Book Summary “No Grain No Pain” By Dr. Peter Osborne

August 10, 2018by Reena0

Book Summary “No Grain No Pain” By Dr. Peter Osborne


Read the Transcript Below the Bio

Dr. Peter Osborne is the clinical director of Origins Health Care in Sugar Land, Texas. He is a doctor of chiropractic, doctor of functional medicine, doctor of pastoral science, and a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist.

Often times referred to as “The Gluten Free Warrior”, he is one of the most sought-after functional medicine doctors in the country. His practice is centered on helping those with painful chronic degenerative and autoimmune diseases with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and food allergies. Dr. Osborne received his doctorate from Texas Chiropractic College. He is one of the world’s leading authorities on gluten sensitivity, and lectures nationally to the public and medical professionals on numerous nutrition-related topics. He is the founder of Gluten Free Society and the author of The Gluten-Free Health Solution and Glutenology; a series of digital videos and e-books designed to help educate the world about gluten sensitivity. In addition, he is the author of the bestseller, ‘No Grain No Pain’ published by Touchstone (Simon & Schuster)

Dr. Osborne has served as the executive director and the vice president of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition and is on the advisory board for Functional Medicine University.
He has been featured on PBS, Fox News, CBS,,, The Gluten Summit, and The People’s Pharmacy Radio, and many well know publications.

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Book Summary “No Grain No Pain” By Dr. Peter Osborne

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Book Summary “No Grain No Pain” By Dr. Peter Osborne



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Reena Jadhav: Hi everyone. It’s Reena Jadhav here with healthbootcamps and today we are here with Dr Peter Osborne Doing the book masterclass on his book, which I read, which was instrumental in my healing, no grain, no pain, and it’s the 31 day program for eliminating the root cause of chronic pain. Dr Osborne. Welcome.

Dr. Osborne: Thanks so much for having me. This is a pleasure being here.

Reena Jadhav: Well, it’s a, it’s a very serious topic. It’s a huge problem. And you know, I thank you for writing a book that gets to the heart of it for at least a lot of people out there with the first chapter. So the first chapter is what is the grain pain connection and how did you even come up with that relationship between the two?

Dr. Osborne: Well, I started off, my story’s very interesting. Before I wrote the book, I was working in rheumatology in the Va Hospital in Houston, and um, all of the people going through the rheumatology, rheumatology ward, you know, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, spinal arthritis, Dermato, myositis, all these chronic degenerative, very, very painful types of autoimmune diseases that affect the joints and the muscles and soft tissue. And they were just being treated with steroids and cancer medications and immune suppressants and nonsteroidal anti inflammatories and nobody ever got better. Their pain was managed great, but their quality of life was poor. The side effects of the medications destroyed their bones and destroyed their skin. And I had so many other negative and derogatory side effects. I just, I just couldn’t see. I’m just being quiet about that and being in that, being okay with that. So my one of my first, once I left the hospital, because they wouldn’t let me do any nutrition, um, we went round and round it, you know, it really is, but it is the way that it is.

Dr. Osborne: And um, you know, one of my first patients was a little girl and I wrote about her in the book and her name was ginger. She’s nine years old. She comes to me, I’m like the ninth doctor, she’s got a terminal diagnosis of juvenile juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. So, you know, her mom has literally been told by the rheumatologists, go home and get ready for your daughter’s funeral. Do you imagine that? Right. And so what makes me so mad is that I wasn’t the first doctor. I was, that I was the last doctor in this chain of many, many doctors over many, many years because this little girl had this disease from early on. That’s what juvenile onset means. And so her knees were the size of softballs and she was a tiny little thing. She couldn’t get around as a child. She couldn’t crawl, she couldn’t go to the playground and play.

Dr. Osborne: She had a permanent stent in her arm because she was in and out of the hospital so frequently for pain treatments and here I’m the last person you know, and so she comes to me and, and what we find with her as we find that she’s gluten sensitive and we eliminate gluten from her diet, and of course her pain starts to go away. We get the stent out of her arm, she’s off of all of her medications at. This was 17 years ago, so today this little girl is now a young woman who’s graduated high school in college and has gone on from the six months. That sentence right to going on and living a fruitful life, all because of diet change. So when I say the grain pain or the gluten pain connection, it very, very, very much is a real thing that people don’t realize that food can be your best friend if it’s nourishing, but it can be your biggest enemy if you’re sensitive to it or allergic to it.

Reena Jadhav: That’s incredible. And what grades do you refer to when you say no grain? No pain. So gluten is clearly one. So that’s your wheat, etc. What else?

Dr. Osborne: So all grain corn, rice, gluten, wheat, barley, sorghum stuck, spelled triticale, teff, all grain, because by definition all grains contain a form of gluten. And this is one of the other myths and and, and it’s out there, is that only Wheat, barley and rye contain gluten that causes damage. But the reality is there are over. Well today there are about a thousand different forms of gluten that have been discovered in all grains. And for example, corn gluten has been shown to cost the same celiac villous atrophy as wheat gluten, a rice gluten has been shown to cause something called intero colitis, which is inflammation of the colon, right? So we have all this wonderful research in all this clinical research that’s been done that shows that people with gluten sensitivity shouldn’t just avoid wheat, barley, and rye, but they should really be on a grain free diet because it’s the protein, the family of proteins called glutens that actually trigger the inflammatory cascade in the gi tract and in other tissues of the body creating pain.

Reena Jadhav: And there’s no real way to test for like a rice gluten sensitivity or a reaction why this is all something that you just have to eliminate and experience for yourself. Or are there tests out there that could, someone could do to figure out, you know, it’s sort of a great sensitivity test.

Dr. Osborne: Yes, it’s genetic. Genetic testing can help identify gluten sensitivity genes. There are, uh, two major genes that we look at. They’re called hla dq genes and they’re on chromosome six and there are certain patterns on these genes or certain variants on these genes if the person has them. What’s gonna happen is that person’s immune system will view the family of gluten proteins as an enemy, not as a friend. And so when that person is exposed to those proteins, their body’s genetics naturally say that that’s an enemy. So they mount an immune response. So think of gluten sensitivity. You don’t even think of it as a disease. It’s not an illness, it’s a state of genetics. If you have the genes and you expose your body to the and your genes are going to attack those glutens on purpose because that’s what your genes are programmed to do.

Reena Jadhav: Incredible. Now there’s 23 and me catch this.

Dr. Osborne: No, no, you have to. It’s not that so 23 and me does. They do some snip what are called snip test. Single nucleotide polymorphism tests which can pick up on certain variants, but they do not test for all the variants associated with gluten sensitivity and they test the variants associated with celiac disease, but there are a whole nother set of variants associated with something called non celiac. Gluten sensitivity in me doesn’t pick up on that. That’s part of the problem is people will get that test done. It’s a great test, but if if they’re celiac negative, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t avoid gluten because again, that test doesn’t tell them about non celiac. Gluten sensitivity, so where do you get this test done? Gluten free is a, is a foundation that we’ve set up where people can get support going gluten free, where people can get testing to see if gluten free diet is right for them.

