Book Summary “Plant-Based Solution” By Dr. Joel Kahn

July 8, 2018by Reena0

Book Summary "Plant-Based Solution" By Dr. Joel Kahn


Read the Transcript Below the Bio

Dr. Joel Kahn is founder of the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity in Michigan and owner of GreenSpace Cafe. He is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of the University of Michigan School of Medicine and Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University of Michigan. He specialty is the prevention and reversal of heart disease (heart attacks, stroke) using lifestyle therapies. He is the author of over 150 scientific articles, hundreds of health articles, and 5 books. His first book is a national public TV special, Your Whole Heart Solution. His latest book is a #1 Amazon seller, The Plant Based Solution.


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Reena Jadhav: Hey everyone. It’s Reena Jadhav for healthbootcamps here with Dr. Joel Kahn. One of my absolute favorite docs of all time was talking about the plan based solution. This is a book masterclass for his book, the plant-based solution. Ooh, it’s so pretty. I could gobble it up. I love all of those barriers.

Dr. Joel Kahn: Science today published at women that eat blueberries and strawberries. I don’t think I have any strawberries on the covered Dr.op their risk of her deck, but 40 percent don’t even have to eat a lot. Just got to eat them every day.

Reena Jadhav: I just had my story with you right before we started, so a way to better health already, but a heart health. Anyway, so we’re going to talk about why did you write this book first and then we’re going to talk about chapter one. So Dr. Joel, what prompted you to write this book

Dr. Joel Kahn: so for reasons that are don’t understand, there is no debate about exercise, smoking, sleep, stress management, find something that works for you. Oh my God is nutritional world one giant wrestling match only animals. Juliet, organic grass fed animals eat only plants to oil in his butter better than margin. We’d gone and out of a thousand examples and not only is it a worthy of discussion because diet clearly influenced influences, a risk for adult diabetes, heart disease, dementia, cancer, psoriasis. I just got off the phone with a patient that is. Psoriasis went away when I added ground flaxseed to replace his level of Omega three level. I mean it’s amazing how nutrition can impact a variety of diseases, but the disagreement about what is that optimal eating and plan to be healthy and live a long life is vicious. As I just indicated you, I just got on social media.

Dr. Joel Kahn: I wrote a book to put together in a very simple way. The science that’s available, maybe there are holes in the science, but what we have on a supporting that a diet rich, if not exclusive as I on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes have every variety under the sun, uh, is your best chance to avoid and manage the big chronic diseases. And I mentioned most of a connective tissue, rheumatoid arthritis, brain diseases, blood sugar, diseases, cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity and such. But I wanted to make it that people didn’t need to dedicate a month to read it. And then it’s jammed pack with recipes to implement a three weeks eating dive into this world.

Reena Jadhav: So let’s talk about this first chapter, which is all about the pillars, the pillars of support for the plan based solution for the plant-based Diet. What are these six pillars?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Yeah. So you know, as people listen to, you know, today’s headlines, strawberry, and blueberry, tomorrow headline going to be but butter, you know, on your coffee and you’ll live to $100 because truly there’s, you can influence. The dairy industry’s very powerful in the meeting industry. There are headlines everywhere. You know, yesterday was Kelly. Clarkston won’t eat beans anymore and the day before it was Kim Kardashians look so great because she won’t eat a carbohyDr.ate calories, so it turns out when you step back and say, maybe we shouldn’t be taking nutrition advice just from Kelly Clarkson and actually there are very strong statements from one love it or not, our US government and the Us d, a dietary and agriculture pirates that endorsed three eating programs in 2015 Mediterranean, something they called healthy American, but the third pillar of foundation was the vegetarian Vegan Diet, so just enough to say our government analyze over the course of a year with experts.

Dr. Joel Kahn: Vegetarian Vegan was one of the three pillars. There isn’t a fourth pillar called Paleo or isn’t a fifth pillar called ketogenic. There’s not a six pillar called the grapefruit diet. There’s three pillars. Second is the 100,000 Dietitians in the United States have a master organization called the association and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Not always viewed as the most friendly group necessarily, but they came out with a statement in 2015 also from pregnancy through infancy, through old age, a properly constructed vegetarian and Vegan diets, all phases of life. And I said properly constructed, so that’s not pringles and mountain dew, which is my definition, vegetarian and little infants. We need to be sure we’re not giving them thin little rice girl. We want them to help with real food. Breast mouth is always the best. Of course. Third is um, Medicare and Medicaid. So you know, our government doesn’t rush to pay for treatments that don’t have a lot of scientific support and if you have heart disease in your arteries are blocked and you want to reverse your artery blockage, there is a Medicare program and back to teach and help patients to reverse their heart blockage.

