agreed about that.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Reena: We’re not going to have an explosion of diabetes and heart disease. And having to watch everything we eat and having to take — carry a little purse full of pills. It has become so common to think people take up at all these pills and shoot themselves with insulin. We’re not going to have that. We’re going to have a world where you live fully and then one day you die. The way —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — the body is meant to die.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: That’s how we’re going to live.

Roy:19:37 Now that’s the way we should live. Well, you talked about a number of small resolutions that can have a big positive impact. And one of them you suggested is eating lunch outside in the sun while barefoot, and the temperatures here around in Iowa has recently been high around 10 degrees and hopefully, maybe it will be below zero. Is there any winter time alternative for those of us in the North who aren’t really going to spend for 3 or 4 months? We’re certainly not going to eat outdoors in barefoot.

Reena: No. I would probably not recommend that. That might send you to a doctor for a [inaudible 00:20:15].

Roy: Yes.

Reena: We don’t want that.

Roy: No.

Reena: So these months are tough months. Couldn’t agree more. I think there are alternatives to getting sunny. In fact, I urge everyone that’s in that zone where you’re not getting to experience the beautiful sun, where you’re sort of cloaked in darkness and snow —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — and gray. You have to figure out an alternative because in the olden days we would hibernate.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: Well, we don’t hibernate anymore. We are expected to live a full life. And that means that your body is expending a lot more than it was expecting to, so you have to recharge your battery. And there’s a number of ways that you can recharge your batteries. One of those is taking a Vitamin D supplement. I prefer liquid. Little drops, these are like 8, 9 dollar bottles. There’s a —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — spray that Dr. [inaudible 00:21:00] come out with. I haven’t tried it myself, but I’ve heard good things about it. So little Vitamin D drops. I call them little drops of sunshine. So if you can’t get it outside, this is what I recommend, then try to get it as an alternative form. Try to get it in foods. Mushrooms have a lot of Vitamin D.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: We have [inaudible 00:21:18] in our local produce we can find high Vitamin D mushrooms, organic mushrooms. See if you can start doing that daily. Have a daily mushroom dish.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: Throw it in your salad, have it in your lunch. There are so many ways you can make mushrooms to get your additional Vitamin D. That’s why —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy:21:36 This is what I got to hear. How do you take a 20-minute vacation every day? It doesn’t seem like you can get much done in 20 minutes with that. What is that recommendation exactly?

Reena: So that’s my number one. If there’s nothing else that you take from our conversation, if there’s one little thing that you say, this is the one I’m going to do: It takes a vacation every single day, 365 days a year for the rest of your life.

Why? Because one of the reasons we fall sick is that our body runs out batteries. We are in — It weakens everything. It weakens the immune system, it weakens everything. It just weakens you.

So just taking — and I get 20 minutes because I know how crazy this world is if I said 30, no one would do it. So — and 15 is too little. So we need to do 20 minutes. So in 20 minutes, here are some examples of how you can take a vacation: 

The most important thing is, get yourself in the mindset of a vacation. So when I typically do with everyone is I say, “Close your eyes and don’t overthink it. Just think of the last vacation where your heart was filled with joy. Was is it maybe you were walking on beautiful sand and holding your loved one’s hand? Was it cause you were [inaudible 00:22:50]? Was it you were at Hawaii? In your place? Whatever it is.” Just boom! It takes one second to say that’s my vacation.

Now get in that mode. Think of it. Imagine you are there. You’re doing exactly that activity that brought so much joy to your heart.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: You’re on vacation. Now what you’re going to do is you’re going to put some soft music that you love, rainforest sounds or birds or ocean. You’re going to put that on. And you’re going to close your eyes, you’re going to — and there’s this thing that I know men have an aversion to candles, but if you’re a female, light a candle. Sit in a bathtub for 20 minutes.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: So that’s one way you can have a mini-vacation. It’s schedule a 20-minute bath. A salt bath which will also —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — detox you, so it’s a two for one.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy: The key is to be able to turn your mind off from all the problems that are re-delving you —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Reena: Exactly.

