Why Red is the New Color of Health

July 3, 2018by Reena0

By Reena A Jadhav

What colour do you think of when you think of health?

For most folks its green. A beautiful lush and fresh green, like newborn blades of grass. Or a fresh mint leaf unfurling in the morning sun.

For me, green is no longer the colour of health today. It may have been when health was in abundance and the only thing that killed us was infectious diseases like plague.  When there was minimal stress and our food was chemical free.

With over 100 million Americans suffering from 100 + chronic and autoimmune conditions, health is an elusive dream for many. In fact, health is something we now have to prioritize and fight for.

I believe Red is the new colour of health.


Because Red stands for courage, strength and determination.

The courage to accept your body is sick. The courage to argue back with your doctors. The courage to take your health into your own hands. The courage to take a stand that you want your health back. The courage to stop taking medicines. The courage to not fill a prescription.

The strength to make the changes needed. The strength to stay the course no matter how long it takes.

The determination to get your health back, no matter what it takes. The determination to try 99 times hoping the 100th will work. The determination to keep looking for answers.

Red also stands for blood. Health begins with a healthy oxygenated clean blood supply that can nourish and support you.

Red stands for joy, passion and vibrancy. As I share in my New Health Pyramid, joy is a critical part of getting and staying healthy. Without joy, you can’t have health! Passion and vibrancy feed each other. Doing your passion makes you vibrant and alive. Health naturally follows.

Red is also the color of luck and happiness for Chinese. These days we all could use a bit of luck on our side when on the path to healing!

So, as you begin your journey to reverse your illness and get back your health, think Red!

Be strong. Be determined. Be courageous.

Be joyful and happy.

Be healthy!



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