Dr. Joel Kahn: One is called the Pritikin program. Medicare pays work on is called the Ornish program. Medicare pays for if you meet the proper criteria. They’re both plant-based programs. They’re not meat based programs, not based programs, and that cheese based programs. They’re not grass-fed beef based programs. Their beans, peas, lentils, whole grains, fruits and vegetable based program. And our government looked at the data back in 2010 said, Whoa, there are thousands of data points. And they bought it because it was proven you’re a heart patient and you do this, you actually save money being, being at the insurance companies, you know, you’re not going to need a $50,000. Dollar bypasses often are out $30,000 spent for this is not a big deal. But when the US news and world report comes out every year with the best diets for people to follow. And again, a panel of experts, you know, the last two diets on the list or the Paleolithic and the ketogenic diet.

Dr. Joel Kahn: And usually for heart disease that Dr. Dean Ornish, a plant-based approach is number one. So we’ve got that panel. Fifth is that um, hospital, Kaiser Permanente, which is the largest managed healthcare program in the United States. 10 to 12 million people are covered by Kaiser health insurance. They’ve got a very aggressive program to educate the primary care doc and patients that plant-based nutrition can prevent. And reverse a lot, so that’s an important statement. Largest United States and the last one is actually in the last year repeatedly, Oxford University, particularly a nutrition group. They have this come out saying we can save $8 million lives a year from premature death by shifting to plant-based nutrition, and we would Dr.amatically reduce the damage to the environment, the Amazon, the ozone layer, pollution of the oceans by switching to a plant diet. So that’s the last foundation they just came out about four weeks ago with a definitive statement from a very technical agricultural standpoint that if we shifted away from raising soy and corn to feed cows, chickens, and pigs, and actually ate the soybean and corn, hopefully, panic source, not genetically modified, we would do a tremendous amount for the environment.

Dr. Joel Kahn: So six pillars and no other dietary pattern has not even the Mediterranean diet. Even we learned yesterday that the premier study that promotes the Mediterranean diet, less red meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, lagoons, whole grain bread, olive oil, wine, no candy, no process. The premier study called the pediment study was actually retracted from New England journal medicine because of some serious flaws in the science, so there’s a whole controversy going on right now, although the Mediterranean diet is so much better than the Dr.ive thru bucket of fried chicken, yellow bag, a sausage, egg McMuffin diet. One of the key foundational studies that people keep quoting a has just gotten a kick in the butt in the last day. Other things we don’t know, like if every human in the world ate oatmeal for breakfast, a giant salad for lunch in a bean soup for dinner. We know it would help the environment and the animals. Would everybody have an improvement in their health? I think so, but we don’t know that because we can’t really. I mean, is there somebody out there that wouldn’t benefit from that kind of simple dietary plan are to know? There are people that say so on the web, but I not sure what they were actually eating.

Reena Jadhav: Wow. That’s a lot of support. Dr. Kahn for supporting a Plant-based Diet. Now in chapter two, you talk about the heart of the matter. What is, what is the heart of the matter?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Yeah. The heart of the matter is when you look at, you know, I believe that the body’s a system that hearts and lungs and kidneys and brains and endocrine glandular systems all work together in this incredible symphony called health, but I’m a cardiologist. My shingles say heart doctor and there are other specialists when you jog, but we have our list of heart diseases, clogged arteries, heart attacks bypass than cholesterol. We cards, congestive heart failure. What’s the data that a plant-based solution exists, meaning change your diet to exclusively or nearly exclusively eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lagoons, and actually it’s the largest body of data from a medical standpoint on the advantages of a plant-based diet. It’s the strongest data and I go through that in this chapter going back to the 19 forties, fifties, seventies, eighties, and up to the current date, important studies. That is the reason that we have those six pillars of support is the strong studies that lead Medicare and the USTA and Oxford and others to point out the Dietitians association point out the advantages sometimes to prevent a disease like guarded that sometimes to reverse blockage.