Roy: And all the worries you have about tomorrow. You just shut it down for 20 minutes a day.

Reena: Exactly.

Roy: That makes a lot of sense.

Reena: Give yourself a massage.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: People love sex [not sure 00:24:57]. Think about all the things that you do when you go on a vacation. Everybody going on massages. There’s something called the [inaudible 00:24:02] which is giving yourself a massage. I kid you not, it’s very funny and ticklish the first time you do it and then you get addicted to it. You do — you buy a nice scented oil; sandal wood, whatever floats your boat, lavender and you self-massage 5 minutes, 10 minutes before a shower. So you can break your 20-minute vacation into like I did a [inaudible 00:24:23] this morning and a 5, 10-minute self-massage. You will feel so surprisingly happy. It’s bizarre how joyful you feel. It’s like we don’t get touched anymore. It used to be —

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: — that we would touch a lot. We don’t touch each other anymore. We don’t hug as much. And the body can —

Roy: No —

Reena: — ease that touch.

Roy: — sexual harassment immediately claim any time you touch —

Reena: Oh yes.

Roy: — somebody of the opposite sex.

Reena: It’s true. And so touching yourself is totally allowed. The self-massage is another one. One of my other favorites is when you go to lunch, I actually order little umbrellas. And when I actually have my lunch I’ll actually just throw a little umbrella on my glass and pretend. So I haven’t had alcohol in two years.

I’ll do a little mint and soda water, and I’ll really pretend that I’m having a martini [not sure 00:25:14] with my lunch because that’s what I would do in vacations.

Roy: Yeah.

Reena: I would have a little umbrella. See, I’m smiling. Like I think about umbrellas on drinks. I smile. It brings a smile to my face. That’s the goal.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy This is where you bring back some of the joyful moments from your past and they really help to cheer up the current.

Reena: Yeah.

Roy As long as you don’t regret what you don’t have in the past.

Reena: Yes.

Roy That’s about that.

Reena: [inaudible 00:25:39] of that.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy 25:41 Well, on your website you inform us the transformation to a disease-free life has already begun and you encourage us to join in. Where can listeners go to join your movement and what are some of the resources you offer on your website first? Give us that address that we should go to.

Reena: Absolutely. So one of the ways that I want to help every single person claim their birthright to health is by doing a virtual boot camp. It’s 14 days and it is absolutely affordable to everyone. The URL is new you, but it’s spelled n-e-w-y-o-o-u. So instead of a y-o-u it’s a double “o”.

Roy Yeah.

Reena: So it’s newyoou.com because I am convinced that when you take the pledge of health, you will become a new you. You will not recognize [inaudible 00:26:29] and wonder why you wasted so many years feeling sick and fatigued and tired when such a beautiful, joyful, healthy life was just a few changes away. So I urge everyone to please check out newyoou.com. We have 4 upcoming booth camps. Each boot camp is with a world-leading healer. These are MDs, but these are MDs who are healers. They truly want you to get better.

So the first one is a gut boot camp. It’s launched on February 1st. It’s been done by Dr. Eric who also train in [inaudible 00:26:58]. He’s a Stanford [inaudible 00:27:00] MD, hugely well-known. It’s a 14-day boot camp to get your gut in order because the gut is actually the beginning of all diseases.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy — cause by the time this goes on, well, this February boot camps already be in place.

Reena: Oh okay.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy 27:18 And let’s talk about you have a couple of coming up for March I know. And that’s —

Reena: Sure. Actually, there are all going to be in March. I’ll take the dates out so I can just — you can just take the dates out if you want.

Roy Yeah.

Reena: So the boot camps are on-going boot camps. We do calls every month with the doctors and it would be a 14-day boot camp so anybody can do it. They come with 3 live calls so you actually get to talk to the doctor in a live call with the group. They also give you a full-lifestyle redesign: We have one to heal your gut, one to heal your heart; get your heart healthy, one to beat cancer and prevent cancer which is very important, and one to get your hormones in order.