Reena Jadhav: Oh fantastic. All right. Chapter two, which is where does it hurt getting started in tracking your journey. Dr. Osborne. So tell us a little bit about the core essence of this chapter.

Dr. Osborne: Well, we want to make sure that anybody starting our program has a subjective and an objective starting point because you don’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’re starting from. Right? So you know, if your pain levels are very high, if they’re in your shoulders and your knees and your spine, uh, if you’ve got other kinds of pain, we want to track that so that we have an initial starting point. So this gives us the reader some information about where to fill out. It’s kind of like a, a form and a diagram and they can track the pain where it hurts the intensity of their pain, the quality style of their pain, whether it’s dull, achy, sharp, et cetera. So that they can track the changes over the 30 day program. So we’re just trying to get a fundamental basis for where a person starts.

Reena Jadhav: I’m curious because you’ve had so many patients that you’ve helped, where do majority of the people experience pain?

Dr. Osborne: So we actually classify pain in different ways. There’s physical manifestations of pain which can be muscles, joints, which is what most people think of, right? When they think of pain, they think, oh my neck hurts, or oh my back hurts. So there’s the physical manifestation, so musculoskeletal pain or joint pain, but then there’s also intestinal pain, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, sharp stabbing, cramping, pains. So we want to. We also want to make sure we’re checking for those. Those are probably two of the most common. Now there’s a third type of pain as well as neurological pain, so radicular types of pain. Some people develop neurologicAl numbness and tingling in their hands and their toes and their fingers. Some people have mysterious sharp, stabbing, shooting deep pains in their bones. So we’re, again, we’re, we’re just trying to classify as far as commonality, probably the in my office and my office is for musculoskeletal issues, so in my office, because that’s what people come to see me for. We see a lot of musculoskeletal pain.

Reena Jadhav: you don’t have a friend, dear friend, whose daughter is complaining of pain, which he says feels like it’s in her bones, and again, no diagnosis, all the tests are clear and if you come across something like that, what, how does it hurt in the bone?

Dr. Osborne: It hurts into. Well, this is actually a very, very common manifestation of chronic anemia.

Dr. Osborne: So what I mean by that is the bone inside the bone is bone marrow, right? And that’s inside the bone marrow are what are called stem cells. there are stem cells that help generate red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. And so some people, when they’re anemic, meeting anemic means that they’re not producing adequate blood elements. They’re not producing either adequate red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets. Most people think of anemia as an iron deficiency, but it’s not just an iron deficiency. If your bone marrow is being overstimulated to try to produce more blood elements because you have a deficiency in those blood elements that can actually trigger pain. We see people with chronic anemia is iron deficiency. Anemia can do it, but full eight deficiency anemia, vitamin b, 12 deficiency anemia, zinc deficiency anemias can trigger those types of deeper pain, so that’s one that’s one answer to that question. There are others, but that’s a real common one.

Reena Jadhav: Wow, that’s really good to know. All right. Chapter three, pain caused by grainflammation. Dr. Osborne, is there a connection between grains and inflammation and what is that?

Dr. Osborne: Lots of them. So what I write about in the book is not only is gluten one of the things that can cause inflammation, we dubbed the term grainflammation grain induced inflammation. Gluten is one of the proteins that we know can trigger it, but there are four other classes of proteins that are right about in the book that are commonly found in grains that have nothing to do with gluten. As an example, there’s a family of proteins called ati, amylase, trypsin inhibitors. These proteins actually shut down the pancreas. They prevent the pancreas from secreting enzymes that help a person digest, so in this case, grainflammation would be an inability to digest the food so the food rots in the gut, creating a side effect of inflammation and constipation, so that’s an example of inflammation caused by grain that’s not caused by gluten. One of the other examples I can give you is the mycotoxins grains are very high in mycotoxins.

Dr. Osborne: These are toxins produced By mold. They’re not the same thing as mold. Mold is a living thing, whereas the mycotoxin is, think of it as an exhaust and exhaust byproduct of mold, but mycotoxins suppress the immune system. They can upregulate certain components of the immune system creating, creating an inflammatory response, and they’re highly linked to cancer. So one of the biggest dietary sources of mycotoxin is grain consumption. So those are just two examples of many examples I talk about in the book on grainflammation where the components or elements of grand can actually lead to an inflammatory response systemically in a person’s body.

Reena Jadhav: And you’ve of course, I’m sure have studies where you’ve proven that someone who had a very high c reactive protein test when grains and was able to bring those numbers down. Do you see that often?

Dr. Osborne: Yeah, We see it quite often. See crpc reactive protein. We see it with esr, erythrocyte sedimentation rate. We also see it with other inflammatory factors. There’s another inflammatory factor called human transforming growth factor beta one that we’ll see come down when people go on a grain free diet. There’s another one called compliment four a or c four a, which is an inflammatory marker. they can also be reduced when people go on a grain free diet

Reena Jadhav: and as I keep hearing over and over again, you know, inflammation is the cause of pretty much every big disease out there from heart disease, diabetes, et cetera. So getting your inflammation under control obviously makes a lot of sense. Alright, well we’re onto the next chapter is all about the gut. It’s the chapter title called pain caused by imbalances in the gut. And we’re going to talk about leaky gut as well. Dr. Osborne, tell us a little bit about how is the grain consumption leading to leaky gut?

Dr. Osborne: Interestingly enough, harvard researcher where he’s at harvard now, alesio fasano’s, so I don’t take the credit for researching this, but he identified that gluten actually causes a disruption in a protein called called zonulin, so there’s this little protein inside your gut called zonulin that gluten can break apart and think of it like this. If your guts, if you’re individual gut cells, they stack and they stacked next to each other and they have these little proteins inside that anchor them together, almost like the lego blocks, the way you snap them together, right? Well, gluten gets in there penetrated and it breaks that. So what happens is we get these little microscopic pores, it opened up in between the gut cells that’s oftentimes referred to medically as intestinal hyperpermeability. So if you’re a nerd and you want to go look that up, if you type that search and you’ll find a lot of technical information, but the other term is leaky gut.

Dr. Osborne: Leaky gut means that the contents of the gut lining are quarantined away from the bloodstream. Think of your gut as as, as part of your insights, but it’s not part of your blood and that from your mouth to your anus. It’s a quarantine zone with those tight cells keeping everything out of your bloodstream, so if they break open now the ingredients of your gut can leach into the the behind the gut wall. There’s this massive quantity of immune cells called gastro associated lymphoid tissue and this tissues design to basically it’s, it’s the. It’s the stop gap, right? If, if the guts leaking, this immune system behind your gut wall tries to stop the damage from spilling over into your bloodstream. But whAt happens is some of those proteins in our food that we eat and in the bacteria that live inside of our gi tract, some those proteins have, well, they’re similar in size and structure and shape to our tissues.