Dr. Joel Kahn: I mean it’s an amazing concept to pause and think that it happens in my office every single day that somebody has had heart disease for years or decades and I’m the first discussion that tells them, you know, it’s there are books in my office sitting right here to my left. You can reverse heart disease and those doctors and never go to jail for fraud. In fact, actually celebrated as international nutritional arrows and if we work really hard and find nice recipes that you can enjoy like there are in my book, we might actually turn the clock back and make you younger and younger and heart by design, as I say in math. So the support that that’s possible. If you do hard work and our compliance signed a new breakfast for lunch and your dinner or a new snack, find out how to navigate restaurants and travel and weddings and Thanksgiving, um, you know, but the data is so strong that I wrote an article, a chapter called the heart of the matter and I think it’s the longest chapter in the book.

Dr. Joel Kahn: So, um, it’s just packed in a simple way with such powerful points. And most of us don’t know. I just, I was at Cedars Sinai, a major hospital in Los Angeles about nine months ago, giving grand rounds and nutrition and I’m in the Dr. Lester Morris and auditorium. And I asked 200 cardiologists, does anybody know who Lester Morrison was on the 19 forties? Dr. Morrison did one of the most famous experiments that if you stop eating animals strong diets and figure out in the forties, tough. So how does substitute lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lagoons? I said it cut the death rate of his heart patients and any published data, but nobody remembers Dr. Morrison or his contribution. So I go through all that, aren’t giving accolades to those who are pioneers, partly out of its still relevant data.

Reena Jadhav: So you’ve built a great foundation for why we clearly all need to be on a plant-based meal plan. Chapter three, what is the sweet news of bad diabetes?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Yeah. So you know, there’s two kinds of diabetes that we classify in that as in type one and type two, type one a, there are damaged your pancreas, you make very little or no insulin and it felt to be what we call an autoimmune body attacking itself. Disease. There actually is some data that it’s triggered in chilDr.en Dr.inking cow’s milk and that sentence, there’s protein in cow’s milk that isn’t human proteins. There are theoretically could be an antibody created recognizing it as a foreign substance and that that antibody might what we call cross to react with the bankruptcy and destroyed the pancreas little cells and against when I eyelid cells, that’s scary enough to say I’m not going to cow’s milk and not give it to chilDr.en. Um, but uh, there is that other 95 percent of diabetes called diabetes type two, which is our cells don’t handle insulin well.

Dr. Joel Kahn: Insulin opens the door to let blood sugar in, so not doing its job. Blood sugar can go in and stays in the bloodstream. You literally sugarcoat your heart arteries, sugarcoat your nerves, sugarcoat your kidney cells, and they stop working while in kidney failure, high disease, heart attacks, impotence or all kinds of things, but that data’s overwhelming that a plant-based diet data from the health center and other places you can help avoid your risk of this epidemic. The literal epidemic of type two diabetes by eating whole food, plant-based diet, mountain dew, and Pringles, but bean soup and being casseroles and green salads and oatmeal and whole grain bread with almond butter on it. And if you have the disease, type two diabetes, all they only award Y’all ever here is manage, manage, manage your diabetes. Wrong baby. Fifty to 80 percent of patients can actually say, I no longer diabetic. I through my pills, away very carefully with my medical team helping me because I’ve learned by watching a movie called forks over knives or reading my chapter, the sweet new than diabetes and such. I found out maybe even without a dietician and I could learn how to make subtle but for system changes in my diet and get now a lot of it’s going to be healthy weight loss that comes with a plant diet compared to a standard American diet or a meat, cheese, and chicken.

Reena Jadhav: Talking about weight loss, you’ve got something called slim and so tell us what the core essence is. That chapter.

Dr. Joel Kahn: Yeah. Everybody’s, you know, not everybody’s but because there’s nothing wrong with being round and I’m not being a body stereotyping or slamming here. There are a lot of people that the reason obesity is a topic of conversation right now and in general is obese. People are much more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, elevated blood sugar, diabetes, develop heart disease. Now there are some people that make it through life and don’t develop those, uh, you know, back pain, knee pain, hip pain, it replacement, even dementia. So it is a easy thing to measure to say, Whoa, that extra 100 pounds I knew which at risk for all these things, we know, obesity costs us a lot of money to care for people and there’s been some new data in the last six weeks that there isn’t really something called healthy obesity. If you do the right studies, you’ll find subtle signs of early brain heart, kidney disease.