Roy Yeah.

Reena: Those are kind of the four main areas that we find people suffer from in terms of the underlying cause of all the symptoms. So we feel like if we do these boot camps, they’re just $49.50 each, they’re $99 for two. So it’s like $99 fee you would bring a friend free. And like I said, they’re literally at — they’re basically being given away. We’re not charging, we’re giving this because we believe that everyone should have the right to get healthy and we don’t one this to be expensive and to make it impossible some —

Roy No, that’s free.

Reena: — to get healthy.

Roy 28:28 Well, you most recently authored and released My Heal Journal and it’s also about — [inaudible 28:35] what that about is. It’s really not — I wouldn’t really call it a book so much as a kind of a journal that people write in themselves or — 

Reena: Yeah.

Roy: What is that?

Reena: Absolutely. So one of the biggest secrets of my getting my health back was actually my heal journal. So what you will find that when you have symptoms and you’re trying to get better is you need a way to track. You need a way to figure out: how do I feel today, what worked and what didn’t work.

My heal journal was created by me because I looked for a journal and I couldn’t find one. I tried a bunch of journals, they were too complex, too boring, too cumbersome, there was nothing that was simple, fun, inspirational and that had gratitude on it. So I created my heal journal, it’s a really small writing journal —

Roy Yeah.

Reena: — and it’s proven — journaling scientifically proven. Hundreds and hundreds of studies. It’s really quick because we — I created it as a weekly summary. So you’re not writing big, long sentences. It’s a weekly which is you’re writing bullets. It’s a tracker.

Roy Yeah.

Reena: So you get to track your mood, you get to track your meds, your changes. And the most important thing is, you actually get to write one word of gratitude every single day.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy And it’s so crucial to have something in a record when you’re undergoing a healing regiment or something–

Reena: Yeah.

Roy –like that. So you’re keeping track of what you’re doing each week. And you know when you’re getting behind and you know where you stand on it. And I know you offer two versions: a colored version, and a black and white version of that book or that healing journal.

Reena: Yes, because of the same thing, I’m very mindful of the costs. Then unfortunately when you’re making full-color on Amazon it costs 20 bucks. And —

Roy Yeah.

Reena: — so we were selling at that costs. They’re both being sold at that costs.

Roy Yeah.

Reena: So we figured that the black and white was 10 bucks, it’s 9.95. And the front is still colored, the cover is still colored.

Roy Yes.

Reena: Just the inside is black and white. And every single week we also have very inspiring quotes to keep you on track. My Heal Journal comes with a community as well cause we want to support you. So it’s not just a journal. Roy, it’s also is a support community to help you get your health back.

Roy Oh that’s great. And I know —

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy 30:49 — a new book called New You. When can people expect to see that and what will that book be about?

Reena: So New You is the distillation of everything I’ve learned in partnership with the healers that healed me, that is healing the world. You help everyone out there get their health back affordably and quickly. And this book should be out in about — actually by the end of the summer.

(Both speaking at the same time)

Roy 31:21 So they just need to keep track on that on your website. What’s the website they should go to to keep track of that?

Reena: So that’s the newyoou.com and when you sign up to our newsletter you will automatically be signed up for alerts on the book and My Heal Journal as well. So on My Heal Journal, we’re always giving away a free month of journals so you can go online, click and we’ll email you the journals to print and use. And when you sign up you will again be signed up for our New You book update as well.

Roy Oh that’s great. Well, the conclusion is my guest Reena Jadhav contends it’s your birthright and mine to live a long and healthy pain-free life. And furthermore, I’d be willing to bet that almost every one of us was created with a body designed to perform splendidly well into our 90s and beyond, and affect the health [inaudible 00:32:12] like the warrant [inaudible 00:32:14] on our cars. And aging and disease are not synonymous as well grow older, and we don’t have to get sicker. But you and I so often shorten our 90-year of health [inaudible 00:32:24] by the harmful food we eat, the often and less beneficial medication that we ingest, the worry stress and unhappiness we allow to sneak in and pollute our mind and spirit, and the sedentary lifestyle so many of us adapt in our middle years and beyond.