Dr. Osborne: So for example, there’s a bacterial endotoxin secreted by a type of bacteria called pseudomonas that can leak in, and if our immune system sees it, will attack it. Unfortunately, this bacterial endotoxin looks a lot like cartilage, so when our immune system starts attacking that, that pseudomonas, it then starts to turn around and look at cartilage and say, hey, that looks like the bacterial toxin, let’s go attack it to, and so then it goes over and starts to create chronic joint pain through an inflammatory process, and that process is called molecular mimicry because the molecule of the toxin right mimics our cartilage. So we get molecular mimicry and immune system turns against us. That’s autoimmune disease, so leaky gut is one of the precursors to the development of autoimmune disease and that’s what this chapter is all about.

Reena Jadhav: And that was me. You know, I had a autoimmune symptoms, undiagnosed, nothing on the desk but all kinds of symptoms and at the end of the day it really was leaky gut and there was a test. What tests do you recommend for someone who is curious to figure out if they have leaky gut? And I say that’s because every conventional doctor that I, that I saw and consulted with, including two different gi said that they didn’t understand the concept of leaky gut. They certainly didn’t believe that it was just all hocus pocus, so, uh, sometimes if you go to a Conventional medical doctor, they’re not going to have even a test for you to do. But functional medicine does have tests. So talk a little bit about what tests do you recommend?

Dr. Osborne: There are several different types. You can do antibody testing against zonulin and occludin. These are different proteins that help seal the tight junctions together in the gut wall. But sometimes those are. Those are not the most accurate way. The problem with leaky gut is we know it exists, we’ve, we’ve identified it, we’ve researched it, but it’s, it’s like this leaky gut is not caused by the same things every time. It’s just like if we lined people up and they all had leaky gut, they might all have it for different reasons. So if we want with, we run one type of lab tests where we’re looking for one of those reasons for that person, we may not find it. So again, that’s in a lot of gi doctors won’t run any tests, not because leaky gut doesn’t exist, but because they don’t want. They either don’t read the literature because if they read medical literature, they would know it absolutely exists beyond the shadow of a doubt, but to because of the problem with definitive testing.

Dr. Osborne: If I run this test and it’s negative now what now you really don’t have leaky gut or do you have leaky gut? So there there are different kinds of sugar absorption tests that we can run their protein antibody tests that we can run, but ultimately we want to know really, and that part of what I talk about in the book is the 11 different causes of leaky gut. So to me it’s more important that a person who understands these are the things that cause leaky gut. So no matter who you are, if you’re controlling these 11 factors, then you don’t have to worry so much about the prolong leaky gut, creating the problem and you can actually seal the gut lining and heal.

Reena Jadhav: And what are these 11 causes of leaky gut? Well, one of them is antibiotics, right? So you think about the average person that goes to the buffet and they’re eating meat.

Dr. Osborne: It’s loaded with antibiotics, they’re getting antibiotics without taking antibiotics, a korean in the drinking water. If you don’t filter your drinking water is a form of antibiotic. Um, so, so antibiotics is one big cause. We have plastics. The chemical compounds and plastic have been shown to cause leaky gut. We have gluten. Gluten is a known factor in a known cause as a protein. Again, I told you this earlier, this was discovered at harvard, but it causes leaky gut. Interestingly enough, hot beverages can cause leaky gut and that’s right. Beverages with hot hot temperatures causing a temporary breakdown of the gastrointestinal lining. Aggressive exercise. And I’m not talking about like a high intensity interval exercise. I’m talking about the kinds where you feel like you want to puke. You know, if you see this with football players doing two a days and things of that nature where they exercise so aggressively, but aggressive exercise causes leaky gut.

Dr. Osborne: So those are some of the things that cause leaky gut that your audience can start taking action on right away.

Reena Jadhav: That sounds great. All right, well we are now off to our next chapter. It’s pain caused by grainbesity Dr Osborne. Is there a connection between grain and weight issues?

Dr. Osborne: Absolutely. If you, if you ask any farmer what’s the quickest way to fatten up their cows, they’re going to tell you to feed them more grain. What’s the quickest way to fatten up the pig? More grain in the quickest way to fatten up the chicken. More grain. So there’s a connection in farming and there’s certainly a connection in humans. And uh, and, and one of the reasons why that connection exists is because a lot of the grain based products that are out there, aside from gluten sensitivity, gluten sensitivity, a lot of them are super, super high in sugar and carbohydrates.

Dr. Osborne: The processed ones, particularly without much fiber. And so what happens is that person eats those sugars in mass quantities because our food guide pyramid, most doctors will tell you your diet should be 60 to 70 percent carbohydrate. And so people are eating bread, pasta, cereal, donuts, thinking I am getting great and it’s good for me. It’s vegetarian, right? No, it’s not. It’s all that excessive carbohydrate does nothing but convert to triglycerides inside your body. So if you’re over consuming carbs, what happens to those carbs? Does your body converts into fat? That’s what a triglyceride is, and then you start storing them. Now the other component, and we talked about this earlier, is we talked about grain creating inflammation in one of the side effects of inflammation is a hormone called cortisol. Now important note your cortisol. If you inject somebody with cortisol or if somebody takes an oral corticosteroid hormone, what does it do?

Dr. Osborne: It causes them to swell. It costs them to get puffy. It causes them to retain. Water causes them to gain weight. If you’re eating a food day, they causes your body to make more cortisol. You’re going to gain the weight too. And what happens when a person gains weight, their joints hurt more because they’re carrying more on their shoulders. They’re carrying more on their knees, they’re carrying more than their hips. So then as they’re, as they’re gaining weight, they don’t want to exercise, right, because it hurts to exercise, so they get stuck in this vicious cycle of weight gain cost by overconsumption of grain, then they’re ending up in pain, then they avoid exercise. Now when they’re avoiding exercise, they gained even more weight and the cycle never stops. And then where doctors come in is they give a drug, right? They give a pain medication and unfortunately the pain medications, and I’m going to go back to the last chapter, the pain medications, particularly things like ibuprofen, naproxen.

Dr. Osborne: So the nonsteroidals cause leaky gut, that’s one of the other causes of leaky gut. So then that sets the stage for pain induced by autoimmunity. So you can see where we’re just creating one problem and trying to solve it with a medicine, without ascertaining the origin of the issue can create a new problem. It makes the first problem even worse.

Reena Jadhav: And that’s why we have the epidemic that we do. And that’s why we have literally millions of people sick with chronic illness because we haven’t figured out how to address the root cause of it. So which is why thank you so much for again, writing this book and helping people to understand what the root cause might be. Now you say, you know, carbs, convert grains, convert to sugar. That creates an issue. I was able to do 15 months, but no grains, but I think for the rest of the world, they are horrified at the thought of of having even a day without some grains.