Dr. Joel Kahn: So we do want to work to maintain her weight near ideal. It’s one of the most predictive factors for longevity. And it turns out there’s something called nutritional density. If you have a big bowl of salad beans, beads, kin Wa, um, ps, this big giant bowl and you have a giant bowl of fried chicken with olive oil on it. You’ve got all this fiber, magnesium, nutrition vitamins at relatively low galleries in, over here. You probably got 8,000 galleries of the same size as a, but you’d have probably more nutrition or fewer galleries over here. You got little nutrition. We’re more galleries. That’s kind of a doctor Joel from the concept of nutritional density and it’s a way to manage your weight. You can fill up, fill up, fill up your stomach is bursting, but it’s because it’s got a Rugala and Kale and spinach and red cabbage and purple cabbage, white cabbage and on and on, and it doesn’t have to be a salad. They could be casseroles and enchiladas and Burritos and pizza are that don’t have cheese or on. Not a big fan of fake cheese, but it does make the transition easier. So yes, slimmer is possible with plants.

Reena Jadhav: What is BMI in your opinion? For Health?

Dr. Joel Kahn: So I try not to answer my opinion. A Dr.ain answered by science a six weeks ago. The Harvard School of Public Health and little name Dr.opping your alma mater there, Reena without a very big study. A hunDr.ed and 30,000 doctors and nurses followed for 30 years. Have to ask him questions every four years and found that those that said, I do the following habits. I actually lived 12 to 14 years longer. And what were the habits? Don’t smoke every day. Eat five or more servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Not Hot dogs and macaroni and cheese, fiber, Mercersburg, vegetables. I’m actually enjoy a little bit of alcohol every day. Isn’t that surprising? Keep your waist then. And the last one was to have a BMI of 20 to 25. So to answer your question based on that science, that’s the sweet spot. Now that’s a tough goal. A BMI of 20 to 25 on my frame, five-point nine, 165 pounds. And I’m going to reveal this to everybody publicly. I do not weigh 165 pounds. I’m just a little bit more than 20 pounds lighter than I was year and a half ago. Uh, I’ve learned to use fasting to accelerate and maintain that lead. So that is the answer to the question, but if your BMI is 26, 27, 28, now work on it, but don’t have to get out. Just don’t let it creep beyond that.

Reena Jadhav: We are on to chapter five of his amazing new book and the question is not to get high on plans for low blood pressure. What’s the essence of that chapter?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Yeah, a very succinctly. If you look around the world, the number one cause of death study called the global burden of disease study is actually related by blood pressure worldwide. More people die related that I the heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, aneurysm rupture, that any other name disease is Pretty Amazing Statistic Ordinance. So, and there’s been a lot of discussion. New guidelines. Your blood pressure should be 1:30 over 80. So you’ve got to know your blood pressure, you can’t guess it. And then what do you do if it’s creeping up for how do you maintain a normal? Turns out large databases, especially the whole grains, legumes, a Dr.inking water tea and black coffee is a foundation for sure. Why is your foods much Richard and magnesium is their lower naturally installed. You don’t have to worry about it because just naturally don’t have much salt. Spices like cool and a fan of Greek and some others on food to be great thing. That natural spices that are out of a specific foods, bates lower blood pressure, it lowers blood pressure, lowers blood pressure, but just a generally a plant died. Percent animals will tend to favor. Probably you’re going to lose some weight which will help the, uh, march to a normal blood pressure too. But yeah, some people get off of medication because they’ve decided they’ll change their lifestyle and do what needs to be done to control and return there.

Reena Jadhav: Are there any specific plants that are your favorite or reducing blood pressure?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Um, you know, if you can enjoy beets, beets are probably my top of the list. Particularly go to the grocery store. You see the beats with all other Greens. Beetroot, whether you saute, whether you just that whole thing. If you’re eating beets or your blood pressure, but you’re using scope and Listerine to make your breath friendly and enjoyable. You actually may be negating the benefit of beets in Greens and such. You need some little bacteria on your tongue to utilize to its fullest, some of these green leafy foods, and you actually kill those little for bacteria. It’s cruel, uh, with this Dr.eam scope. So stop doing that. Get some kind of natural non-alcohol and that man antibacterial mouthwash if you want, or brush your teeth a lot for the upgraded to like thinking of Tom. So it’s just one that comes to mind.