For your own health and well-being, please keep this one thought routinely in mind: It’s your responsibility to take care of your body, mind, and soul — the same way you care for your smartphone as Reena points out. And that she points out on her website: “It’s your choice to be healthy, it’s in your nature to be in balance in harmony with the seasons, with the environment and with folks around you, and it’s in yourself and in your soul to be happy. But bottom-line, staying healthy, positive and energetic is about constant proactive care, not reactive prescriptions. Lord knows we don’t need any more of those. And you may not get there tomorrow; your new world of health, but you will get there if you decide that this joyful illness-free living is what you deserve. 

And regardless of what your doctor may inform you, it’s within your reach. And why would anyone not want that? So make the resolution right now that you will not get sick in 2018 and make it your continuing resolution like I talked about before on why get sick for the rest of your life and help you get started. I highly recommend you go to Reena Jadhav’s website and give us that website once again, Reena so that everyone will know how to find it.

Reena: Absolutely. It’s newyoou.com spelled n-e-w-y-o-o-u.com.

Roy Okay, that sounds very good and once informed you can begin taking those very manageable steps that will move you closer to the vibrant health you deserve and what you were created to have. And here’s hoping you have a most pleasant journey to good health and joy in your life. And thanks to Reena Jadhav and best of success in getting your message out, because it’s such an important one.

Reena: Thank you so much, Roy. This has been such pleasure and wishing you and everyone listening to the most amazing healthy joyful life.

Roy: In closing to this program, I’d like to quote to an unlikely source: the bible. And to be precise, in the old testament, Ecclesiastes chapter 5: verses 15 through 20 and here’s the quote: We all come to the end of our lives as naked and empty-handed as on the day when we were born. We can’t take our riches with us. People leave this world no better off than when they came. All their hard work is for nothing like working for the wind. Throughout their lives they live under a cloud — so many of us do anyway. Frustrated, discouraged and angry. Even so, I have noticed one thing at least is good. It is good for people to eat, drink and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them and to accept their [inaudible 00:35:33] in life and it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your [inaudible 00:35:42] in life, this is indeed a gift from God. God keeps such people so busy enjoying a life that they take no time to brood over the past and I might add to worry excessively about the future. 

In the middle age, our most productive years, it makes no sense to regret mistakes we made in the past or where we are in life and versus where we thought we’d be or to mourn the fact that weirdly some of us think our best years are all behind us which definitely is not the case. Ideally, you are providing value to others and enjoying every minute of every day along the way — Well, not every minute. All of us have disappointments in life, but our overall outlook can be positive. And so is the Ecclesiastes passage says: Keep so busy in enjoying life today that you have no time left to brood over the past or and for the future  as regards to that plan for but do not spend hours of the daily stressing out or sleepless nights worrying about a future that may or may not occur.

And Jesus puts it in Matthew 6:34: So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worry. And it’s a good bet that 90% of what you’re worried about right now won’t happen anyway. Isn’t that the truth when you think perhaps about worries of the past? Make future plans but don’t sit around obsessing and certainly don’t brood over what you did yesterday. Now let’s all go out and make middle age our current age, our very best age. So long for now.

Narrator: You’ve been listening to Middle Age Can Be Your Best Age hosted by Roy Richards an expert on mid-life renewal and author of both A Mid-Life Challenge Wake Up and Wake Up Captain And Crew Restart Your Engines. You can learn more about Roy and his middle age renewal training system by visiting his website middleagerenewal.com.


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Follow Reena on Twitter @reenajadhav, connect with her on Linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/reena or Facebook Reena Jadhav

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