Reena Jadhav: So often grains that are out there, what is the least harmful one? Like if you were going to eat a grain of all the grains out there, what is the one grain you’d say, all right, if you’re going to do an exception, that’s the grain I recommend

Dr. Osborne: Great question, but I don’t deal with exceptions. I deal with. I do a deal with absolutes because exceptions lead the slippery slopes and if you give a person permission to cheat on the diet with one thing, then the next thing that happens is they say, well, this one can’t be that bad either, and then that slowly trickles back in. So again, I go back to testing. If you’re genetically gluten sensitive, there is no exception to the rule. If you’re not genetically gluten sensitive and you’re just saying what kind of grain can I eat? You just want to make sure that whichever one you’re choosing is organic from heirloom seed and it’s being properly produced where it’s the whole grain in it sprouted form.

Dr. Osborne: Okay? Otherwise what happens is you’re getting a highly processed rain with other additives and other dough conditioners and other chemicals and that’s not good for you,

Reena Jadhav: but you’re not going to pick better or um, and, and seeds are different from grains, right? I want to again clarify this because I know I used to get confused between what’s a green and lots of scene I used to wonder, hey, is a grain and she is actually a seat and you’re saying seeds are okay, right?

Dr. Osborne: They can be and they can’t be. So, so from this perspective, well let me answer the first question. All grains or seeds, not all seeds or grains, grains are defined as the seeds of grass. Okay? So that’s the differentiation. Now, to answer your second question, are other seeds, potential problems? Every seed that we know of has human poisons.

Dr. Osborne: Everyone. Now, lots of foods have human poisons, spanish as you’ve been poisoned, so I don’t want to scare people away from food and creative food phobia. I just want you to understand that when people gravitate toward seed as a staple food in their diet, massive quantities of chia, massive quantities of flax, right? We hear about these superfoods, okay? What ends up happening is understand that the seat does not want to be your food, right? The seed is a life form. It wants to continue the propagation of its own species, not be eradicated by human mouth, right? So inside of every seed lives, specialized proteins that are designed to protect the seed from predators. We look at apple seed, for example. We can extract cyanide poisoning from apple seeds. In peach seeds are peach pits, right? There are a number of different types of poisons, arsenic and cyanide and other poisons that we find in all seeds universally.

Dr. Osborne: So if you’re eating them, it can make your stomach upset and it can make you want to vomit. It can make you have diarrhea, right? So I don’t recommend when people are going through no grain, no pain, I don’t recommend seeds for the first several months, just if their guts are already in disarray because seeds are hard to digest. Right? And if we’ve got a gut that’s already compromised, it would. Let me give you another analogy. If your muscles are superstore, right? Because you worked out yesterday and they’re so sore, you can barely walk. You’re not going to go to the gym and do more exercise today. You’re going to take a little time off and let them recover and heal. Right. What’s the same thing with your gut? If your gut is so sore because it’s been damaged by years of gluten exposure or years of doing and eating the wrong foods. If you put a bunch of seed based food and it and you try to get the gut that’s already compromised to digest the seeds, it’s just going to struggle and have a harder time.

Reena Jadhav: That makes a lot of sense. What about hormones? Before we started recording, you had talked about the connection between grains and hormones and I joked about the fact that yes, you know, women over 40, like me, uh, we noticed that we can’t tolerate grains as much. If you could shed a little light on that.

Dr. Osborne: So there’s several hormones that grain can affect. There’s studies that show that grain can affect a prolactin, the hormone made in the brain. Um, and, and prolactin is important for pregnancy, right? It’s important for breastfeeding a lot of women who, who, who lose their breast milk too soon because they are over consuming potentially overconsuming grain and creating a prolactin problem. Uh, we also sometimes will see estrogen and progesterone disruption and people with great sensitivity. We know that grind can affect the thyroid. Gluten particularly can affect the thyroid creating an autoimmune response. And the thyroid, hashimoto’s and graves’ disease,

Reena Jadhav: which is again another epidemic now, it’s apparently the number one diagnosed autoimmune disease for women.

Dr. Osborne: It is, and it goes back and forth between the first and the second most common prescription drug. His thyroid medication, you know, pain and thyroid medication, kind of.

Reena Jadhav: Oh, I did not know that.

Dr. Osborne: Yeah, it’s a very common medication. So, so then we have, you know, then we have other hormone disruption and two in particular, and these are the two most common cortisol and insulin. Too much grain in creation of inflammation causes the body to overproduce cortisol, which then leads to hyper weight gain, muscle loss, bone loss. It also leads to an excessive insulin response. Remember, insulin’s job is to regulate blood sugar. And what did I say earlier about grain? It’s high in sugar. So we’d all this excessive carbohydrate in our pancreas has to overproduce insulin to keep up and compensate and when we make so much insulin over time, that’s what, that’s what people, uh, that’s, that’s the first step in diabetes, right? By the time a person develops diabetes, their insulin levels have gone down, not up, but prediabetes is their insulin is way up. Okay? So their insulin levels are, are, are compensating for their bad diet choices. But as, as their bad diet choices continue to persist, their pancreas gets tired. Okay? It only has so much reserve and then the insulin levels start to drop and we ended up with diabetes,

Reena Jadhav: which is yet another huge crisis in this country. So on the chapter about what to eat and what not to eat. Um, Dr. Osborne, my god. So you can eat grains, you can give us a full list of what we can eat.

Dr. Osborne: So I want, I want the listening audience to expand your minds of possibility here. Meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, even some small quantities of seeds, depending on the status of your gut are all acceptable. If we add all those different options that we’re looking at, well over 300 different options. If we’re talking about what’s commercially available in most grocery stores. The fact of the matter though is most people eat less than 10 fruits and vegetables. In essence, their diets are so restrictive in that way and they just haven’t expanded their mind. And there’s a learning curve with this. Part of that learning curve is what do I do with green chart? What do I do with rainbow chard? What do I do with a turnip, right? Because people just don’t cook with them so they don’t know how to cook with them or preparing them to where they’ll taste well or taste good.

Dr. Osborne: Taste is relative as you know. And so not, you know, not every vegetable or fruit is a person going to like. But my advice is that going grain free, um, you know, I, that’s why I put recipes in the book. I put 31 different recipes, one for every day. Okay. But going grain free requires a learning curve of learning how to prepare and learning how to, how to cook foods. And uh, and, and so that’s part of it. That’s part of the adventure. That’s part of the excitement is you get to try something new. You get to try new and new aromas and new herbs and spices and really mix it up.

Reena Jadhav: What are your favorite foods? But it comes to really trying to heal from pain.

Dr. Osborne: Gosh, I like meat. I mean, um, I, you know, I like meat cause most people, let me rephrase, not most, but a lot of the people that I see when they come in, they are in a state of chronic catabolic breakdown their bodies how are eating into their own muscle tissue to try to fight the war against the food that they’re eating.