Reena Jadhav: It got acquired and they messed up with ingredients and I know

Dr. Joel Kahn: they changed the, uh, the, the packaging isn’t a stainless steel anymore.

Reena Jadhav: Added a bunch of stuff in it too. Um, you know, honestly, I love just the regular Trader Joe’s blog. There’s a couple of new ones out there. I actually find that people who complain a lot of bad breath, you know, you’re trying to clean the teeth, but it’s not the teeth that’s poor digestion really reflects it. So you’re trying to fix, you’re trying to get in the mask the problem by killing as you said, the good bacteria that’s completely counterproductive. Um, so that was chapter five. Let’s talk about chapter six. Hello, goodbye. Cholesterol. What is that connection between plants until last fall?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Well, um, it’s a fundamental biochemical certainty, but people don’t know what your blood cholesterol is at a certain level because of the two sources of cholesterol your liver makes. Then it dumps it into your bio and it gets into your intestines and then you will absorb it from your intestines boot cluster in your bloodstream. So the other stores are dietary and plants don’t have cholesterol, only chicken, eggs, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, lamb, bacon, sausage. Now there is no cholesterol and have been. There’s no cholesterol because it’s an animal made. Animals have the liver. So if you’ll find me a, been there as a liver, make cholesterol, but it doesn’t exist. There’s no banana that has delivered so you cannot. So you can obviously reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body by eating plants exclusively or mainly plant foods. And that will impact your cholesterol. Now, uh, that.

Dr. Joel Kahn: And that’s a good thing to do in general. Studies are clear as day. If you had to pick a cholesterol to lead your life at 1:50, two 80, you’re much more likely are stroke aneurisms and many patients that got serious change your diet, learned how to make a bean soup, cholesterol without medication fell under points. Well, that’s pretty impressive. I had one of them today. Um, so anyway, it’s a good route. Some people are doing strictly a plant diet and they’re still got a high cholesterol because genetics is a factor and you might have to use a variety of medicines or natural add on to what foods specifically lower. Actually soy products like organic Tofu at a Tampa. Almonds are a good one, a good one. These are some studies out there and review them in the book.

Reena Jadhav: Oh, that’s right. Well, in chapter seven, which is all about plants. Grow plants, not cancer cells.

Dr. Joel Kahn: You know, there’s no, you don’t want to oversell. There are people that have eaten blend diets and develop a cancer. It’s a very complex process of diet, stress, and sleep of toxins of genetics. Um, however, on average studies in Loma Linda say many of the cancers are less common in people, I’d have plant science, certainly breast cancer, prostate cancer are two of the big ones. Um, and there’s some data the other way of course, strong strong data from the World Health Organization that processed meats like bacon, sausage, Pepperoni or related to cancer of the colon. So strongly that the World Health Organization two and a half years ago and said, you know, bacon isn’t a risk. Bacon Causes Cancer causes cancer. It’s sad, but that’s ignored by the medical community has ignored by our hospital system. There should, it should be illegal to serve bacon in a hospital. It should be illegal to give kids hot dogs and a chilDr.en’s hospital because the data was reviewed so carefully. And so, you know, I don’t want you to really oily dogs, but I’d rather eat processed red meat substitute everywhere. You can lower your risk and if you’re getting therapy for cancer, you do want to keep your calorie count up, eat a plant-based diet full of vitamins and nutrients and fiber and such. Um, there’s a unique plant program called [inaudible], which is a dietary program during chemotherapy that has some very promising data, but nobody’s curing cancer with ground beef and all that stuff.

Reena Jadhav: Which plants are your favorite for someone who does have cancer and is looking to make a couple of minor changes as soon as you get very freaked out with big changes, what would be the top one, two, or three plans that you’d say start today if you have cancer and these plants have got to be a part of your diet?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Yeah. First would probably be the family called the BRASSICA family. Some people come cruciferous vegetables, but we’re doing a shout right here to Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts to back to Greens and bitter Greens like mustard greens, Collard Greens will Wasabi Horseradish. Many, many. I think there’s about 30 to 40 of vegetable brassica family, but just Broccoli. Um, if you eat raw broccoli, steamed Broccoli, don’t cook the heck out of it. Uh, there’s just an amazing series of chemicals that have a strong influence on cancer cells. Cancer cells. The second might be mushroomed. Mushrooms are very rich in vitamin D, which helps your immune system and there’s another component, a mushroom called Beta Glucans, but you could just get the plain old cheap white button mushrooms, and if you’ve had breast cancer and you have a habit of eating those plain, all white button mushrooms, your risk of recurrent breast cancer goes down like it does with soi felt organically last to give a shout out to Tumeric, Tumeric, Tumeric, Tumeric, looks like a worm route or your shave it. Of course, they Dr.ied spice. Tumeric is amazing.