Dr. Osborne: Right? So, so imagine your body that it’s running out of resources because you’re not feeding it right? And so it steals the proteins out of the muscle tissue to fight the war because all of these wars or immunological words, their immune system was that require vast quantities of protein antibodies to fight. And this is why people with cancer waste, that’s called caixa. They’ve wasted away. This is why people with autoimmune disease, initially they’re overweight, but over time they start to waste away. They start to really, their muscle mass starts to deplete. There are a lot of people who are what we call skinny fat. They’re, they’re thin, but they’re under muscled. They don’t have muscle tone because their bodies have been eating their muscle tissue. So I like protein, but high biological value protein to help that person’s immune system recovery to help them as they start to become capable of doing more physical activity to build lean muscle.

Dr. Osborne: I’m not talking about building herculean bodies. I’m talking about building lean muscle so that their bodies redevelop. Resiliency. Okay. For the future. Because the number one factor, if we can take away all the science and take away all the noise, we can choose only one thing that would keep a person alive longer. Pretty much everybody in science agrees there’s, there’s two, but one of them is maintaining your muscle mass as you age. Oh, interesting. Okay. And the name for not doing that it. Sarcopenia means age related. Muscle loss. Okay. So the one of the factors that we can predict an early death is if a person has sarcopenia, the other one is eating too much, just overeating. Right? So that’s, that’s the other one is one, don’t ever eat too much. You want to do the least quantity of damage to yourself. Stay physically active as long as you can in your life.

Dr. Osborne: And don’t use your age as an excuse to not exercise or not be moving and to don’t ever overeat. Stay away from the buffets and the glutinous, you know, food celebrations that so many people want to put on and, and eat less as opposed to eating more.

Reena Jadhav: That makes a lot of sense. Alright, well on our next one we are going to talk about supplements, but before we go to awesome and give us your favorite recipe. What do you eat in a given day? Tell us about your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Dr. Osborne: So every morning I always start off my day with, with uh, with a high intensity interval training exercise. So I, I knocked that out first thing and then I drink a, it varies from 15 to 40 minutes, depends on who I go to. I have a gym that I go to, it’s a crossfit gym and so whatever they’ve got for the day I do it.

Dr. Osborne: So then I drink a protein shake and the protein shake has collagen protein and it has grass fed beef protein in it. And uh, and I mix that with strawberries and water. And, and uh, the strawberries are frozen organic strawberries so blends in nice shape.

Reena Jadhav: So that’s my question for you. So what protein do you take given, you know, most of the proteins that are out there that are popular anyway, have way in them.

Dr. Osborne: Yeah. So we actually, I have my own formulation. It’s, it’s a, it’s called ultra pure protein is what it’s called. And if anybody wants to pick something like that, if they can go to gluten free and hit the shop button. It’s gluten free, it’s grain free, it’s dairy free, it’s free, it, it fits all the rules for the no grain, no pain process, but that’s my post workout drink.

Dr. Osborne: And then for breakfast I do a couple of days either a hard boiled egg scrambled and I, if I scramble them all, use a little olive oil and then a, a big pile of spinach or chard or leafy greens. Uh, I always organic. And then I sprinkle pecans or almonds a over the top. And I said I’d put blueberries over the top of that. I don’t use salad dressing at all. The blueberries are my salad dressing and uh, and, and depending on what else they have, I like purple cabbage too. Sometimes I’ll use shredded purple cabbage and uh, and put that over the top of it or shredded carrots over the top of it. So, uh, that’s, that’s usually breakfast and uh, and I don’t eat my breakfast until around noon, so I’ll drink my shake right after my workout and I won’t eat my breakfast till around noon.

Dr. Osborne: So really I don’t. Everybody says breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s really not. Most people do really well with a late breakfast or more of a lunch. And what that does is it gives your gut time to rest, right? Just part of the healing process. And then for dinner it’s shit. It’s typically some type of meat and in several different types of vegetables. So the meat will always be, if it’s beef, it will always be grass fed. If it’s chicken, it will always be free range. Organic. If it’s Turkey, the same thing. If it’s fishy, it will always be wild caught. Or if we will have wild game, if we’ve got, you know, sometimes we have family members that bring us venison or elk or other things, so we’ll eat, we’ll eat those things when they’re available as well. And then vegetables, just depending on what’s in season.

Dr. Osborne: We really try to do seasonal rotation pretty well. So if the asparagus has coming in, we like to get the asparagus or other things that we liked. We’d love cabbage. I’m a german so we do a lot of cabbage, a lot of a shredded cabbage and sauerkraut and things of that nature. Who love brussel sprouts and cruciferous, like broccoli and cauliflower. So, you know, it just depends on, on, on what my wife is in the mood for cooking that night or if she asked me, I’ll give her my opinion, but it’s very neat. Vegetable heavy. What about a treat? I didn’t even know. I mean from a trade perspective, fruit is a treat for me. Um, you know, so some of my favorite fruits are the berry family. So blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, also good when they’re in season. And then a additionally to that, occasionally I’ll have a banana, I don’t do too many of those, but, but I do, if I’m really, if I’ve really sweated a lot in a day, I’ll have a banana because of the electrolyte properties, cantaloupes and excellent treat full of potassium a.

Dr. Osborne: So again, if you sweat a lot cantaloupes, a great treat for the summertime, watermelon is a great treat for the summertime. If you can find it again, always organic. So fruit is really the biggest treat that that for us now we do. Sometimes we’ll do like little paleo treats. One of the things I like to do is I like to take um, peaches and slice them up and put them in a, in a pan, and then we’ll sprinkle a little bit of almond flour and sentiment over the top of that. And then we’ll, we’ll bake them like a cobbler. And so what happens is the, is the peaches as they cook the sugar from the, from the peaches will interact with the almond flour and create like a crumbling crust almost. So you don’t need the grain in it. Uh, it makes a really, really sweet and delicious a treat, if you will.

Reena Jadhav: I’m going to have to try that. And we are on the chapter about supplements. So that tells us what supplements do you recommend?

Dr. Osborne: There are a number that I recommend for somebody who’s just really trying to get started and improving their health and reducing their pain. But number one on the list is as a strong multivitamin and that’s because most people with chronic pain and autoimmunity are malnourished in some way and they need everything they need. The b vitamins, they need the fat soluble vitamins, they need vitamin c. So a really strong multivitamin. Now you’re taking like a one a day where it’s one pill a day. That’s not a strong multivitamin. If a good multivitamin, you’re going to need to take anywhere from four to six a day, meaning meaning otherwise you’re not getting that much from it. The dose is in or, or it’s going to be this big of a pill, right?