Reena Jadhav: I love all of those and they’re such wonderful. Took these. I think one of the challenges we face as you know, when you started to transition to a plant-based diet from having bidding knee dominant eater is recipes and Dr. Joel, you’re an amazing recipe, so those of you listening to this book masterclass and make sure you pick up the book and check out the rest of the transition. Yeah, there you go. As a

Dr. Joel Kahn: 21 days, eating bland with recipes, I see it right there. I don’t go home every night. Read my own book.

Reena Jadhav: I will give one quick recipe for meat eaters, take those mushrooms, grind them up in a blender, so kind of the small fine grain ground up and cook it and just coconut Aminos in basil and it almost tastes like basil chicken so you can fool yourself into thinking you’re eating basil chicken with this, ground up a mushroom blend with the basil leaves and some Cilantro in there as well. All right. We are onto the next chapter which is chapter eight, which is beans, not butter for better brains. What is the being connection with the brands because I know there’s a lot of very worried about our brains space days,

Dr. Joel Kahn: right? The bigger topic of eating for better brain health beans and all the other plant-based options. So it’s a bit controversial right now. Uh, and I go through this. Two books came out in 2017 reporting different eating plans for the brain. Both are written by people with the book I like and I reference it is called Alzheimer’s solution and it’s written by two doctors in low Melinda, that husband and wife team named Sherzai. That’d be with him tomorrow. I’m excited to see that we get and they have and Dr. Neal Barnard has very strong data at a plant-based diet if you want to keep your cluster all actually low magnesium and the Broccolis the chemicals and then in fact, in one of the biggest causes of dementia, his arteries are getting clogged up. It’s called vascular or blood best. Go ahead and enjoy your bacon, your greasy Burgers, your meat based, that cheese baked chicken-based diet, and that’s much more likely to plant-based Diet.

Dr. Joel Kahn: So, um, you know, there’s also, although it’s the only plant that may not be great for the brain, certainly it’s a lot of controversies, is a coconut oil. Coconut oil is not a plant coconut plant or processing it, just all the fat out leaving all the fiber and the carbohyDr.ate or protein or whatever else they do in the process. So there is a bit of controversy about that. The comment is made off in the brain is 60 percent fat. So eat butter, eat lard, eat animal flesh that has animal fat in it. It’s simply not true. Um, Okinawa, Japan, until recently that KFC is there at probably the longest longevity in the world with great brain function and they have very, very lower fat diets because they eat a lot of plants, potatoes, and no other spices and all and very little in the animal world and great brains. And there are other examples. Clamps for brains. Keep your arteries open throughout your brain. You’ll have better brain function. There’s some good data that depression, anxiety may go down. Your gastrointestinal system is more stable where the plant diet naturally low in hormones, antibiotics, and as your gi tract is healthier off in your brain and mood lifted.

Reena Jadhav: What’s your favorite plant for the brain?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Back to turmeric again, because some very clear data that Alzheimer’s rates student association, but find a pocket where people naturally have a lot of turmerics which is using portions of India and there’s usually very low like dementia rates in those areas. So that would be number one. Blueberries, blueberries, brain berries are very rich and tax instead of walnuts. Great stuff.

Reena Jadhav: Yeah, I’ve heard about walnuts for sure. You know, it looks like a brain, so it’s good for your brain. All right, onto the next chapter, chapter nine, grow plants, not autoimmune diseases, and of course, we have a whole lot of autoimmune diseases. The numbers are something like 50 million people have been diagnosed and we’re spending billions of dollars, so how can someone switching to a plant-based diet help their autoimmune? What do you talk about in this chapter?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Find the science there and what we do know is there’s this fancy word called inflammation word as he has incited the word flame, flame on fire, your flyer, your kidneys and fire your brain on fire. Your blood vessel. It’s not a good process. You can measure it with blood work or you can see other in a physical exam and we do know that animal-based foods, even if you’re maybe buying grass-fed, free-range, animal-based foods, absent chemicals in them that can’t be pulled out, that do favor inflammation. Whereas plant-based diet is usually causing anti-inflammatory diet, but you want to make sure you get lots of plant-based Omega three, lots of flaxseeds, Chia seeds, lots of hemp, walnuts and nuts and alternative inflammatory. So there are some Dr.amatic published examples of diseases as serious as Lupus being reversed and a plant-based diet. The psychiatrist in Houston, Texas was probably the leading.