Dr. Osborne: Um, so to be realistic about it, you’d want to have a multivitamin that, that you take consecutively with each meal so that you’re getting strong levels of all of the nutrients in you. But from a pain perspective, we’re talking about pain and inflammation modulating pain. One of my favorites is tumeric. Tumeric is a very potent anti inflammatory. It’s probably one of the most well researched and most effective. Another one is skullcap. Another one is ginger. Ginger has very another root vegetable, just like tumeric. It’s as very, very potent anti inflammatory properties and then beyond tomorrow. So tomorrow would be my first go to. And then secondary to that would be two things. Number to say secondary. You’re asking me which one? So, and I would throw a lot at somebody if they were in chronic pain, but omega three concentrated epa and dha has been shown to be more effective at pain reduction, uh, if not just as effective, more effective than ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti inflammatories.

Dr. Osborne: But you have to have high enough doses. So when we’re talking about you can’t just get away with one or two fish oil pills. You’ve got to take four to six grams, sometimes as many as eight to 10 grand to get those levels high enough to, uh, to have that pain and inflammatory modulating effect. So omega threes high on the list of, uh, of supplements that help with pain. Another one is proteolytic enzymes, proteolytic enzymes. These are basically these are in xyz that, that block and bind and regulate inflammatory processes so they can be very, very effective. A lot of doctors are using them now for cancer because of the inflammation and cancer, but they worked remarkably well for chronic joint pain. Uh, they worked remarkably well for people with chronic muscle pain. Part of what they do is they help thin the blood and when you keep the blood nice and thin, you get better delivery of all the other nutrients into the tissue.

Dr. Osborne: So if the blood is thick and sluggish, you know, it’s not going to push into those deeper tissues. The smaller blood vessels that your heart has to work harder. Sometimes the blood vessels get, you know, basically they get sluggish and, and, and the nutrients can’t get through as effectively. So we become now nurses, result of the blood being too thick, sugars, one of the things that makes that blood thick. So that’s going back to what we said before, but proteolytic enzymes naturally thin the blood and naturally helped with pain. Another one that I like a lot for for pain reduction, and this is more along the lines of just joint a joint pain, is msm and contrite and glucose and meeting probably I’m probably one of the most well sold over the counter supplements of all time, is glucosamine and chondroitin in simply because it works.

Dr. Osborne: It’s effective. Now, chat to all this supplements, you should not be used to control pain. Supplements can be used to improve the quality of life and improved nutrition, but you should not just take supplements without changing your diet and lifestyle because if you take supplements to mask your pain, it’s no better than taking drugs to mask your pain. You’re allowing yourself to have a false sense of confidence that the pain is gone or diminished and you’re allowing yourself to continue to make the same lifestyle mistakes that lead to the pain in the first place. So very, very important if you’re going to use pain based supplements to improve your quality of life, it’s also important that you change your life, that you’re not dependent on those supplements for the rest of it.

Reena Jadhav: That makes so much sense. You know, I feel like sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit for the kind of changes we can make. And so we continue to feel like, well, I couldn’t possibly make those changes. You know, god, Dr. Osborne you’re making. You’re saying I can’t eat pizza. You’re saying I can’t go out with my friends and you know, have a nice I hot lunch. I, I’m just making this stuff up. But you know, you’re listening to this. What’s going in your head? Right? Oh my god, I cannot do this and I’m here to tell you yes you. If I could do and I was a sugar addict, like nobody else out there. If I could do it, you can do it. I think sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit for the fact that we absolutely can make these changes and continue down the path with the changes being longterm changes.

Reena Jadhav: And so that’s where you, of course, you know our health bootcamps comes in, you know, our boot camps are designed to help you make that initial very quick, rough transition from kind of where you are here to where you want to be, which is here, which is pain free, write lots of pain, lots of history, lots of inflammation, leaky gut to pain, free, healthy guts, strong long, happy life. So you can actually enjoy life. So we gave you that little foundation, but you absolutely can do it on supplements. Quick question, I hear it’s expensive. Pee. I, your liquids are better. Then, um, the, the pills. Um, I hear food based multivitamins are better than the ones made in a lab. Where do you come out? And all of these men, there’s so many myths around multivitamins. It’s, it’s a multibillion dollar industry. So I feel like sometimes we don’t always get the truth about vitamins.

Dr. Osborne: Yeah. There’s an opinion for every person that you ask, you’re going to get one. And I’m the, here’s where I look at it. I’m a clinician first. So when I’m, when I’m trying to decide what types of things that I’m going to use in my clinic, first of all, there’s got to be fat, sound and solid research. If there’s not sound and solid research, then you know, ultimately I’m not going to entertain it yet right now with my patient. So once I know their sound and solid research, then it’s a matter of what is the research done, what did they research on? So there’s different forms of vitamins, there’s different forms of nutrients. There are different delivery methodologies and it depends very much on the person. I have multiple forms of vitamin c in my clinic and my pharmacy simply because the same vitamin c is not the right vitamin c for every person.

Dr. Osborne: I have multiple types of b vitamins. For example, there’s for vitamin b, 12, there’s methyl cobalamine, there’s a dentist, cobalamine, there’s hydroxy cobalamine, there’s cyanocobalamin. Which one is right for the person? Depends. And that’s part of what we do. We do individualized testing to try to discern which one is right for the person. Which one does that person need? What is the dose? What is the delivery that’s best for them? Because look, the reality is a certain powdered vitamin c might have better deliverability, but if a person’s not going to drink the powder and they’re not going to be compliant with it, the pill is better. Does that make sense? So it depends largely on the person and their preferences and their and their capacity to comply. And two, it depends on the uniqueness of what’s happening within that person. If their gut is destroyed, we can go orally, we can do, we can do injection. So it just varies.

Reena Jadhav: Okay. No, that makes a lot of sense. But it also sounds like there isn’t one type that’s better. So it’s not that no liquids are always better than pills. You’re saying it just depends on the individual, which is great. Next chapter is all about what else might be causing pain beyond the grain and food? Dr. Osborne. What have you found in dealing with a lot of your patients? What else causes pain?

Dr. Osborne: Lots of different things. Mold toxicity in the environment. So many people in Texas and south Texas, we live on the gulf, we see it with your genes and Mississippi and Alabama and Florida, lots of mold mold in the homes. They can grow into home and mycotoxins. It can create chronic illness. That’s one thing. Beyond food, right, we see heavy metals lead and aluminum and mercury and arsenic and cadmium are very, very common family. Liam toxicity is very, very common, so we see people with heavy metal buildups internally. They bioaccumulate these metals from the environment over the course of their lifetime and their illnesses make it harder to detox. That’s easier for them to accumulate metals once that accumulation begins and it can be very disruptive of their chemistry, very disruptive of their health. So those are two probably two of the biggest ones that we always want to make sure that we’re testing people for, especially if their history where their home is flooded or you know, for mold or if they have a history where they’ve worked in a factory or they’ve worked in an area or they’ve had more more shots or vaccinations in the average person.

Dr. Osborne: Some of these shots have mercury and cadmium minimum, so we want to, again, we want to take that history into consideration, but one other thing is food, food, chemicals, so I shouldn’t really say food, I should say what people get in their food. So food dyes, food, preservatives, um, there are a number of different compounds and chemicals that are used consistently from day to day and the industry, for example, when you go and you buy a jar of pickles at the grocery store, one of the food preservatives is sodium benzoate or benzoic acid, which can, for some people can pose a very, very big problem. So we also test for those as well. We test to see if persons racked up the food chemicals, if the reactive to environmental chemicals, what’s in their perfume, their cosmetics, et cetera. We want to know if their exposure to heavy metals as high and we want to know if they have mold toxicity. Those are some of the main ones.

Reena Jadhav: What about emotions? Have you gone into that area of helping people that might just carry so much emotional baggage that it’s manifesting as pain?

Dr. Osborne: I have, yeah, I’m actually, I’m a doctor of pastoral science as well and so we, we oftentimes do get into emotions and lifestyle because it’s, for some people it’s just as important as food and for some people it’s more important. They don’t have so much of a food problem, but there are an abusive relationship. They’re in a job that sucks their soul every day and they’re just not happy in their fulfillment and their purpose in life or they’ve got some past traumatic history that they haven’t coped with or they haven’t dealt with efficiently or effectively. So emotional trauma can be a major, major contributing factor to these

Reena Jadhav: folks as well. Alright, well the next one we’re talking about how big the right. Dr. Osborne. So where do you start? Where does the patient who says I’m so full of pain? No one can diagnose me and I have friends, I have friends, kids who are in that state right now. What do you recommend? How does someone go by finding the right doctor to help them?

Dr. Osborne: That’s a tough question because in functional medicine there are, there are a few major training programs across the United States. There’s no official residency for doctors. There’s no official internships for doctors, so it’s all pretty much done postgraduate. Um, and so what you’re looking for as your, first of all, you’re asking around with family and friends, who do you know, who’s got it, who’s got a reputation, who, who has actual past clientele or past patients that can speak on that doctor’s behalf because nothing speaks louder than results. Secondly, we definitely want to see what kind of training the doctors have in medical training is not a necessity. A lot of people think medical doctors are smarter. A lot of people think that medical doctors are somehow better educated. And, and disclaimer, I’m not a medical doctor, I’m a chiropractor. I’m a, I’m a doctor of pastoral science.

Dr. Osborne: I’m board certified in clinical nutrition and uh, and, and so, you know that disclaimer, so I’m not a medical doctor and I’m not saying that medical doctors are bad or that there aren’t smart functional medicine doctors that are medical doctors too. It’s just the training for a medical doctor versus let’s say the training for a chiropractor or a naturopath is vastly different in the sense of natural medicine and so I’m a medical doctor is actually at a disadvantage unless they go to school a lot longer in a postgraduate fashion to get that experience and to get that education because it’s not at all taught in medical school. Nutrition is not even a class that’s taught in medical school. The average doctor gets less than seven hours of nutritional training in the seven hours that they get is not nutritional training. It’s anti nutritional training. It’s how bad his nutrition, it doesn’t really do much so don’t worry about it so much and then I’m serious.

Dr. Osborne: That’s the training that most medical schools have, so understand that if you’re seeking a medical doctor because you have this false belief that somehow medical doctor somehow better versed in functional medicine, you might be looking in the wrong location. That being said, there are some great medical doctors who are also functional medicine doctor, so look for doctors trained in functional medicine and that will usually be somewhere on their website or somewhere in there in their name, right. If you look at the initials behind their name, some doctors will make the claim that they’re there. They’re certified through functional medicine university to what of were places I went. I also went and got a diplomat with the american clinical board of nutrition. Some doctors will claim a expertise through in the institute for functional medicine or the institute for integrative medicine, so there are different training programs that are out there, so just make sure that the doctor has gone through one of these training programs and then the next one is the next and the most important question to ask is because the doctor could in practice 30 years, but 25 years into practice, they decided to do functional medicine.

Dr. Osborne: Don’t base the length of time the doctor’s been in practice and don’t make the assumption that all of those years of practice experience our functional medicine experience. Because a lot of doctors are jumping ship from medicine onto the functional medicine side and they’re brand new at it. They’re green behind the ears and they may not be the most experienced and that, you know, look, everybody has to start somewhere. Right? But if you’re chronically ill and you’re looking for somebody who’s vastly experienced, then the question that you want to ask is, does the doctor have functional medicine certification and how long has the doctor had that certification and how long has the dot been implementing functional medicine in their practice? Because there are some doctors who are certified in functional medicine. I have one next door to me who don’t practice functional medicine, so they have the certification, but they don’t really practice by it, so it’s important. This is why it’s important to ask a neighbor, ask a friend, ask the relative if they know someone. Because honestly, in the entire country of the United States, I could probably say there are somewhere in the neighborhood of four to 500 functional medicine doctors that are good and experience that actually practice functional medicine. So there’s not a lot of them. No.

Reena Jadhav: That’s a really small number. Is that directory available somewhere so someone can say, look, I don’t have any friend that knows any functional doctor, what do I do where, and to your point, I’ve. That was me two and a half years ago, and they said, well, go to the website, into the functional medicine training institutes website and you’ll find a doctor there, but there was so little information. There’s nothing curated with says, hey, here’s exactly what you just said. Here’s the four to 500 doctors that are available and you can trust them because they’ve actually been practicing. Where is that information?

Dr. Osborne: There isn’t the place. There’s no accumulated place. I mean I trained doctors in postgraduate. We actually have doctors coming in next week to shadow me and so what I try to do is I try to. I try to have a place and it’s my foundation wouldn’t precisely dot or a. There’s a, there’s a tab at the top that says doctors and if you click on that, there’s a map and so we try to map some of the ones that have come through some of our training, but even with that, so just that you know, even with that, just because they’ve come and done some training, it’s still, you still want to ask those questions because a doctor can do the training, but if they don’t apply the training then they don’t gain the wisdom and experience from the application of the training and that’s what makes a dr great is the application of knowledge and the gaining of experience from that, from that application. Because you know the old saying, knowledge without application is useless. Right? So you can go through a training program, you can read a book on how to rebuild a motor, but if you’ve never rebuilt a motor and you have no experience with motor building other than the book you read, you’re not going to be very good at it in the real world when variables occur. Right,

Reena Jadhav: exactly. No, that’s, that’s so helpful. Maybe at some point you’ll consider creating that directory, the next chapter, which is like, what is this 30 day program going to look like for me? So Dr. Osborne, you break the program into two parts, right? The first 15 days and then the final 15 days tell us a little bit through the first 15 days.