Dr. Joel Kahn: You’ve got the examples. Serena Williams, a Wimbledon champion and her autoimmune Dr.y eye synDr.ome called Sjogren’s going away. Of course, that’s a story in the news that seems pretty true. Dr. John McDougall and Santa Rosa, California has published from science. We need more. We need more data, we need more science, but they anecdote the case reports, the Facebook users group report, so cleaning up the Diet and replace your giant Green smoothies. Rich and flaxseed, giant salads, beans and such. Um, I haven’t been very encouraging. So I would encourage anybody dealing with an autoimmune disease. Look at Diet as a pathway to restoring health and, uh, read the chapter in the book and give it a try because you couldn’t have a side effect by adopting a healthy plant-based diet.

Reena Jadhav: Absolutely. Down to chapter 10, which is the plant power, gi tract and kidney systems. It’s interesting. Our poor kidneys don’t get a lot of love or attention. And you’ve talked about the kidneys in this book. So share a little bit more about how does plant powered diet help with the GI tract, but more importantly with the kidney.

Dr. Joel Kahn: Well, there’s directly and indirectly, indirectly. If a plant-based Diet I write about lowers your risk of diabetes or reverse your diabetes. Diabetes is that number one. Number two, cause of end stage kidney disease, blood pressure. If you’re able to lose weight, lower your blood pressure with a plant-based diet, blood pressure is the number one or number two cause of end stage kidney disease that will benefit you. Um, and then directly, uh, we know that it is taxing for the kidneys and manage protein. There may be a different way that plant protein is handled by the kidney versus a animal protein and there again isn’t all the science we need, but there’s some isolated case reports and such that the various kidney disease and not all the various kid is due or respond to a plant and again, maybe it’s predominantly through lead trigger inflammation and blood pressure pathways, but you certainly aren’t hurting your kids when you shift your beans, beans, two beans to when you shift your Burger, a beef burger, Kale Burger, and not hurting your kidneys. You’re almost certainly favoring better health, better tolerance.

Reena Jadhav: All right, onto the next chapter, which is a really fun chapter. Chapter Eleven, which is 50 shades of green plants and sex. All right. I didn’t think that there was a connection. I would have assumed the opposite. The more meat you eat, sort of, you know, the hotter,

Dr. Joel Kahn: uh, I give. I had a heart attack and my hand would just be Dr.ooping down. Think about a carrot carriage straight up and that makes. But there’s, again, I’ll say it every time. There’s a lot of science in a lot of reasons to believe a plant-based Diet as long-term sexual health performance. It’s a real problem. I mean the science says, you know, by the time men are 50 to 60, 40 slash 50 percent of men ever rectal dysfunction. We learned even just week again from the Harvard school public health. If a man’s having problem with the erectile function, it’s a very strong risk.

Dr. Joel Kahn: So if the only symptom is you need vagaries, still need your heart check. You need careful analysis. Why? Because sexual responsiveness to men and women is related to blood flow. And if you have healthy, clean arteries from reading a healthy plant diet, you’re likely to have better and sustain sexual performance your whole life. And if you have an American diet or even maybe a cleaner but me, heavy heavy chicken every day who are at risk of clogging your arteries, that’s part of it there. There are specific foods that favor artery health. We talked about selling them watermelon. I didn’t mention beet Greens, um, pine nuts and all make contributions to better performance. There’s some rumor out there, there’s actually some science at body odor as measured scientifically is more favorable and ability plants and dead animals. So the whole dating scene might be more enjoyable. So yeah, so I say switch your blue pills to blueberries and the worst thing you can do before Data in something like a sausage egg McMuffin because you will be the hot dog with no power in ours.

Reena Jadhav: Are there any specific plants that actually Dr.ives sexual performance?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Um, and so an artery-friendly one actually, uh, but it’s, uh, there’s some stuff about some spices. Cinnamon, cloves. I’m again mustards including turmeric. There’s the, uh, the berries, there’s a watermelon, there’s the green leaf feeds, particularly rubella, which I think some people call rocket in your date, eat some rapid.