Dr. Osborne: It’s think of it as, as like I’m somebody who hasn’t exercised in 10 years, we’re not going to send them to the crossfit gym and have them do a massive workout. Right? So the first 15 days is kind of like, um, it’s kind of like the no grain, no pain plan light. What we’re really trying to do is eliminate some of the big categorical elements of food, the sugar, the dairy, the grain, the big things that we know we’re going to move the needle very quickly for them. The whole intent of the first 15 days is that a person experiences that benefit and they make the connection in their mind that changing their diet can change their outcomes. Right? And so once that 15 day time is over and they do notice a change and an improvement, then the rest of the rules come in the next phase. And those rules are a little bit more rigid and a little bit more stringent. We’re cutting out. The gms were cutting out certain types of night shades and other types of foods that can also be caused chronic inflammation and pain.

Reena Jadhav: Oh wow. Yeah. Great. So your program actually excludes a night shades and lagoons as well?

Dr. Osborne: It does. It does. And it eliminates seeds as well. So you know, again, it’s the second, the second half of the, of the program is a lot more aggressive, but because we want to first make sure that they understand that, that there can be a big impact so that they’re not such a skeptic going in and saying, going into the program at the beginning saying, there’s just no way I can do it and I quit. Right. I’m going to introduce them to the concept. When they feel a lot better and they feel a difference, then we introduced them to the next level of that concept and they make another leap and bound in their improvement.

Reena Jadhav: What do you think of the keto diet and is your plan similar to a keto diet?

Dr. Osborne: No. Keto diets are great if they’re necessary, so the people that really benefit from keto or chronic diabetics who can’t get their blood sugar under control. People with cancer do really well on a ketogenic diet. People with neurological diseases, autoimmune neurological diseases like ms and als do really well. I’m epileptic. Seizure disorders do really well on a ketogenic diet is actually. That’s where the ketogenic diet predominantly comes from is from studies and research done on epileptics because it it. It does so well at helping them control seizures.

Reena Jadhav: What is your diet similar to in that case? Like if someone’s listening and going, okay, so what is my second, you know, what am I first 15 days is gonna look like and what are my last 15 days going to look like? Is it more like a paleo? Like is there a particular diet that it’s similar to in terms of what you’ve removed?

Dr. Osborne: Yeah, I would say probably one of the closest closest would be you could say like a close to paleo paleo plus because it’s not just failure and a lot of what’s out there on paleo is wrong. Uh, if we look at who created paleo, loren cordain is, is the doctor who created paleo and a lot of people have bastardized his and they’ve created things that, that are in the paleo diet. For example, coffee. Coffee’s a lagoon, coffee bean juice when you’re drinking coffee, drinking juice. And so if you’re following a paleo diet and you’re drinking coffee, you’re not really following a paleo diet, but there’s so many people out there recommending, you know, coffee with, with, with butter and with everything else and they think they’re on a paleo diet and to not following a paleo diet. So to be clear, it’s closer to a paleo diet, but there are additional things beyond that paleo diet that, uh, that are necessary for people with chronic autoimmunity,

Reena Jadhav: some progressive recipe. So let’s talk a little bit about your book for these particular 30 day programs. So it includes recipes. Do you recommend two days in intermittent fasting?

Dr. Osborne: I recommend intermittent fasting. If a person can tolerate intermittent fasting. A lot of people who are diabetic or hypoglycemic don’t do so well with intermittent fasting at first, so I don’t want to throw too much at them, but one of the fastest ways to alleviate pain as fastening. Um, if you can get away with a 24 to 48 hour fast, um, it actually has more a therapeutic bang than anything else that you could do because if the, especially if the, if the pain is being caused by foods. So think of it like this. If the pain is being caused by foods and not eating takes away what causes the pain. So you experienced the quickest benefit by not eating. However, the catch 22 is you can’t fast forever, right? So then when you start reintroducing food, you’ve got to know what to reintroduce. So as not to create a massive inflammatory response when you reintroduce food.

Reena Jadhav: But this is not a fasting diet per se, right?

Dr. Osborne: No, it’s not. It’s not a fasting diet. There’s some sections in there about fasting and strategies on intermittent fasting because again, it’s 30 day program and you know, to get into advanced fasting strategies, really a lot of that stuff should be done under supervision from somebody who’s experienced and fasting.

Reena Jadhav: Absolutely. But this program can be done without supervision to someone who can just pick up your book and just follow it along. Yep. Fantastic. Other than the recipes, is there anything else that’s included in the program that you want them to do? Like supplements, etc.

Dr. Osborne: Yeah, so there’s a, there’s a supplement protocol that they can follow. We included the different supplements that we recommend. And so between supplements and diet change, we also talk about exercise and the importance of uh, what I like to call the seven fundamental habits. You’ve got to have sleep, you’ve got to have sunshine, exercise, clean air, clean water, stress management, the right food, and you’ve got to have love. You got to have love in your life. Those are very, very important healing factors. And if any one of those things are missing, then you know it can real part of your progress

Reena Jadhav: Sounds like Reena’s health pyramid, because that’s what I’ve come up with. It’s a we’ve misunderstood the cause of disease completely. We we think it’s all about the food and it’s not. It’s about six other things and loves right there. Stresses right there. Sleep is right there and if you don’t have the entire permit app work, you can’t change anything but just changing out your food like you. It really is a comprehensive program that needs to be adopted by you. Any last parting advice for someone who is in pain and really looking to turn their life around, looking to get to a life without pain? What is the one recommendation that you would make?

Dr. Osborne: Never give up. Hope to number one element. If you. If you are without hope, you were hope less and by definition you will never succeed. So you’ve got to keep your chin up and know that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Look, there are a lot of books. There are a lot of programs, there are a lot of smart doctors and smart people in this world that we live in and they’re all right there. Experiences in their, in their shared wisdoms are all correct, and so you have to find the one that resonates with you and you have to keep hope at the forefront of your thoughts and you have to push forward and you have to understand that your changes in behavioral changes in lifestyle and behavior are in necessity to get to where you want to be and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, because if they do, they’re trying to sell you something. Whether it’s a supplementary drug, um, you know, you’re, you’re the one who has the power to make the changes and to get better. No one else has that power, but there are people that can guide you through that process.

Reena Jadhav: I love that. That is so profound. And, and yes, you can, you absolutely can make that change that you need to make. Get your life back. And exactly as you said, I think there are so many different books and options out there. I personally believe, hey, try them all, you know, keep doing it until you figured it out. And this is just a 30 day program. So again, why not try it, try it, see, see how much better you feel, and if it doesn’t work, that’s great. If it works, you’re onto enjoying the life that’s pain free. How can you not give it a shot? So with that said, we wrap up our book master class on no grain, no pain. I hope you watched the entire series, share it with your friends, but someone who you know is suffering from pain. We shouldn’t have to suffer from pain. I’m praying for you and I’m telling you it is the best way to be so it would stay smiling. Dr. Peter Osborne. Keep doing the amazing work you’re doing. Thank you so much.

Dr. Osborne: Well you’re welcome and thanks for having me on.




Dr. Peter Osborne
Southwest side of Houston in Sugar Land, TX. Address is:
7616 Branford Place
Suite 110
Sugar Land TX, 77479
Phone: 281-240-2229


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