Reena Jadhav: Chapter Twelve, the garden of youth. Are you saying that the Fountain of Youth is found actually in a garden in a plant?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Well, we got some suggestive data. So one piece of data. There are these famous areas in the world called blue zones that have been scientifically studied. Areas where people lived to age 100 or over more than 10 times more than the ones in Japan, ones in Greece, ones in Costa Rica, one’s in California, and it’s pretty clear that this is the real deal and none of them are meat. Heavy chicken, heavy, heavy, heavy communities. Both Okinawa and Loma Linda, California are heavily vegetarian or Vegan. Something like Greece and Italy are the typical Mediterranean, very low and traditionally red meats and high in fruit garden. Fresh fruits, vegetables. That’s one piece of data. There’s some fascinating science I talk about by Dr. Dean Ornish that he did with a Nobel prize-winning scientists, Elizabeth Blackburn that uses ESL suggests that you can actually anti-age or genes by shifting your diet to completely plant diet that’s been published and premier journals.

Dr. Joel Kahn: Um, you know, there are people that live to an old age eating all kinds of because it’s a complex situation of good luck and genetics. And the best thing is that my parents have lived on hunDr.ed, but for those of you need to just planning a plant-based Diet and longevity is a pretty good thing. I was listening to a lecture by one of the world’s leading experts on longevity and what he says, what you want to do is keep your arteries clean. So as more and more innovations come into the world of longevity, he’ll show up with clean arteries. Well, he did not jump to the conclusion I’m that particular interview to adopt a plant-based diet because there was a little biased on the diet that promotes. But I would have raised my hand, uh, if I’ve been that lead to that conclusion. Salads, casseroles been suiting jackfruit, learn some new skills.

Reena Jadhav: That makes a lot of sense. You have a chapter about plants and religion, which is the last chapter will cover in this book series. So what, what have you learned? What do you share about plants and plant-based Diet and religions?

Dr. Joel Kahn: Well, you can find a, certainly Christian groups promoting it. So, I mean the Adventist church, a worldwide being one, promoting plants only diet. You can find Jewish organizations. People are surprised. You can find Muslim organizations. Clearly Hindu, Buddhist organizations and societies, Jane, uh, in India that are very respectful of animals that are, you know, it’s, some of, it’s out of the principle of hymns and kindness and such, some of the health as much as possible. I mean, go back and many people do this to the book of Genesis. Have you read that carefully? If the human species was not fed animal products after the flood and Noah and it was sort of a concession and a plan b to allow humans to now include animals in their diet. And there are people that point to that. There are people that do the Daniel fast around Easter because of the book of Daniel saying the superior diet was a diet without any animal products. So all those things are out there. Whether people put a high priority on that or not, but it’s interesting and um, it’s knowable. And we live in a world where there’s a lot of cruelty and all and a lot of people say, peace begins in the kitchen for peace begins on your plate and not talking about slaughtering animals for food. They’re not slaughtering animals. And having a peaceful, loving diet.

Reena Jadhav: Beautifully said. Thank you so much for writing this, this great book, the plant-based solution. Let’s take a look at it one more time. Alright, well those of you watching or listening to the show notes, we’ve obviously got the link in there for you. Do not miss the recipes. They are some delicious recipes in there. Say that louder for the podcast listeners. Dr. Joel. They didn’t.

Dr. Joel Kahn: Oh, the recipes are simple. I mean, I do own a few restaurants now, but these came out of my kitchen and my dear wife Karen and we are not calling their institute of America. Train People’s up, uh, where you got overnight. Okay. So we got a lentil low. That’s my mother’s recipe movie. We got a. So we could actually probably the most popular recipe as a Nash Chickpeas Salad, which, you know, you put it in a pita, you put on a whole grain bread, you put down a lettuce wrap, a Collagen wrap, just so simple. But it’s like, it never need to fish again. When she had that

Reena Jadhav: and it’s absolutely delicious. I actually thought something he ended up. Oh my God, it is just. I am starving. I’m so hungry now. So we’re gonna. We’re gonna book masterclass series. Dr. Joel Kahn. Keep up the amazing work and for the rest of you, if you’ve ever thought about transitioning to a plant-based diet, this is the book to get started with.






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